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[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

yeah im 8 n a half weeks and im eight teen and hes 44

2007-12-03 08:25:13 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

10. You wake up at 3 a.m. to go to the bathroom and stop and check if you have any new answer to your questions on the way back to bed.

9. You asked a question yesterday. You check for answers. Then you refresh the page just in case there was a new answer while you were checking.

8. You wish to be able to give people thumbs up or down in real life.

7. In the morning, the first thing you do is check for answers, even before going to the bathroom or having breakfast.

6. You know your best friends in China, Brazil, Australia and Norway better than your neighbour.

5. You raid Zoology just for some fun

4. You go to Garden & Landscape just to "get away from it all for a while"

3. You purposely stay in one category a lot just to get a "Top contributor" badge

2. You stay in one category a lot because you know all the regulars there and want to "hang out" with them

1. You're here now, reading this question and realising a lot of these points apply to you!!

2007-12-03 08:24:01 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter is in middle school and a required course is develpmental guidance. It teaches a lot about the human mind as well. Today my daughter cam home with a 45% paper. Her average is now a D. The only way she can bring up her grade is to particiapate in the new students-helping-students (the develpmental teacher started it) where students give advice to students with problems. To get in the program you need to help someone and write an essay about there problem, your adivce, and if it was fixed (if not why). My daughter is wondering if anyone has a problem she can help. If so please post it here or e-mail it to me using the link on my profile. She will pick a few to help (she will e-mail your Yahoo e-mail). Also, in the essay there won't be a name (the rule is for no names too).

2007-12-03 08:16:59 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, so today in a class I acidnentally picked up this one girls paper. I found it later and it said "My Will" I kinda got freaked out and told one of my friends and we read it together. It seemed pretty serious. My friend asked this girl (who I am not really friends with because she has some issues) and she said she took 5 of her brothers ADD pills and she did in fact want to kill herself. I am in 6th grade, should I take this seriously? I found out this afternoon so wouldn't she be dead?
Help me please

2007-12-03 08:12:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 14 and I've always been happy with my weight. My friends all think I have a flat stomach and my parents know that the people I travel with all eat loads of sweets etc. But they've told me to let them see me weigh myself and tehy want to keep a record of how much I lose, if I don't cooperate they won't give me christmas presents. They've really knocked my confidence and made me feel bad about how I look. I've tried to lose weight and I walk 2miles every day but it hasn't worked and tehy've only given it about 3weeks. I've done some tests on the internet and found that I have heavier bones but my parents aren't satified.
So far I've not cooperated as they are lowering my self esteem but I'm not sure where to go-any advice? I am trying but I don't want them to be actually watching me weigh myself. and to go runing with my dad etc.

2007-12-03 07:36:52 · 20 answers · asked by Meryl 2

I mean, on your current account. And if you lost an account before, how many notices did you get? I'm curious.

2007-12-03 07:35:56 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay so im a 13 year old. ive always been "book smart" with striaght As and high honor roll and all that jazz. ive also always been very very very "street smart" being that i lived in camden NJ then moved to newark NJ. My mom says street smart will get you far in life but brians are good to.

i also love helping people [mostly my friends] with advice.i am the advice colum in my school paper. also i have an advice website. when ever my friends have problems they always come to me for help.

today somebody said i am very "wise". how is this different from "smart"?
would you rather be "wise" or "smart"

2007-12-03 07:35:08 · 10 answers · asked by Miss Migle 1

*i know this word may not have a nice meaning and if its dirty i dont plan on doing it so please dont yell at me for asking* but what does it mean when a person says to another "im gonna shank you?" i hear it all the time and i seriously dont know and its bothering me.. thanks..

2007-12-03 07:21:40 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I went with an adult friend to get them.. and i haven't told her because i felt awkward.
I felt like if i asked her it was like saying " So mother, am i able to have sex now?' ... And it wasnt just the case.. fyi
i use all the procautions, protective etc.Anyways i just also like knowing when my time of the month is coming etc.

I have been on it for almost 4 months now,
Should i keep going on not telling her i take them?? Is it really better that way? I dont want to hurt her feelings.. i didnt go to her first, Also shes a christan.. YET i was born before she got married.

2007-12-03 07:17:12 · 8 answers · asked by StandStillLookPretty. 2

I am 14 years old and i feel like i am 9. I have 2 younger brothers one 13 and on 3. When i take a shower i have to leave the door unlocked idk why it sucks( but noone comes in) my tv has to be cut off at 9pm or i am grounded. Any thing i say wrong to the younger ones i am grounded for but when they say it to me and i tell on them or something who gets in trouble ME. I give respect most of the time and i want to start going on dates soon. Also when i am in my room i have to keep my door open so i can help with my baby brother and i am always helping with him like i have gotten so used to eat that i really can't stand it no more! How can i tell my momma and dad mainly momma that i can't take it no more i want more privacy and less to do with my brothers!!!!

2007-12-03 05:22:42 · 12 answers · asked by vaderslittlegirl 1

mine....jessica alba

2007-12-03 04:21:24 · 25 answers · asked by ♫JOSH_BE_GOOD♪ 2

I am a guy that doesnt want kids right now. But it doesnt mean I dont like them. The thing that worrys me is the fact that my girlfriend that I have been with for 3 years has been late a whole month she is irregular and usually gets its at the end of every month the last she got it was at the end of Oct. What should I do, is she pregnant?

2007-12-03 03:26:32 · 13 answers · asked by eddie.89_1@sbcglobal.net 1

i've tried to put it off, but every day she asks me 'where do babies come from?' and 'how do you become pregnant?' She won't fall for the 'stork' story, or any other crap, so what do i say?

2007-12-03 01:26:41 · 18 answers · asked by ramrod cowfins 3

my daughter just got her first serious bf. She meets him afterschool and goes and hangs out at his house till 10pm....2 days during the school week and sees him all weekend. i told her i thought that 6 hours over at his house I thought was to much. Shes fighting with me that she never gets to spend time with him because they dont go to the same school and live 30 miles from each other. Am i being unreasonable? Any advice?

2007-12-03 00:15:00 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok so I was watching the news [we had a delay so I had time after I got ready] and they were thinking of putting an even stricter ban on foods! I think its not fair at all. teens [I'm in highschool] like live off of junk food in soda but we arent stupid to make that all we eat. they already took our soda and french fries away, which btw was the best food they had, and now they want to take away sports drinks and DIET sodas! I think thats sooo mean. lunch is the only time we can be happy and having sugar and junk food which most of us dont get at home is like part of that. grrr.

anyways, what I'm asking is that if this was happening at your school, what would you think about it? and what do you think about the whole situation?

2007-12-03 00:09:36 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, My parents might seperate and move to different state No one actualy told me this but I think it might happen soon I just want to know what to expect

2007-12-03 00:05:06 · 11 answers · asked by Atomic Dolphin 2

are you living it now? how did you/do you plan to achieve your goals?

2007-12-02 22:51:13 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

my girlfreind is 17 and pregnant im 19. i been with her for 1 year. how do i convince my girlfreind to not have abortion? i dont know what else i can do. i have told her she will live with guilt, depressions, and the what ifs forever etc. ive also told her the medical effects she could have on having an abortion. all she tells me is leave me alone, ill deal with this or you should be there for me, dont worry about etc.. of course shes going to act like this shes 17 but what can i do? i understand its her body her choice by law or whatver. which is completley unfair..yeah its inside her but half of that life is mine too. i need some help, any at all would be great.

and please if your going to say something rude, i could careless to here it and you should find something better to do with your life.

2007-12-02 18:28:12 · 36 answers · asked by Mark W 1

I might be pregnant, and my only worry is how to tell my Mom about it. Normally I wouldn't care, but right now she is going through a nasty divorce, and she is already depressed. I know telling her will just make her think she has done a bad job of raising me, so that I make bad decisions, but these were my own decisions through and through.
Has anyone else been through this? Underage, unplanned pregnancy, bad relationship with your Mom, trying not to hurt her that much...? How do I tell her?

and also, how would my boyfriend go about telling his Dad? His Dad is one of those really proper people who just have to have their kids succeed, and he is really strict. I'm sure he is going to be really really mad when my boyfriend tells him, and my boyfriend is scared to death of telling him. How would he tell him?

Thank you...

2007-12-02 18:15:05 · 26 answers · asked by chelsea.dee 2

I feel really fat.

Every time my Mum looks at me, she looks so disgusted and she looks me up and down. She's made comments that I'm fat and I need to exercise more. She has an eating disorder that she wont get help for and she also over exercises.

I'm 18. 175cm/5'9 and 68kgs/150lb. I wear size 10-12 (Australia size which I think is 6 in US size). I have DD breast (that keep growing).

I have a back problem and so I'm on a strict pilates program and I'm allowed to walk (although I don't feel safe walking on my own because of the crime around here and my dog has a broken foot at the moment and my Mum is far too fit) I can't do swimming either so please don't suggest that. When I do walk though I get pains in my back for the next week and then it's really hard to be motivated to keep walking and exercising.

I limit my diet. I only drink water. Everyday I have a sandwich with seed and grain bread and ham, lettuce, tomato, cucumber and low fat mayo. Then I wont eat anything until..

2007-12-02 18:08:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

how do u get rid of the feelings of wanting to be a mother. i am only 15 and my boyfriend is 17. we do not want a child and i am smart enough to know to not actually have a child but how can i get rid of the feelings??give advise dont critic ok

2007-12-02 17:49:22 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and this boy used to like each other. Then he told me we'd be better as friends. In the same conversation that he told me we should just be friends, he already started talking about a girl he likes sooo much. [He still does]. It was hard at first, but I'm realistic so I moved onto a new guy. I told him about the guy, since we remained "best friends". But he still calls me all the time, texts and talks to me. He calls just to talk, and it's for long periods of time. What do you think is going on with him? He always wants to make sure that he is the *only* guy I am comfortable with...

I know he doesn't like me.. but what is this?

2007-12-02 17:30:51 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mom died in a car accident when I was 4. My dad is in jail. Plus I'm a senior in high school, married, and 5 months pregnat.

2007-12-02 17:18:56 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok so im 18 and my gf is 17. neither of us have our driving license much less our permit. and my friends dont either. if anyone i knew did, i would just run to a walmart in another city close by. but i dont so that makes it kinda hard. how can i get a condom(s) without my parents knowing? and i want a half decent brand. i dont want them to bust like the gas station crap. and i would like just knock them into the cart at walmart but my mom would freak. so yea no. and also is there an age restriction on buying them? i live in tennessee so if there is i dont want to embarse myself. thanks

2007-12-02 16:24:56 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Being thrown in jail for something you didnt do...Or having your friend being thrown in jail for something YOU did?

2007-12-02 16:14:29 · 20 answers · asked by Confetti! 2

When I am grounded to my room:
No TV or computer
3 hours studying plus homework
2 hrs excercise/day
3 very healthy meals/ day
No music
No leaving room except for school, work, skating and tutoring

2007-12-02 16:07:54 · 19 answers · asked by lovetoskate 1

i've posted a similar question before about this. i was making myself throw up for about a week, a month or so ago. now i have started it again. it really has become addicting. i have thrown up 4 times just today. and my dad actually heard me the 4th time, and confronted me about it. i know it has become a problem. usually i only did it when i felt fat. but now its become a routine, and i binge, then i throw it up. do you have any advice for me, please? i really don't want to do this anymore, but is it really that simple?

(i can't really tell anyone. i'm really ashamed of it)

2007-12-02 15:00:32 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship and have been for nearly 3 years. However, in February we wont be long distance anymore. I'm staying in a hall of residence for university (which is sort of like a college dorm) and he'll be living at home. I'm 18 and he's 19.

In about June next year his parents are going overseas for a holiday and they were planning on taking my boyfriend's younger brother (he's my age). Then we would have had his house to ourselves for a week.

Well change of plans, and his brother isn't going anymore! Which we're pretty bummed about. We're trying to work out how we can have a bit of time to ourselves (not to bonk each other stupid lol, but because we havn't been able to spend time together alone in a long time).

Any sensible suggestions how we can get rid of his brother for a night or two?

Neither of us have our licence and money isn't really an issue.

Thanks.. sensible answers only..

2007-12-02 13:59:02 · 9 answers · asked by ★☆✿❀ 7

Friday night my friends and I went to a guys apartment (he’s a freshman in college) and he was having a party. One of my friends is pretty good friends with him so we all decided to go. There were a lot of other hot college guys there and to make a long story short I ended up making out with one of them. (he is 19 and I am 17 which isn’t really bad) He ended up giving me a hickey. Well yesterday, I had a basketball game and I Knew I would have to wear my hair up so I tried to cover it up as good as I could. Well it was late into the game and I was sweating and I guess the make up I used to cover it up came off and my friend who is also on the team told me and I was like sh*it, because I knew my parents were watching and they probably saw it. Well at the end of the game I didn’t say anything to them and I just went into the locker room but when I got home they were like so what’d u do last night? And I was like ugghhh nothing why and they were like ooo so who gave u that on ur neck and I was like its not a big deal and they were like yeah it is and they freaked out on me! And they were like ur not going out tonight…and I had plans to go out again! They’re so stupid…its only a hickey and its not like we had sex! Don’t u think they over-reacted! I do!

2007-12-02 13:12:18 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous