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Where do you get yours from? How do you motivate yourself to do tasks that you don't want to do? (Homework, cleaning your room, going to your job, etc.)

I'm just curious because I should be cleaning my house but I'm on YA. I lost my motivation a long time ago...and I don't think it's coming back.

2007-12-01 15:23:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Kids always think it's O.K. to have unprotected sex, do you think a class or program should be undertaken where these children are required to take care of an infant (doll) for a couple of months? I think it would wake up alot of kids, not all, but some.

2007-12-01 14:10:01 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daddy sent me to boarding school this year, far away from home, oh about 600 miles I guess, so I can't come home on weekends. However, one of my friends at school lives only 45 minutes away and goes home most weekends and she and her parents invite me over a lot ..4 times already. It is nice of them because it can be so boring at school on the weekend and school's in the middle of nowhere and they don't let us do much and the kids that stay there wind up getting in trouble. But anyways, my friend's family is a nice family and I am getting positive role models with them and at school, for a change as my former school disgusted me. Since I am 16 and really have very little money, should I do something to repay this rather extreme generosity? same goes for the dorm mother at school, she has been very nice to me as well, listens to my problems without judging me during the week. Anyways should I do something to repay her rather extreme generosity as well?

Thank you and good day.

2007-12-01 13:26:36 · 40 answers · asked by Lori 5

But parents say no, I really want one I have a plan on getting money and a friend of the family's puppy just had puppies and I really want one mom says that I can not volenteer at the animal shelter and it just stinks. I have a cat that I begged for and I now have it but it hates me and loves my dad My family had a dog at one point but he died cause no one would take care of it you know play with and all that but I was scared of him and my big brother was too buisy for it I am deathly afraid of big dogs I want a chihauhau or teacup anything or really anything small how do I convence them I should get one

2007-12-01 13:00:25 · 10 answers · asked by Atomic Dolphin 2

most tenth graders go to bioligy but i have the choice to take chemistry. If i choose chemistry then i would have to take both my 10th grade year. then i could move on to higher classes or ap classes in 11th grade. i really dont know what to do tho. my mom says that i shouldnt put that much presure on me unless i plan to take a career in science but my dad thinks i should go for it. what do you think?

2007-12-01 09:15:02 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mom just called wanting to meet with me and my brother at starbucks in an hour. Well my dad has primary custody and my mom only is supposed to see us with permission from the judge. Well now her car is sitting in our driveway and i dont know what to do becuase our dad isnt home and will not be for about an hour. What should i do

2007-12-01 05:57:09 · 5 answers · asked by Hey_its_Leah 2

I wanna go to a all night party thing (its my friends but they live on the other side of town) ..My mum wont let me go if I tell her its a party so im saying im sleeping at a friends house..who lives closer (Steffs). Her parents are going out for a meal at 7 so im saying to my parents im sleeping at Steffs. Her parents dont know that ive said this. Steff is saying to her parents shes off to a different friends house (Kates) so then where both going to this party. Will it work?

2007-12-01 05:42:30 · 18 answers · asked by Yorkshire Gurlie ♥ 3

should i tell them?

2007-12-01 04:48:04 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous


im 15, 5'6'' 110 pds..

2007-12-01 03:53:18 · 27 answers · asked by Take 2 [other account] 1

I'm a teenager (a guy) who knows this 13 year old boy (a guy) who came to me and asked me if I masturbated or if I've ever orgasmed before. I already knew him from previous interactions, where he ussualy comes up to me and tells stories or jokes about random things or just talks about himself. He'd touch me a lot, frequently poking me, tripping me, hitting me and bumping into me either while he's talking or afterwards. There are also times when his hands seem to brush or glide along my body, either on my back, pelvis or chest, and I can't tell if they're accidents or subtle attempts to 'feel' me. He's asked me a few personal questions (like do I have a girlfriend or have I had sex), and talks about sex ed in school sometimes. What does this mean? What should I do? How do I deal with this? Should I talk to him about sex and give him 'the talk'? How do I identify what this is and help him deal with this in a healthy, responsible and appropriate way?

2007-12-01 00:53:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

go to the mall by yourself..and have you ever lied to them about going to the mall to meet a friend just to go alone and shop..if you are allowed to go alone how old are you? TY=]

2007-12-01 00:19:02 · 52 answers · asked by Anonymous

i could give u a million reasons why i h8 it so much but that would b a flippin essay!
so plz tell y u hate/hated or like/liked being a teenager

2007-12-01 00:17:04 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous