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Adolescent - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

I'm 18 and still in college... I missed my periods and being feeling sick... I took a pregnancy test and it showed positive..... What do I do... I live on my own.... and my boyfriend left me.... HELP??? PLEASE

I want to keep this baby, but im scared too...

2007-07-27 01:26:11 · 62 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex the other night. We didnt plan to, it just happened in the heat of the moment. When he came he pulled out a little late. This happened two nights ago... My next period is due on the 4th of August. Ten days before we leave for school. Now i'm really worried I could possibly be pregnant. We are both really smart, with intent to attend college in the fall. . . but i'm afraid that if i'm pregnant, it will ruin things for the both of us. My boyfriend is attending school on a football scholarship. Will he lose his scholarship? How soon will i be able to find out if i'm pregnant? and is there any way to find out early? Please help me... Thanks.

2007-07-27 00:43:56 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-26 16:58:48 · 5 answers · asked by invisible monster 1

I know that sex feels amazing but does it feel good with a condom too???

2007-07-26 16:54:04 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Earlier today i was out with my step dad and we ran into some snotty middle school girl and she was wearing really short shorts. After we were away from her my step dad said "Her shorts where so short that you could see what she had for breakfast this morning." Besides from pointing out that the shorts where too short what did he mean by that? Like what did her breakfast have to do with her shorts? I feel stupid for asking but i really want to know. its been bugging me since.. thanks~

2007-07-26 16:30:28 · 15 answers · asked by (♠DJ Sasha♠) 2

2 years ago I was immature and messed up. They were harsh though I sincerely regretted. I lost their trust, though there was no reason for this, cause I've never messed up again. That was terrible, devastating, they were important to me. For a year I did my best to earn their trust back, suffered a lot, but didn't succeed. Anyway, my life changed, I got great proofs of trust of teachers and other adults. I grew up, found strenght, stopped suffering, gave up my on parents, got over they didn't trust me. I knew I was trustworthy, from the emotional point of view they weren't important any more. I know they are even proud of me but we hardly talk. They have my lil sister and I just live there, have several good activities and people who trusts and help me, especially a teacher that's like a mom. Now my parents seem upset whth this, maybe they now realize they had no reason to treat me like that. They are trying to rebuild a relationship, but this would be hurtful I don't deserve more pain, now I can't trust they love me, can't see them as loving parents, they didn't act likd that. There are wounds that won't heal. How do I deal with this until I leave home?

2007-07-26 16:04:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi, I'm 17 and me and my boyfriend (whom I really, really trust) are both virgins and we would like to have sex, we both think that sex is something quite intimate and special to share with someone, especially for the first time.

So, I want to tell my mom that I want to have sex (but that will be next summer), that I want her to know and that I want to be safe...would she like to know that kind of thing, how would she react, and most importantly how should I tell her?

Only serious answers please, and nothing like "you're too young" stuff...

Thank you so much in advance:)

2007-07-26 12:18:44 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

He's never met her before but he swears that he's in love with her. They've both given me access to their restricted myspace sites and I don't want to say or do something that will break that trust. But, all he talks about is wanting to go visit her (10 hour drive) and that he will pay for the gas. He's very open with me and we're able to talk about everything. I've taught him to respect women and that if he's too young to be a father, then she, too, is too young to be a mother. I've told him that when he feels that he has met the girl he feels is "special" then I will make sure he has protection. Well, this is the girl and he's never met her in person. They spend hours talking on the phone, IM'ing each other and in their myspace sites. I want to keep this open relationship with my son and not do something that will cause him to start "sneaking behind my back". I'm not sure what to do with this...any suggestions?

2007-07-26 12:09:56 · 10 answers · asked by WildOne 6

help?!?? i need something really creative and out of the box

2007-07-26 11:59:48 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

my cousin's neighbor my really good friend and parents dont trust him. my aunt said "I cant STAND that boy! i told (my cuz name) not to bring him over!" but i want to bond with him and make him be more of a friend. He's really nice and funny and acts so much like me! im begining to like him and he said hes going to break up with his girlfriend soon. i dont think that my parents trust him but they cant stop me from being his friend! my mom only wants me to have only friends who r girls but i have friends who r boys. She cant stop me and im going to be his friend no matter what! i text and call him everyday because we r such good friends. this august we r both going to the same junior high and we r going to see each other there too.

What can i do to let my parents trust him?

2007-07-26 11:52:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it that when we are humming and then we plug our nose, our humming stops? Do people really hum through their nose, or their mouths?

2007-07-26 11:18:20 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need to know. i dont know how much to pay her

2007-07-26 09:12:32 · 33 answers · asked by Tori T 1

I don't get it.If you have nothing nice to say then just zip it.Sorry and Thanks.If I ask a question and you have nothing nice to say to me then don't answer my question at all .Get it.Got it good

2007-07-26 07:47:28 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it that were all that,hot we got it all and your jealous all you want is to be us.Sorry just wondering

2007-07-26 07:34:36 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

this SOAD backpack?

its actually on sale for $20.... should i?

2007-07-26 07:16:57 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

I love going swimming but I don't know can you actually swim when you are on your period? can you do so using a pad? because I don't like tampons.

2007-07-26 06:45:14 · 25 answers · asked by Krissi 1

2007-07-26 06:26:19 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

He's 20 years old,but has a mind of a child.He has a crush on me,and other girls as well,cause he chased them around the park lol.One time at the park me and my kids said hi to him,and I gave him a friendly hug like I always do when I see him,cause he's a cool guy.Ever since then he thinks I'm his girlfriend,and tells other people that knows him that.I only tell him that I'm just your friend,but he seems like he ignores that.How can I convience him that I'm only his friend,and nothing more without hurting his feeling?

2007-07-26 06:12:22 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Idk y but i really want to have a child. i know that my mom would want to kill me but i have been thinking alot and i really want to have a kid.

2007-07-26 06:08:49 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous

My children are 8,12,13,and 16.*sigh*
August 28 cannot come soon enough for me.

2007-07-26 05:59:20 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-26 05:41:12 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Should I get one?
-I am 13 years old and I'm pregnant!
-My mom knows and she hasn't decided yet!
-I haven't been sexually active......ever,but I'm prenant!
-What's wrong with abortion...if you don't know who the father is or how in the world you got pregnant!?

2007-07-26 05:06:56 · 37 answers · asked by qwerty123 1

I am 13 and I am 5'5 I am sooo tall that all of the guys in my school are to intimidated to ask me out....Im the most popular but all the guys are soo short! I just really want to be short!

Is this normal!

2007-07-26 04:36:14 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay i'm starting to feel real depressed in my house hold cause ever since my mom got a new job things haven't been straight lately and my parents are starting to get more and more mad at me sometimes i feel like i wanna kill my self but can't and my parents are starting to get mad at each othr to what should i do.?

2007-07-26 04:31:40 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

she saw me crying and i said i'm just sleepy..the she said that she will talk to me tomorrow!!..
what should i do?!!

2007-07-26 04:10:05 · 17 answers · asked by hunkypunky 1

im 16 would it be wrong to sleep with a 14 year old if she wanted to

2007-07-26 03:46:08 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous


I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend before, there after my period came. After my period for about one or two days, i had unprotected sex with him again. It last for about 10 minutes. Will I get pregnant? He said he didnt ejaculate in me. Please answer!

2007-07-26 01:47:44 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi there! I know it may sound unbelievable that I want to have sex this young but I'm on eighth grade, and I'm envious on some of my friends that already have had sex. I really think it may be an incomparable experience that I'm anxious to have, but I'm really scared because I think I don't know enough. My period has no arrived ever yet, and my friends have told me that I should take advantage of that since I have no risk of getting pregnant but I'm not completely sure. Is it true that there is no risk in my situation? Should I do it?

2007-07-25 19:23:47 · 79 answers · asked by escoso4594 3

im 15, 5'11, and 135 pounds. what are some ways to lose weight??

i get enough exercise as i am in a ballet company and dance for over 3 hours a day.

how many calories should i eat in a day??

any other tips?? thanks :)

2007-07-25 17:48:16 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous