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Adolescent - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

my boyfriend and i have been having sex and with out protection, it's been going on for awhile, why haven't i got pregnant. does this mean i am unable to reproduce

2007-07-20 05:39:40 · 11 answers · asked by Maricela M 2

He's 12, a good boy, but, like most boys his age, sometimes he's somewhat disrespectful and sometimes likes to bully his lil sister, that is 10. I found a punishment that has worked great and is really changing the boy's behavior. When he is disrespectful or bullies his sister, I make him do extra chores wearing a full sweet frilly apron, with a large bow in the back. He gets embarrassed, but then I'm kinda firm. I dont humiliate him and let him know I love him, but depending on what he did, he has to spend some hours or even a day wearing that apron. But I don't make him wear it in public or in front of his friends.

2007-07-20 04:30:32 · 26 answers · asked by Tania 1

okay, so my 12 year old wants to live with her dad. he has been in and out of her life. he recently got out of jail for drugs. she craves the bond that she does have with him when he is with her, but her life will definitely be different if she lives there...and not in a good way. i know it's not the best thing for her, but we have two other children to think about, too. she is a bad influence on them, especially my ten year old daughter. and she brings the whole family down with her attitude. i feel it would be best for the rest of the family to just let her go. her dad has a girlfriend who i like, and they seem to be doing well for now. they are much more lenient with her than i am. i just don't want to have the guilt later if her life ends up being ruined. but, i don't want the rest of my family to suffer due to her rejecting us and our rules so strongly. what should i do?

2007-07-20 02:34:37 · 9 answers · asked by Stephanie 2

It's 1am in the morning here but i don't care. I can't sleep. I got myself into this mess and now it seems there is no way out...I was shaking for the past couple of days and I went to the doctor yesterday afternoon and he said I'm losing a lot of weight and on top of that I'm really stressed and then he said my twins are in danger and so am I. I have to go back everyday for the next month or so so he can keep a good eye on me. I had anorexia a few years back, and now i'm 15 and pregnant with two babies, and everything is just falling apart already, and on top of that my doctor said i'm going to die! I know he didn't say that exactly but he said i'm 'in danger', what else is that meant to mean! I'm not bulimic or anything, but i don't eat alot because if i do then i throw up and i dont want that because thats worse. I can't start eating more. I explained this to my doctor and for once he DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO SAY.Look I know this isn't a question but i can't sleep and I don't know wt 2 do

2007-07-19 21:16:40 · 33 answers · asked by Kaidra 3

Okay Im going into my freshman year and to tell oyu to truth I hate the idea. What is highschool like??? any advice??

2007-07-19 18:28:13 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 17. All my friends go bra shopping and they can buy really cute bras. They are all B-C cups and all the shops have cute bras for that size. But my cup size is D-DD.

I'm not over weight or anything and I'm not looking for attention or compliments. I actually hate the size of my breasts.

I live in New Zealand so we don't have Victoria Secrets or any of those brands. It really sucks. The bras that do fit me are the yukky old people bras or really boring black and white ones.

I actually get really upset and I've tried exersizing and I've lost weight but my breasts haven't changed size!

I have a few cute ones but they don't fit me properly and I know it's bad to wear them when they don't fit. I've been measured and everything.

Is there anything I can do (except a breast reduction)?


2007-07-19 18:10:01 · 10 answers · asked by ★☆✿❀ 7

im 18 and me and my boyfriend are sexually active. ive had unprotected sex and now im 5 days late on my period. im really worried i duno whether i should be or not. should i go get a pregnancy test and see or shoudl i just wait and see if it comes? Please if you can help me it'll make me feel so much better.

2007-07-19 15:51:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i would go to the beach with my best friend so i could feel the cold wind and the cold water at my feet.

2007-07-19 15:45:46 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-19 15:31:10 · 18 answers · asked by sillysmiles :) 2

my big cuz raped me when i was 7 and he just did it again and this time i might be pregnant no one will bilive me because he is suposed to be a little angel what do i do!!!!!

2007-07-19 15:14:59 · 76 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-07-19 14:49:26 · 9 answers · asked by MaculaMaster 3

okay, a couple of days ago i went swimming with a shirt and water shorts on!! my shirt must have rubbed on my boobs, because there is like red scabs all oer both of them.. and i went swimming monday and wenesday i took a shower and my boobs stung so bad where the scabs are i barely got to wash my hair!! then today thursday i took another shower and they didn't hurt that much! but towards the end of my shower ( 15 minute shower) my boobs started to hurt again! i'm going boating on saturday and i hope my boobs still don't hurt!

What could be the cause of this? and how long will it take to go away??

and will they still hurt of saturday! cause when you go boating you get wet all over!

Please Help!

2007-07-19 11:43:00 · 7 answers · asked by Never Gonna Be Your Girl! 3

In my family my parents refused to make us work until we turned 18, at which point we were made to get jobs. I feel that as a teenager the primary focus should be going to school, making good grades, and enjoying being a teen while they still can. All the kids in our families had GPA's of over 4.0 because school's value was stressed to us, which constituted as hard work. I feel that since teenagers have their whole lives to work that they shouldn't have to work until they need to. I have also witnessed that alot of teens, when they begin to work, starts to feel alot more adult than they really are and they start feel that the money they are making is more important than school. The only way that I would make my teen work is if they were not doing well in school and getting into trouble at which point I figure they will need to get used to that kind of work anyways. I also understand that some families need their teens to help out. Please tell me what your feelings are on this topic.

2007-07-19 10:46:50 · 15 answers · asked by shelly 2

everynight there is about 10 people sleeping in our house (my older siblings and step-siblings, a couple come back for the night everynight just to sleep) and i'm expecting twins. My whole primary family is actually 14 people although yeah there are only about 10 people in the house evrynight and my real dads in jail...
I just....i don't think its the kind of place where these kids should be raised. I havn't talked to my mom about it but she would prbably agree... Is it illegal for me to have my own apartment or something. Idk, i think its too...busy for two new babies but on the plus side i'd be with my mom all the time and i really need her help with this...I don't want to stay with strangers either or anything...Can anyone think of something? Or will i have to stay with my family throught this?

2007-07-19 09:19:06 · 32 answers · asked by Kaidra 3

Okay, so I've noticed an abundance of teens who want to get pregnant. I think it's very important that we try to let today's youth know why they should just be young and enjoy it. Please share your experiences so maybe we can help adjust their thoughts into living life and making good choices for themselves
My mom was 16 when she had me (my dad was 19) they got pregnant when she was 15 and then got married. She had my sister at 17 and my brother at 19. My mom had to go to a secondary school to graduate, and my dad had to join the Navy to pay for us. We always got just what we needed growing up. We had food, cheap clothes, and government housing over our heads. My mom couldn't go to college like she wanted to until I was 9 years old and old enough to help watch my brother and sister. We lived like that until I left, and my sister left and finally my brother. Now that there are no kids in the house, my parents can finally do what they want to...at 39 and 42. What a life, huh

2007-07-19 09:00:16 · 13 answers · asked by Dream_Weaver 3

Is it possible for me to scrap together about $360 in about 2 months? Can I do it?

2007-07-19 07:46:47 · 8 answers · asked by Junior 1

I have always had pronlems with my mom but it got worse last night when my brother punched me and called me a"f*cking b*tch" for no reason other than he knows he can get away with it. And he is 12! And after all that I don't know what he told my mom but I got in trouble! I can't take this anymore. She says she won't let me leave but my friends that is my age got an amancepation? or something? What can I do to get out of here?!?

2007-07-19 07:44:58 · 13 answers · asked by DogLover 2

I just don't know how to react to this. He knows that is something I never wanted him to do, I guess I am "old school" and think that tattoos are a stigma. So he knows he shouldn't have, did it anyway, now what? Do I ground him? He feels really guilty cuz he knows I am disappointed, but he still did it. Is this something you punish a kid for and if you do, are they going to learn a lesson? Or what's done is done? I"m at a loss here. If he disobeyed me, say he came home at 11 when I said be home at 10, he would be grounded and then never do it again. But this.....not too sure what to do.

2007-07-19 07:28:04 · 40 answers · asked by The Grand Inquisitor 4

2007-07-19 07:06:15 · 25 answers · asked by xocass1166 2

2007-07-19 06:55:52 · 21 answers · asked by Sonu K 1

Say a teenaged girl has an abusive teenaged boyfriend, and he hits her. Can he change? What would make him change? What are the chances of him changing?

2007-07-19 05:55:19 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

I signed up at work to fill a backpack up for back to school supplies for a poor 13 year old girl. I would like to get some ideas (apart from the usual school supplies) about what she might want or need or have interests in.

I thought maybe a diary might be nice to have. Any thing else?

Is Hannah Montana stuff too young for a 13 year old?

Should I buy a plain pink backpack or something that has pictures all over it?

Help! I'm not even 30 years old yet, and I already forget what it's like to be a 13 year old!

Thanks for your suggestions, it's all for charity!

2007-07-19 05:42:37 · 22 answers · asked by curious_maya 3

shes 15 and she's asking me'"mom,what career should i take up on? what should i be when i grow up? i dont have any idea what path my future career might take? mom if i dont start having ideas im going to run out of time..."' and things
but shes the one to answer it..not me.she wanted to be an author because she came up with some really creative stuff but then she said an archaelogoist and then she wanted to be a teacher and now she dosen't know what to think..how can i help her?

2007-07-18 20:56:37 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend and I were riding in the back seat and I was really tired. I could not find any comfortable position to fall asleep so I just laid my head in his lap.It was comfortable for the both of us and I fell asleep and nothing happened at all. Is this wrong to do (I'm 16) or am I just acting strange?

2007-07-18 16:56:02 · 40 answers · asked by MaculaMaster 3

i just got a call from a guy in my future class pressuring me to have sex with him. i don't love him, much less like him at ALL. i'm a virgin and i plan to stay one until i'm married. i'm so scared of him raping me if i say no. in the past he's pressed up against me during a school dance that i was at with my boyfriend at that time. i told principal and he was expelled. i'm so freaked out right now. i'm only 14 and going into high school. what should i do?

2007-07-18 13:55:44 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well im 14 and my boyfriend connor is 16 well he will be 17 soon and he said that he wants to start having sex with me he said that it wont hurt at all but im still a virgin i dont know what to do . he is so sweet to me he never cheats on me he does not even stare at other gurls but i dont know if i should give up my virginity to him i have been going out with him for 2 years now. And i told him that i dont want to get pregnate and he said well there r other ways and then he said "how about we do anal' i asked hm what that was he told me and i said that will hurt and he said no it wont and for me to trust him i really want to but i am one of 2 gurls out of all my friends that is still a virgin.maybe i should have anal sex with him i wont get pregnate and no one will ever find out.should i ...

2007-07-18 09:00:44 · 61 answers · asked by ♥♥Christi♥♥ 2

of ours the wedding is taking place in Las Vegas we are about 4 hrs away, but the kids refuse to go to a babysitters house, my Q is at what age is it legal to leave a 15 and 13 alone for 1day and 1 night?

2007-07-18 08:11:56 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 14 years old and already into sex. well my mom thinks I'm miss goody two shoes... well I made a mistake. and I don't know if I'm pergant. I have been worried for a long time. i have not started my cycle yet. I'm suposse to tommrow or the next day. or sometime this week.. i don't want to tell anybody. and if i am pergant. I can't go to the doctor. if i am pergant I don't want the child i am way to younge and no wjust starting high school. i really do regret doing this stuff because i never really knew anything about it. I was just curious. so I don't know what to do or how to do it i don't know if i'm pergant... really i don't want to find out.. how could i know if i'm pergant?

2007-07-18 08:04:54 · 42 answers · asked by Stephanie J 1

Could you please give me some tips so i can know if i'm still a virgin?! But please don't tell me to see a doctor or to tell my parents because no one knows! Please!

2007-07-18 04:29:57 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

She has been telling me she can't get to sleep but the problem has been getting worse. During the school year it was not uncommon for her to fall asleep around 10, but now that she doesn't have to wake up she will stay in bed til at least 9:30. She'll wake up if I go sit on the bed and prod her and talk to her but doesn't want to really get out of bed.

It doesn't seem to be affecting her mood or anything else - she's actually not that grumpy, it's as if she's getting a good amount of sleep. It just feels weird having her sleep so late, and I don't like to stay up that late but I don't want her to be up by herself.

Has anyone else had this problem? Any ideas?

2007-07-18 04:28:16 · 31 answers · asked by mcldrcrrsq 1