Not the common sense stuff, like use a condom everytime.
Something different.
Things like using water based lubes instead of oil based and flavored condoms are weaker than regular ones.
Stuff like that, that everyone wouldn't know.
And this is just for assurance, so don't get you panties(or boxers) in a bunch, and start preaching about me being too young, cause I'm not having sex and I don't really plan to(not that it is your concern anywho). Even If I was, when I make my mind up, it's made, so it wouldn't work. And don't even try to tell me I shouldn't be thinking about sex because for one, my mind is the only place where I have real control and privacy, so don't you dare think you will tell me what I should think about and two, if I didn't think about it, I wouldn't know what I know about safety. But yeah, It is for future reference, just in case.
Thanks in advance and have a good day(or night, depending on your location).
13 answers
asked by
Cloud Nine--Sez YAHH 2 tha hatas