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Adolescent - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

An older band called LA Guns are very special to me and they're coming to play at the closest rock town. When I found that out I was extremely excited because it was one of the two towns my mom would take me to. I have yet to go to my first concert and I'd really like to have it soon. The problem is that they're playing in the Volume 11 Tavern in Raleigh NC, and my mom says I'm too young to go see a band play in a bar. That really struck me hard. LA Gun's fan base is.....not very big I guess. They're never booked around my area to play in coliseums or huge arenas because the audience wouldn't be big enough. They always play like bike rallies and all that stuff. How can I convince my mom to let me go? It'd really mean the world to me.

2007-06-08 15:33:33 · 6 answers · asked by nαrcíssα [misses being a TC] 6

2007-06-08 14:27:13 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous


What does "spooning" mean?

2007-06-08 14:16:54 · 8 answers · asked by Sarah 3

I havent had my period in like 3 weeks and im still a virgin so I know im not pregnant. I have been excercising much more than usual because im in color guard at my school. but i havent excercised in 2 weeks..so what does this mean? nd last night i noticed a milky white discharge in my underwear. im starting to freak out. help??

2007-06-08 08:16:56 · 31 answers · asked by ~Bahamian_Queen~ 2


2007-06-07 22:07:30 · 59 answers · asked by Anonymous

*first drank
*first smoked
*lost your virginitity

2007-06-07 17:39:41 · 48 answers · asked by ~Balla Babe~ 1

I'm at a loss. I don't want to embarass or humiliate him and his father just thinks it's funny, but I think I need to do or say something.

2007-06-07 13:40:05 · 13 answers · asked by chieffanz4life 2

My 11 year old has picked up this phrase and latched on to it like a leech. Every time she is asked a question... guess what her answer is?? yup no duh. Driving me crazy so any suggestions other than the obvious?

2007-06-07 08:50:50 · 5 answers · asked by debcando2 2

A little boy named Kaleb is 6 months old and was Shaken by a caregiver and now is in serious condition in the PICU. I'm including some links to pages and a video so you can have more info. . Please Pray for this little boy and pass on to anyone you know..Thank you, Angel

Here is the links to the pages to get more info..

The Mothers Page: http://www.myspace.com/kristyreynolds

The Help site: http://www.myspace.com/197879646

Video: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=2034427268

2007-06-07 06:08:24 · 17 answers · asked by Angel 2

I and my girlfriend had sex last month(9/6). She is 18. Sex is not getting periods for the past 60 days. She says her periods are generally irregular, but not as irregular as now.We want to avoid pregnancy. Till when is it safe to abort with out any signs. Is there any cure taking tablets. Suggest any other safe method.

2007-06-06 21:16:56 · 19 answers · asked by om 2

Ok so I got caught taking pictures of the girl next door while she was laying out by the pool, and now her dad is telling me he's going to have me arrested. And I told him it was perfectly legal and to screw off, and he claims it's not legal because she's 15

so whose right?

2007-06-06 20:02:07 · 15 answers · asked by steve e 1

two of my friends who have NO confidence whatsoever. It's absolutely ridiculous at how depressed they are because guys don't flock over them, or they have un perfect skin, how they think they look like monsters walking down the street or something, how paranoid they are about people always talking and saying stuff about them....I try to tell them stuff to lift them up, but it's like a seashell with holes and just goes right through them and the next day they're the same. I'm trying my best to keep hanging out with them, but they're starting to make me even more depressed and adding on to my own problems in life. I want them to be happy and realize that they don't need stupid guys in their lives and that they have they are BEAUTIFUL but they always say the opposite. They need serious therapy and I don't know what to do. They're semi-anti social and don't like to go anywhere (to parties and stuff or the mall) I ♥ them w/all my heart, but what can I do??

2007-06-06 12:39:57 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My parents have given me the choice of going to bush gardens VA for a week this summer or to get an above ground pool. i can only pick one but im not sure which one i want. if your were able to pick from those which would you want?

2007-06-06 12:30:52 · 12 answers · asked by (♠DJ Sasha♠) 2

I'm 16, she's 19. When she 16 she went through some bad days, peer pressure, bad friends, She messed up, got drunk w/ them and helped those trouble makers put graffiti on some walls and break some windows. She didnt realize what she was doing but my parents were realy harsh, she was punished for 5 months, grounded from everything, including those beautiful clothes she loved, and had to work as a janitor to pay for the damages. Those months were terrible to her, she suffered a lot but my parents were inflexible. Today I'm sure they went overboard. That time I was jealous of her and so during her punishment i teased her a few times, until my parents forbade me. She got extremely resentful of me and our parents, since them she's avoided us. She told me I was dead to her. Today she's in college, a very mature, great girl, I could learn so much w/ her, apologized a lot of times but nothing changed. Against my and my parents' will she's leaving homeand it'll be even harder to make up w/ her

2007-06-06 08:44:30 · 6 answers · asked by Samantha 1

Lays on the floor in front of TV. Sometimes wearing a T-shirt only and plays with himself for extended periods of time. Up to an hour plus, this just started. He is also walking around the house, go get a cookie or glass milk (no one else is here), seeming to be very proud of his own little man. He believes babies are made by French kissing! I have always answered his questions honestly and don't know where he got this. No problems at school. I have talked to him about it. No abuse involved, he just says it feels good. So I have been ignoring it. Is this okay, normal? PS he has never liked to wear clothes.

2007-06-06 08:18:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok so i am 16 and i have a boyfriend. we are very sexually active. a week ago i got on my period. About 2 days after i got off i starting spotting only when i wiped after using the bathroom. also when i used the bathroom it burned after. im thinking thats a bladder infection maybe? And lately i have been having to go to the bathroom like every 5 or 10 minutes. does this mean something? i told my mom about it and she freaked out and said im having symptoms of being pregnant. i am always having cramps, constipation sometimes, bad headaches, moodswings like crazy, and craving food i have never wanted before. I need some help please!!

2007-06-05 18:31:19 · 7 answers · asked by lil smurf 1

I am 17, and think I am. There isn't a father in the picture anymore. And I need to hide it, for a while. If I am I am 5 weeks, I'm not showing yet. But for futhure knowelge. Please reply soon.

2007-06-05 17:48:11 · 20 answers · asked by Whisper 1

He is in eighth grade, and hangs out with a lot of high schoolers, like sophomores. I always wondered why. I read his messages on myspace, and I know that he does all of that. My parents already know about it, because I've told them. But there really is no proof, and I know that he would just lie anyways. I can't help but say that he is such an idiot. I don't know what to do. And especially as a younger sister, I have no control over the situation.

2007-06-05 17:39:15 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-05 16:51:53 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

good way to lose 8 pounds. it has to be easy or just give me your ideas. something that can be done in the house without any tools just your body

2007-06-05 16:26:35 · 13 answers · asked by hello 2

I hate questions that aren't questions but honestly I would hate for anyone to miss this information. This information is factual it is drawn from VARES and other reputable sources under the freedom on information act (USA).

I don't know how many injections have been given so I can't comment on the what percentage of women who receive the shots have these side effects.


I guess my question is do you ever look at the VARES information before you vaccinate your child/

Do you at least read and understand the patient information?

Do you keep the patient insert and lot number for future reference?

2007-06-05 11:04:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-05 07:37:44 · 20 answers · asked by Kellzs 2

I know that parents can't force minors to have abortions by law, but can they force them to take birth control, like forcing them to get the Depo-Provera shot or something? I was just wondering, since there seem to be so many teenage pregnancies, and parents are so much more aware of the sexual activity of teenagers.

2007-06-05 06:22:02 · 21 answers · asked by jane d 1

Okay, i am a 14 yr. old girl and i am 5'7 and 114 lbs....

Lately I have been obsessing over my wieght, i have gained 20 pounds since last summer. I try to reason with myself that I am not fat, that I am growing into a "lady" but its just so hard. I have a little sister, who constantly calls me fat, wether she is joking or not, it still hurts. This last week exeptionaly I have been skipping through meals, and I barely even get hungry anymore. I have also been hanging aroung pro-anorexia sites. I know how unattractive "anorexia" can look, and I know most guys like shape on their girls, but I just want to be thin!A year ago I was wearing kids sizes, and now a 1 in adults? Is it just me or are other teenage girls expieriencing this?! All anwsers are greatly appreciated thanks :)

2007-06-05 05:58:44 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is that correct or not??

2007-06-05 05:29:01 · 29 answers · asked by Mariah♥ 3

2007-06-05 05:15:16 · 40 answers · asked by Mariah♥ 3

I'm 13 and all the boys I hang round with or know won't take no for an answer! Why??

2007-06-05 04:49:08 · 36 answers · asked by Mariah♥ 3