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Adolescent - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

Dont they realize that its nearly inpossible to do it without falling into debt, or dropping out of school? Im 14 years old and i dont see why teens are so desperate to have sex that they risk ruining their future child's life because they cant handle it. Even if they use condoms. Those things break like a twig!! I do care for those moms out there that are my age or a bit older, but dont ya think its time we stop this??

2007-06-28 06:17:38 · 14 answers · asked by Jules2012 1


2007-06-28 05:52:06 · 39 answers · asked by 2Much 2

Im 15 and no, what i did was not the brightest thing at all. But im possibly pregnant now and i dont know how to go about getting a pregnancy test without telling my mom and then next to tell my mom if i am.( 'cuz "mom, Im pregnant" doesnt seem to hit it of in my thoughts).My Bf is in Michigan and my friends are yall off on vacation.My bf thinks its immpossible that im pregnant and i havent told him yet that there is a big possibility.How do i convince him that we NEED protection ??? Thanks

2007-06-28 05:45:24 · 52 answers · asked by Angel Ray 1

Somewhere for unruly, mouthy 12 yr old boy to go....my neighbour's 12 yr old is being soooo mouthy and disrespectful to his Mom. Many issues here, but I think best solution for summer is for Mom to have somewhere to send him for a little while. She has a 10mth old and a 6 yr old to deal with as well and big brother is NOT being nice to them either.
Any suggesstions? Please no disrespectful answers, this is serious and hence the reason I am reaching out to anyone that can help. Thanks, Sue

2007-06-28 04:13:43 · 7 answers · asked by Mom-of-three 2

I was wondering if any one had any recommendations on a jewelry store to buy an engagement ring from. For example Kay Jewelers or Dunkin Diamonds or just anything along those lines. Do they have reasonable prices but still had a great selection and quality? Also if they have a website online I would really appreciate the link. We are thinking about possibly buying online as well. And I would love to hear any personal experiences with buying from some of the companies. Thanks. ♥ ♥ ♥

2007-06-28 03:47:12 · 12 answers · asked by ♥sexy_love♥ 5

my 14 year old is 5'4 and he is soooooooooooo worried that he is not going to grow any more, he has hit puberty and I keep telling him he probably keep growing.

2007-06-28 03:42:28 · 30 answers · asked by missmeadow11 2

i need some stories

2007-06-28 02:36:05 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

im a 15 year old girl and i have a 17,8,11 year old brother. i am the only girl. i used to have my own room until my youngest brother was born. and when i was 12 we started sharing a room. i have no privacy , and my mom painted everything in my room from pink to blue. i used to have a huge bed but now i have a small bunk bed. i feel like my santuary was taken away. i told my mom that i didnt like it and she said i was just hateful.

2007-06-28 02:10:49 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i had my first period last month. from may 14, up to now..i've already had 2 periods which both occured in the month of june. but my menstruation ryt now is pretty abnormal. well, last tuesday (1st day), it was quite a heavy flow for me..but then yesterday, it was really really few. but then a while ago, i put out more of those red stuff. so i put my napkin on, but when i reached home and looke at my undies, all i could see was black. there were no blood at all. it was a clean napkin actually, it's just that, there's no blood..intead, there were these black spots. is this ok?

2007-06-27 22:17:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-27 20:14:57 · 36 answers · asked by meme b 1

My stepdaughter turns 16 in a couple of months. She lives with us 24/7 now - no contact from her mom for over a year :-( Due to situations beyond her control, general shyness and her life situation, she doesn't have a strong circle of friends her age. She's got cousins around her age, but they're family and, even then, they're not really close - hang out at family gatherings, but not outside of them.

I want to do something special for her 16th birthday, anyway. I'm thinking something like skydiving, a spa weekend, rock n roll fantasy camp, a date with Jack White or Johnny Depp ;-)...

We can't really afford anything more than a couple hundred dollars. We're in the Chicago suburbs.

If this were you, if you were about to turn 16 & in a similar situation in your life, what would you want to do to mark the special day?

2007-06-27 16:18:23 · 8 answers · asked by Maureen 7

2007-06-27 14:14:14 · 51 answers · asked by Anonymous

My son is 5 and daughter is 9.. Is this too early for them to be without me full-time? The father wants to fight for full custody. My kids keep saying they want to live with me as well. I don't want to do any emotionally dammage to them and I hope he doesn't end up winning in court because I want them with me full-time.

2007-06-27 13:32:55 · 11 answers · asked by Amy 1


i meant girls, what kind of guys do you like?
i like ones with hair kinda in a messy shag, lighter brown. i like them to wear band shirts alot. they have to be taller than me as well.


2007-06-27 11:58:39 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a pet rabbit, and when they pee test me due to my behavior, I simple take a sample from her in the morning and get it tested.
What do you do?

2007-06-27 10:43:36 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am only 14 and i am pregnant and i don't know who the father is!
how do i tell my mom??

-i need to know if i should keep the baby
-it has been 3 months

please help me with every thing

i need advice for every thing

2007-06-27 10:27:58 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous

am 14 and havent started my period but for about a year now Ive had a little discharge, but today my underware was really wet and it was discharge, ahhh there is sooooo much! (yuck yuck) is this normal or just gross?
oh yeah and I am travleing with my dad for a few more days. so I am kind of limited on where I can get supplies.
Does this mean my period will start soon, if so about how many days?

2007-06-27 09:37:38 · 19 answers · asked by hey-hey-hey 1

I'm using a proxy to get onto myspace because It's blocked and I've been using it for a couple of weeks. well, today I've tried logging on and this is what it does:

I type in my email and password and as soon as it opens the page it is still on the home page but only displaying my email address....? I am able to look at other profiles and search I just can't log on to my profile and check messages. Does any one know why it could be doing this? Please feel free comment or email me. thanks a bunch!

2007-06-27 09:36:30 · 12 answers · asked by Misty W 1

This past week i have been having horrible stomach pains. My parents refuse to take me to the doctor but i realy need to go. I have been throwning up ( no im not pregneat), a lot. Please help!!! Im only 14.

2007-06-27 09:15:55 · 11 answers · asked by marrisa2556 2

2007-06-27 08:56:35 · 10 answers · asked by the BABY 4

I am only 13 years old and i want my nose pierced but my mom and dad wont let me.They said im too young but i think i am at a good age to get it done.Can you give me some reasons to tell them to let me get it done.
Thank You!

2007-06-27 07:25:12 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 15 (will be 16 at the end of July) and i have a baby. I was wondering if i could work fulltime instead of part-time? because i'm really getting a job to support my daughter and not myself.

2007-06-27 05:11:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-27 04:57:17 · 15 answers · asked by baileyheartsu 1

HI! I have been homeschooled ALL of my life! But this year my mom is making me go to school!(For the experience! I am going in to 7 grade!)Most people think I am really pretty! lol!

I need some advice like what to...

What hair cut should I get my hair is 2 inches below my shoulder!
make up
what to do and what not to do
what to expect!
and advice on how to get through it!

I am 12
I am REALLy tall for my age 5"5
I ride horses altho you would never tell by the way I dress
I am not TOTALLy a prep just kinda!
I get semi descent grades!
I also wanted you to know that I know absoulutly NO one! SO i get to start fresh! (Not like other people if they were weird in the other grades.... kids will most likly not like them!)

If you waant to know wanything elses just ask and I will add additional detalis!
Money is not a prob!

2007-06-27 04:14:40 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

am I the only one? I am no longer a virgin as I was sexually abused by my father (now sitting in jail) when I was younger. But i am not going to have sex willingly until I'm married. Are there any other teenagers who think sex is not a game. It's something that God intended for marriage. Please don't tell me I'm the only 15 yo out there with a brain.

2007-06-27 03:32:40 · 35 answers · asked by Me, Myself, and I 1


know what you girls are gonna say but i have to ask anyways.

guys: if you had a female friend that was about a 5 out of 10 who simply wanted to give you head, no strings attached, (i know she likes me, but she also knows i have no real interest in her) would you accept? (she's a shy girl, not much experience......) i should probably mention, she's a trust fund baby, millionaire............

2007-06-27 01:47:43 · 12 answers · asked by sikn_shadow_420 2

Has it happened to you and how old where you? What would you do if it did?

2007-06-26 21:30:41 · 9 answers · asked by Carly T 2

and now for the past few weeks he acts like he doesnt want to be around me and he is not eating and losing wt and when i ask him if something is wrong he just says leave me alone. is this pulling away normal, this is my only child and I dont know what to think..

2007-06-26 18:39:52 · 9 answers · asked by ? 4

omg i was eating dinner out wit my dad today, cause i have to every tuesday. And anyway we were just talking and he said o ya ur gonna be 15 nxt summer u can get a job. i was like hell no. but he said i have to. i dont want to, wat can i do to change his mind.

2007-06-26 16:38:15 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay well its a long story short but mmm well. im pregant and im 16 and the whole thing is that i was at a party and someone put somethng in my drink and i didnt know.. and the thing is i wasnt drinking. i was drinking punch and someone put something in my drink at my cuzins party. and well im one month along... and i have a bf and i tried telling my bf he didnt take it well. he was like once a cheater always a cheater.. and i was like well i didnt cheat i swear someone put something in my drink.. and then he was lke we're over... and i was like im just kidding im not pregant... cuz i dont want to lose him. then he was like then what is the big news? and i made up an excuse! how do i tell him? but im getting abortation.... only my sister knows.. i dont want to give up my baby but i have too becuz well you know im 16... its not my fault... but my question is how do i tell my bf or do i tell him? and should i give up my baby?

2007-06-26 12:38:02 · 37 answers · asked by ilove you 1