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Adolescent - May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

i love the mom i have now....but kinda want to know and see where i came from......start a quest ro say f.u.c.k. it?

2007-05-22 02:31:29 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Our school sports co-ordinator seems to have a problem with me, for some unknown reason. She is also a teacher and is a substitute when our teacher is away.

I'd like to say I am a good student (without being too arrogant). I'm polite, never miss a class and always get my work in on time and my work is at a good standard.

I've had our sports co-ordinator twice as a substitute and twice has she marked me as absent, even though she has acknowledged me in class.

The first time I asked the sports coordinator why she marked me absent and she said I came in late (which I didn't). I told her my form teacher believed I was in class and changed it to an explained. The SC said "Oh that's all right, you perfect reputation wont be ruined" (sarcastically)

At form time today and form teacher called me up again. I explained to her what had happened. She said I was a truthworthy person and she trusted me.

What can I do? Talking to her didn't help. PLEASE!

2007-05-21 21:15:15 · 9 answers · asked by ★☆✿❀ 7

2007-05-21 16:55:16 · 14 answers · asked by PaRtYqUeEn 2

..like because she's 16 and that's the age of consent...so like what would happen if she got pregnant?..i wouldn't think anything because she's age of consent, but my friend asked me but i wasn't so sure so i decided to ask all of you.

2007-05-21 16:08:21 · 13 answers · asked by Casie G 1

My 17 yr old son suffers from mental illness. When he was younger he had ADHD, ODD and was learning disabled. As he got older he only got worse. By the time he was 14 yrs old our state's laws (PA) gave him the right to refuse treatment. Ever since then he has flat out refused all attempts to help him. Counselors, social workers and educators have been unable to reach him. Family and friends pleas to him have fallen on deaf ears. When he was home all he wanted to do was lay around, watch TV, use the computer, listen to music and eat. He dropped out of school in the 10th grade and has recently begun experimenting with drugs and stealing from me. Currently he's in an in-patient drug rehab still refusing to cooperate with the program. As his Mom I am at my wits ends. I don't know what else to do. He wants to come home but lacks even the most basic of skills to get and keep a job. If this were your son what would you do? Honest, sincere, non-judgemental replies only please. Thank you.

2007-05-21 15:25:08 · 4 answers · asked by strawberriesilove 2

2007-05-21 13:48:16 · 9 answers · asked by Alexa V. 1

im pregnant and i really do lovemyb.f more than nething elsein the world. he seyz he loves me more then nething but idkifhe feels tha same as i do

2007-05-21 09:57:41 · 17 answers · asked by Beba 1

I feel that the age of concent at 16 is laughably ridioulous. I am a youth rights supporter who supports the abolition of the age of consent laws. Mainly because I feel the goverment has no right to determine when a person is ready for sex. My question is who supports lowering/raising/ or abolition of the 16 year old age of concent law.

2007-05-21 04:59:30 · 21 answers · asked by Martin A Neville 4

I have two kids, a husband, and I am going to college, my problem is that I dont know what to do, I start my summer classes tonight at 6 pm and my son (7 yrs old) has a baseball game tonight at the same time, we have only one car, and I dont know what to do...we dont have anyone that would help us. my mom is too self centered (i hate to say that but its true) and the rest of my family wont either. I was thinking about missing class, but I am scared I will fall behind and all, but I dont want to miss my sons game, He only has two more this season, but I dont know what to do....please help and give some good advice, thanks

2007-05-20 23:53:53 · 17 answers · asked by luv my gsd 1

My best friend is 18, i'm 17. We live quite a wee way away from each other but we still have really good contact.

When my best friend was younger his father use to hit him quite badly. He split open his head and use to beat him.

My best friend doesn't talk about it and he hates his father now.

Last night I text him just saying 'Hey, how you going?'. He replyed saying 'don't ask'. Eventually I got it out of him that his father was beating his younger brother (who is just a month younger than me).

I'm really worried about this because I know my best friend still has this anger and he hates his Dad a lot.

I don't know his parents. But what can I do to help my friend? He's not going to go to counselling. I'm seeing him next in August.


2007-05-20 21:00:31 · 15 answers · asked by ★☆✿❀ 7


2007-05-20 14:46:10 · 25 answers · asked by hurtado1679 1

Why dont teenagers use mob aggression to negotiate proper sex ed?

To stop all the teen pregancies.

Why not force full education ie if the teacher does not answer the question properly or put the student in touch with an agency that can why dont the kids extract the info with 'aggressive negotiations'?

Its a necessary thing and better then anyone getting pregnant. Plus it is their job to make sure they are informed.

Likewise force provision of contraception inc condom machines in secondary schaools and the school taking charge of say the pill being taken at 2pm sharp by all girls on it with morning after pills ready.

Plus all the support and help needed to deal with all elements of relationships and the feelings that go with it.

Bringing up therefore balanced, well educated , successful in social relationships kids for uni.

Rather then all the teenagers comming her asking can they get pregnant this way only its too late as already expecting

2007-05-20 13:43:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have this reading project due in like 8 hrs and i havent really started on it. should i even do it now cause its really late to begin. its worth more than half my grade too. im too lazy to do it how can i go around stalling it until class. im already failing reading class anyway so it wont make much of a diffrence if i dont turn it in. how can i get someone to do it for me so i dont have to.

2007-05-20 10:38:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

my bfs guna b a dad soon (30days time) ,ive bin wid him 7months n the gurl whos pregnant onlymet him once? what shud i do? hes onli 17.n i always am gettin abuse from the girl hus pregnant. he promised me he will never dump me for her. confused.x

2007-05-20 08:06:15 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was watching Dateline MSNBC one time and it was showing men meeting up with 13-15 year olds for sex. Why are police so vicious with catching these guys? A 13-15 year old can think for themselves, there not stupid, I am 14, though I would never meet up with an adult, 13-15 year olds should be able to make their own choices.

2007-05-20 03:54:55 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Right Im 15
Been With My B.f Steven For 10 Months
We Deiced To Sleep Together
And Now Im 6 Months Pregnant
And Im Really Scared
And To Make Things Worse Im Having Twins

I Dont Think I WIll B Able To Handle Both

Please Help
Anyone With Twins How Did You Manage ???


2007-05-20 00:04:22 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

well im 18yrs old, and having a big graduation bbq next month, there is NEVER any alcohol in the house, but i wanted to get beer for the bbq. but my mom is a MOM..so im not sure what i can ask or how i can convince her, i can pay for it, but i need her approval. what are some convincing things to bring up about drinking?? or how do i convince her?

2007-05-19 18:02:22 · 27 answers · asked by Tidal Wave 2

im 9 weeks pregnant and i dont have morning sickness or anything but i still have my period but everything says im pregnant is that normal

2007-05-19 16:58:46 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am 15 and i know teens have depressions for no reason that is what is happening now like since january of this year for no reason or some minor issues i get a semi depression but only monthly for a few days and i think like there is no more reason to live and even now after school ended instead of being really happy i think i am going to be bored and there is no reason to live is this a new phase in my adolescence that i started late because some people had a depression when they were 12 but the depression is annoying but not very serious

2007-05-19 16:40:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend's 17-yr. old sister is pregnant & got into a fight with a 13-yr. old pregnant girl for feeding the 17-yr. old's 8-month old daughter table food, & the 8-month old baby was choking. The 13-yr. old got pregnant by being molested by an older man if you're wondering how she got pregnant, & the 17-yr. old girl is fast & sexually promiscuous & thinks she's overgrown.

Well, the 17-yr. old beat up the 13-yr. old really badly, & the 13-yr. old kicked & punched the 17-yr. old in the stomach. They're both in pain, & the 13-yr. old is all bloody. I'm freaked out & scared. What should I do to help?

2007-05-19 16:23:51 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

He recently received a progress report where his average has come up but the semester has not ended. He has four weeks.

2007-05-19 13:57:45 · 12 answers · asked by DReidSR 1

2007-05-19 11:07:27 · 17 answers · asked by shiningStar 2

well im in yr8 and i have no boobs i dont wear a bvra cos im flat but me periods havent started eithr and im really scared me mum said that there grow in time but the problem is how much time i also have seen lots of videos and mags saying that if ure over weight then they wont start and im scared cos all me friends have and im the only 1 am i over weight i weigh
10.13 in stones help ,....

2007-05-19 11:06:08 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

im a 14 year old guy im 5`0 and i wear a size 4.5-5.0 boys shoe. i have shoes that are size 4.5 and 1 that is a size 5.0. do you think i have big feet.

2007-05-19 01:38:47 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm now a 21 year old male. I was thinking about the past today after I got off work, and it finally occurred to me that I was a very horny boy even at the age of 12. I remember always humping pillows and stuff. Do you think that I might have been abused in any way, or is it normal? Even now days I am a very horny guy, and I think about sex and girls constantly no matter where I am, or what time. I guess the main reason I typed this question is from boredom. Sorry for boring you.

2007-05-18 18:31:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-18 18:10:27 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

i feel like pissing my teachers off on monday. wat should i do that wont get me a write up. cause if u get a write up at all this last wk u cant go to graduation or the 8th grade picnic. so wat should i do to piss them off.

2007-05-18 17:56:02 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was sitting in Advisory, just reading a book, and this annoying guy, Jake, walks behind me and pull back my bra strap and snaps it really hard!! *rubs sore spot" I was like,"Wtf?!" He just giggles and walks back to his friends.
*note: Jake giggles... funny laugh lol* Should I say something about this to an adult, or should I just drop it?

2007-05-18 15:10:01 · 35 answers · asked by Millie 3

We have installed a sauna in our home and my 13 year old s
on wanted me to join him. When I did he did get an erection after a while. I pretended not to see it because I did not want to embarras him.
Is it possible that a boy can get excited from seeing his mother naked ?

2007-05-18 12:53:55 · 29 answers · asked by Diana 1