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well im 18yrs old, and having a big graduation bbq next month, there is NEVER any alcohol in the house, but i wanted to get beer for the bbq. but my mom is a MOM..so im not sure what i can ask or how i can convince her, i can pay for it, but i need her approval. what are some convincing things to bring up about drinking?? or how do i convince her?

2007-05-19 18:02:22 · 27 answers · asked by Tidal Wave 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

im a DAUGHTER..not son...and theres probably going to be around 10 people age 18-20, and 75
people 21+

2007-05-20 06:57:11 · update #1

27 answers

Is alcohol worth the consequences that you could suffer? Good for your mom being a mom. Stop and think about the what if's if you find someway to get the alcohol....what if you have it...someone is raped, you or your mother or everyone there goes to jail for underage drinking, you and your mother lose everything because of it, you lose respect of others, someone leaves drunk and causes and accident and kills either themself or others, someone dies from alcohol poisioning??. Could you honestly live with your conscience if something like this should occur just because you wanted to have a big bbq, alcohol party??? Just ask yourself, was it worth it for one night of partying for the rest of your life? You have a lifetime ahead of you and now is the most important time in your life for responsible decision making that will either make or break you....the choice is yours. And...and if something bad happens to one of the people at your party and they become unable to care for themselves or lose their life, how do you think their parents would look at you and your mom...not highly because you are here and their loved one is not. Just stay safe and be the bigger and more responsible person...try having virgin frozen drinks. You don't have to have alcohol to have a good time. You had fun in school with your friends and didn't bring alcohol to school...why need it now? Life is too short, enjoy it while you can. Life passes you by when you're drunk and hungover. Good luck.

2007-05-19 18:18:11 · answer #1 · answered by nancy_pooh_2000 2 · 2 3

First of all...being that I am raising a young teenager (younger than your self) let me cover a few things. First of all there is a legal dringing age thats 21. Second you ar only 18 if your mother were dumb enough to buy you nd your friends alcohol she would be supplying it to minors. Yes you are still a minor as far as alcohol is concerned. Second if she does do this and one of your friends gets drunk and crashes...killing some one or not...your mother can and will be held responsible...all so you and your friends can party it up and get plastered for a graduation? Your mother runs the risk of losing everything and a fine and possibly jail time...so I guess the question is...are you willing to take the risk? I can pretty much tell you your mother isnt. Being 18 you really dont understand the consequences of decisions like that and thats why you have to be 21 to drink.

2007-05-19 19:58:29 · answer #2 · answered by Andie 2 · 2 1

Sorry, that's too big a responsibility for your mom to take on. Wait until you graduate from college, moved out and then throw your own party and accept the consequences that come from having a bunch of rowdies in YOUR residence. The words 'big (hs) graduation bbq' is a big big red flag. BBQ is cool, but NO alcohol anywhere on or near premises...period. You've made it 18 years without it, you can wait another four years. Respect your parents house rules.

2007-05-19 18:19:18 · answer #3 · answered by Rocky 5 · 4 1

Why do you want beer? Have you promised all your friends that there's going to be beer at the party? Do other kids' parents let them have alcohol? I'm not sure what your motives here are - do you want to get drunk - can't you enjoy your party without alcohol? I'm not saying that alcohol is a no-no, it's just that sometimes things get out of control with young people and your mom is trying to have some control over this BBQ (I assume it's at your house) - she wants a well behaved enjoyable party without any unruly behaviour. This is entirely between you and your mum. If you've given her cause to mistrust you in the past, then I don't like your chances. If you've shown her that you can be trusted in all situations, then she just might come around.

18 is the legal age to drink over here. 18th birthday parties are usually very alcoholic loud celebrations, often with major hangovers the next day.

2007-05-19 18:11:58 · answer #4 · answered by Sunny 1st 4 · 1 3

so your mom buys the beer the a kid drives home gets in an accindent it comes back to your mom. she would be charged and would have to [pay all damages.

yea good thinking haveing beer. maybe get a keg instead. if she is going to jail might as well be worth it for your own ammusment huh. your are such a nice son.

2007-05-19 19:19:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Say, "Hey mom. I've got this great idea. I'd like you to commit multiple felonies and supply beer to underage drinkers. I know that you can be sued by anyone who has an accident or gets injured in any way AND by any parents of minors, but I don't really care because I just want to be cool. If you end up going to jail and losing everything you own, you will at least be happy to know that I had one killer graduation bash! After all...it's all about MEEEEEEE!"

How's that?
It's time to stop being a spoiled brat and think about people other than yourself.

2007-05-19 18:05:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 11 2

You are under age and if the party gets out of control and someone calls the cops your Mother will go to jail for buying alcohol for minors.........get over it, your not 21!!

2007-05-19 18:05:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Drink Rootbeer in those beer bottles.

2007-05-19 18:07:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

You don't need to be getting drunk at 18 years old.

2007-05-20 08:21:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Tell her that at 18, you are mentally and physically responsible enough to drink. You are old enough to fight and/or die for your country and get shipped to Iraq in the military. You are old enough to vote and make responsible decisions about the next most prominent member of our society. And explain to her that you will collect people's keys and not let people who were drinking drive home, you will be very careful. And, it's always a plus to throw in good things about yourself. Like "well mom...I worked soo hard in highschool. my grades were this (fill in grades) and I never got in trouble."

good luck with that! :)

2007-05-19 18:07:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

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