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Adolescent - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

I was at my b/f's house and we were watching tv. Is how he acted normal??
I fell asleep in his arms and he started feeling me up. He claims he just couldn't help it. He says that watching me compete in my gymnastics meet just makes him get turned on and he can't help it. He says even though it was hours later, he still thought about the meet. Is this a normal guy??

2007-01-22 02:00:08 · 18 answers · asked by Nicoletta 3

my stepson touches me in odd places and makes sexual comments about my body. im 20 and hes 13

2007-01-21 23:33:34 · 12 answers · asked by the sun should burn out tommorow 1

My daughter is like 14 years old and she is going out with some boy in her class that is 15 years old. Almost older than her. What should I do? She always sneaking out of her room everytime my husband and I leave the house. My husband knows her boyfriend but I don't know him. Please help me.

2007-01-21 22:24:08 · 19 answers · asked by Rose Gill 1

well she dont want her parents to findout shes pregnant and she dont know if she should have an abourshon or if she should keep it andd telll her parents she asked me for advice but she wants more advice off people she dont know

2007-01-21 21:46:55 · 32 answers · asked by louise s 1

How do you know when your teen is in love?
If your daughter is seeing someone younger than she is?

I would like to talk more in messenger....
my email address is anmc1989@hotmail.com or anmc1989@yahoo.com ..

2007-01-21 19:53:46 · 6 answers · asked by LotsaQs 1

Alright, i'm filipino and in 8th grade. There are a group of filipina girls in my class, that keeps talking crap about me. Like for example, the stuff they are like i;m shame to the filipino culture because i don't speak the language, don't like the food much,etc.
There all full blooded, but i'm only half filipino. I just don't like to speak the language, i prefer other types of besides the traditional filipino food. So why are they saying stuff like that. They are so irrataing. It makes dislike the culture even more. Myparents are both filipnio but i have traces of spanish and japenese blood.
so what can i do so they will just drop it.

2007-01-21 18:07:31 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do any of you know of some poems that can let one know that life is not all bad, but is actually good?
I need a poem for a friend, he is a bit depressed and is questioning his life. So I need a poem that says "Life is good".......

Thanks in advance!!! =D

Couldn't think of any other catagory this would go in, so I put it in the Teens..

2007-01-21 17:29:56 · 11 answers · asked by Danny 4

by the way she used to have a boyfreind so i know shes interested in boys and im sick and tired of people calling me weird so if you dont have advice dont say anyhting

2007-01-21 17:26:24 · 19 answers · asked by tyler d 1

Like bras, or a type of bra your daughter or u dont enjoy, a body suit, etc?

Any rebellion?
Any punishment in case of rebellion or disobedience?

2007-01-21 16:10:43 · 17 answers · asked by Marta M 1

If ya know wat I mean. She's interested and I think she has a right to know.

2007-01-21 15:42:42 · 15 answers · asked by Little Princess 2

ever since my wife died my kids have been out of control, ive always found someway to clean up their messes though but i dont know what to do about this one

he said he wants the baby but i think hes making a mistake she alreay has a baby and my son is talking about marrying her and adopting her kid

what should i do ? i dont want his life to be ruined !!!

2007-01-21 15:03:57 · 55 answers · asked by Beeraw 1

the other day I was at one of my friend's houses and we were looking at pornos on the internet. I have a girlfriend, I'm 16, and i just lost my virginity (it was great, I love it!) Anyways, I always looked only at normal porno before, but we were looking at all this weird stuff and we looked up shemales. I thought it would totally gross me out but I was kind of turned on by them having sex and stuff. I went home later that day and I was masturbating to porn on my computer (I always do that) and then I went on some shemale site again- It made me feel bad and weird but it was exciting. I looked a couple more times since and I still like normal porno too and I really, really love my girlfriend- she's hot and I think she's bi too! But this is really confusing to me and kind of makes me feel bad. Is it normal for teen guys to be confused about stuff like this and do you think I'm bi now? I'm kind of scared. Oh yeah, i only like girls in my school and stuff, never guys.

2007-01-21 14:51:17 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 16 year old daughter has a myspace page I was looking at my computer history and found the myspace page I took a look. Her photo was a photo of her in a really short skirt and a bralike shirt that says ''sexy. sHE IS SITTING DOWN WITH HER BUUT STICKING OUT AND SHE IS BITTING HER FINGER. Her other pictures arent any better. I watche done of her videos VERY in aprpriat. She pointed at her bed and said ''yall know whats gonna'' hapapen hear tonight. And Her comments were also bad. So how do I confront her about this without her hating me and thinking that i am spying on her life. True answersonly please. Thanyou

2007-01-21 14:36:51 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well a couple of days ago i had sex with my boyfriend while i was wearing a tampon. Is it possible that i am pregnant?

2007-01-21 14:03:33 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

im being put in the middle of my brother baby momma drama and i dont know what to do. my brother is 20 and im 15. my brother got 2 girls pregnant he dont go with one no more and 1 girl had a baby last year in 2006 and the other girl is havin her baby in april and i just seen my nephew for the 1st time last nite (i only seen 2 pics of him) and now i feel like just because my brother is havin problems with his 2 baby mommas im been put in the middle of it. my mom is mad at me and both of my brother baby momma's is mad at me now. i dont know what to do.....i tired of my brother not growin up and bein a man. he wont handle his biz....i dont know what to do. i put my nephew pictures on myspace and i got in trouble for doing it. any advice....please

2007-01-21 13:57:46 · 8 answers · asked by *pretty girl* 1

OK me and 3 of my firends are doing a dance for the skool talent show.. we need a fast song that is APPROPRIATE for skool, or sumthin that i can find a censord version of! (we are all 13 and in 8th grade)

2007-01-21 13:27:35 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

you know ho you are,
you are the one who stripped my whole life from me,
the one who hurt me, and said that you loved me at the same time.
the one who controlled me and everything i did.
yet i still loved you back
you know who you are
the one who had my family between your fingers,
you were the one who had them turn their backs on me when i needed them most, it was you who they believed, not me.
i dont understand how you did it,but you did,and you did it well
i would ask why you would hurt me so badly
you said becaus you liked to see me bleed and beg you for my life
it was you that made that i couldnt even leave my own home with out fear, it was you who put these scares on me,i have always
prayed that happiness would come again. but i know it wont.
i know who you are and you know who you are.

2007-01-21 13:24:52 · 15 answers · asked by koi 3

You see, me and my sister have this battle going on. She's 16 and I'm 13. We LOVE to embarrass each other. So, one day she pulled my pants down in front of some of my friends! I told her I'd get her back! So, one day, some of HER friends were over. Even her boyfriend. So, I pulled her pants down infront of them! And she was even wearing a thong! Well, she's a BIG tattle tell. So she went to tell our mom. My mom called me upstairs to spank me. Then, she told me to spend the rest of the day in my room. I thought that was it! BOY was I wrong! The next day, Saturday, I was taking a shower. It was about 3:00pm then. I went in my closet to get dressed. There were NO clothes there! There was a note on the door that said"Come downstairs for your clothes. You can wear your sisters thong to cover up if you want. Mom" I came downstairs. There was only my mom down there. So I thought. I came downstairs to see ALL of my friends! AND 2 of my friend's moms!

2007-01-21 13:22:02 · 24 answers · asked by imagoody2shoes19 1

You see, me and my sister have this battle going on. She's 16 and I'm 13. We LOVE to embarrass each other. So, one day she pulled my pants down in front of some of my friends! I told her I'd get her back! So, one day, some of HER friends were over. Even her boyfriend. So, I pulled her pants down infront of them! And she was even wearing a thong! Well, she's a BIG tattle tell. So she went to tell our mom. My mom called me upstairs to spank me. Then, she told me to spend the rest of the day in my room. I thought that was it! BOY was I wrong! The next day, Saturday, I was taking a shower. It was about 3:00pm then. I went in my closet to get dressed. There were NO clothes there! There was a note on the door that said"Come downstairs for your clothes. You can wear your sisters thong to cover up if you want. Mom" I came downstairs. There was only my mom down there. So I thought. I came downstairs to see ALL of my friends! AND 2 of my friend's moms! AND my sisters friends!...

2007-01-21 13:05:02 · 19 answers · asked by imagoody2shoes19 1

I REALLY NEED AN ANSWER!! Okay sorry about the caps. but would a house by the ocean or in a forest be damaged more in an earthquake?

2007-01-21 12:56:59 · 24 answers · asked by monkey. 3

my lil sis thinks she's may b pregnant in we dont wants mom to find out but she wants to be sure thats its possible pregnacy rather than her just feelin bad

2007-01-21 12:40:53 · 12 answers · asked by true_man25 1

Alright, so here's the deal:

I'm 15, and involved in my schools NJROTC unit. In March we're having a Military Ball. The guy I'm thinking of taking is currently 19 and a PFC in the Marines. We've been friends for a while, but could go further. The thing is, my 1st sgt will flip out because of the age difference. I know, "Mind his own business." but, I'm still going to get a speech about it.

Any advice? Should I still go with him? Should I not? Is the age difference too much?

2007-01-21 12:30:47 · 6 answers · asked by mo_c_mo33 3

dont say i need to get a job. dont say i shouldve never had sex. i just need to know approx. how much it will cost a month...

2007-01-21 12:27:15 · 39 answers · asked by *pretty girl* 1

1. I need a theme! i already know that i am going to have it at my house, in my backyard (it's huge!), and that i am going to invite a whole lot of people of all ages. I am a christian, and my parents are pastors, but i don't have a theme! I love animals, and my favorite color is orange, and i like sports (football mostly), oh, and i am a female, but i am not a girly girl, so, can you help me??

2.My mom had a very big, very nasty fight with one of her old friends and they are not friends anymore, i don't even think they talk anymore, i have known her friend all my life though, she was one of the first people to hold me after i was born, i also know all her kids, and they have all known me all my life (they are all older than me, grown). Assuming that things don't change between my mother and her friend by April, should i even try to invite her friend's kids, or tell her friend about my party, or should i just leave it alone? Cause really, the fight had nothing to do with me.

2007-01-21 11:01:39 · 9 answers · asked by Confused & Young 4

I need to know they are so hot!!

2007-01-21 09:54:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My last account got banned for point gaming. What tha hell is that!

2007-01-21 09:47:22 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've made an appointment with the doctor - because she's in so much pain.

It's the inside of both thighs - & she finds it hard to walk. Having to put pressure on her legs. Poor thing .lol.

Given her painkillers - done nothing.
What else can i do - until i take her to the doctor ??
She's been in tears & can't really sleep,because it hurts

2007-01-21 09:42:19 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok so im 18 and have a 4 in a half month old daughter, and in my senior english class we have to type a persuasive paper. My thesis statement is.

Many teenagers who become pregnant and have children can still acheive their goals.

And i cant really find anyones opinions on the internet, could anyone help me. It would b really a big help. My paper has to b 5-7 pages so im hoping for alot of opinions :D thanx everyone


2007-01-21 09:24:39 · 5 answers · asked by kmkselkirk07 1

i'm just wondering, don't get any ideas!!

2007-01-21 09:17:46 · 35 answers · asked by justme123 2

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