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Ok so im 18 and have a 4 in a half month old daughter, and in my senior english class we have to type a persuasive paper. My thesis statement is.

Many teenagers who become pregnant and have children can still acheive their goals.

And i cant really find anyones opinions on the internet, could anyone help me. It would b really a big help. My paper has to b 5-7 pages so im hoping for alot of opinions :D thanx everyone


2007-01-21 09:24:39 · 5 answers · asked by kmkselkirk07 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

5 answers

once again read sucess after pregnancy. if i still have it i can mail it to you. i have your email if you are interested post it. i am 17 with a 4 month old. i am trying to become a RN. i have really high goals and i want to reach them. goals are important to have. most people think that just because you have a baby young that you cannot have any goals. not true. i know a woman that had a baby at 15 and is the owner of a huge company. it takes determination adn if anyone can have a baby and keep their sanity then they can do anything!

2007-01-21 09:32:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think that teens that are willing to try to achieve their goals should be allowed, not the ones that live on food stamps because they can and not the ones that sit on their butts and do nothing. The ones that work for what they get are the ones that achieve their goals. Of course, I am only thirteen years old. That is just my point of view. Lets say my Aunt Mary for instance. (She is my real aunt.) No, she wasn't a teen mom and she was married. But she barely earns what she gets although she is capable. She married a lowlife kind of guy, and he's an idiot. But yet, my friend Heidi who will be fourteen in April has two kids already but is still in school and is working towards her dream to complete high school and become a pediatrician. So it all depends on what kind of person it is.

2007-01-21 09:43:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When I was 16 years old (Junior year) I got pregnant. I married my boyfriend who was a senior. Although I did quit school but i went back and got my ged. I am now 23 years old and have a brand new house, and a brand new car. My husband works everyday and supports his family. Just because I got pregnant it didnt stop me from living life. I consider it a bump in my path but i crossed it and now i have a beautiful son. I think that teenagers can still go to college and live a semi-normal life.Children are wonderful and I dont think that we should just stop living because we have an responsibiltiy. I have not yet went to college but i do plan on it in the future. When my kids are in school then I will find the time to work on my education. But my life has turned out great.

2007-01-21 09:35:42 · answer #3 · answered by Kendra M 2 · 0 0

I had my first child at 17 although I dont suggest any teen to follow that path. A that time I was already one and a half years behind in school. My goal was to finish school with my class. It helps to have a support system which could be anyone that is going to be lovingly suportive and helpful. I had my parents who gave me an incentive, I changed schools to one that was for pregnent teens there we not only learned the required subjects we also learned how to care for a baby and learned of different birth control. M y teachers were also great confidantes, another part of my support system. Keep your goals in mind and be determined to achieve them it will be harder to do so because you now have a little one to care for but anything is possible with determination. Your precious child is always the first to care for before anything else but you still can achieve your goals you just have an added incentive to do so. Give your baby a good life keep him/her safe and warm and the two of you will grow together. Dont forget god will always walk with you if you walk with god.

2007-01-21 09:48:46 · answer #4 · answered by fakeblond475 2 · 0 0

well teen parents can achieve their goals if they have support and know where to go. In NYC some of the CUNY community colleges have daycare so you can bring your child to school.
* High schools also have early graduations now so you can finish high school in college.

There is still more that society can do. Maybe your paper can discuss how the laws should change to allow teens to sign contracts i.e. leases and be declared independent so they can obtain financial aid for school without parental input.
**Also lower the age for teens to work full time jobs and start to pressure employers against age discrimination.

Good Luck on your paper

2007-01-21 09:37:28 · answer #5 · answered by Latoya J 2 · 0 0

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