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dont say i need to get a job. dont say i shouldve never had sex. i just need to know approx. how much it will cost a month...

2007-01-21 12:27:15 · 39 answers · asked by *pretty girl* 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

im not talkn as far as rent.

2007-01-21 12:35:02 · update #1

i will be living with my perants....

2007-01-21 12:37:36 · update #2

39 answers

We spend two hundred dollars a month for formula for our baby. Another fifty or so for baby food. Diapers/wipes etc. add up to another hundred or so monthly. Clothes are about fifty dollars a month. So that's four hundred dollars a month just for the necessitys.

Also the costs for a crib, blankets, car seats, baby swings, bouncers, walkers, highchair, toys, books, etc would depend on which ones you bought.

There could also be medical costs for doctors visits and medicine if you don't have insurance for the baby.

Prental care and delivering a baby with no complications runs around twenty thousand if you're uninsured.

2007-01-21 12:41:31 · answer #1 · answered by Hailey m 1 · 2 2

A baby needs diapers, medical care, food, clothes, a carseat, etc. First of all, you have to invest in all the furniture and such that you'll need with at the least will cost around $400. Baby food runs around fifty cents a bottle for generics and a baby would eat maybe five a day. Plus clothes while they grow for about $200. Plus shampoo and formula and stuff. It's going to be around $600-$800 a month. Basically, you'd need a job. But this is an incredibly stupid situation for you to be in at 15. There isn't any way that a 15-year-old can care for a baby as well as a prepared adult. The likelihood that your child will be taken from you before it is 1 year old is 70%. If you're investigating this just because you want a baby, save yourself and your unborn child some grief and a shitty life and don't have a baby.

2007-01-21 12:38:20 · answer #2 · answered by PUtuba7 4 · 1 3

Depends on a number of things. Age of the baby, whether or not you're breast feeding, whether or not the baby is in day care...
Day care can cost up to $250 a week or more.
A large can of powdered formula costs approx $25, and might last you about a week or so.
Diapers, maybe $30 every 2 weeks.
Wipes, about $6 a week or so.
Then there's clothes, medicines (when needed), pediatrician costs (depends on your insurance)
At first there will also be the one-time costs, such as : crib, crib sheets, bottles, toys, car seats, high chair, swing, etc.
I'm sure I'm forgetting a whole bunch of things, but that's the basics. Oh...and that's just for a newborn. After about the age of 4 months, then you start to add baby food to the costs, and the older they get, the more they cost.

2007-01-21 12:40:14 · answer #3 · answered by Jess H 7 · 2 2

I know everyone tells you don't have sex, and you can't wait to get a baby, i know how you feel. But Babies not only cost a lot, but they also tie you down from lots of things you would want to do as a teenager. They will take up not only so much time and attention, but the best years of your life aswell.

If you think you can do it and you're ready, go for it, and make sure your parents are involved and you're 100% sure that's what you want. It would be cool having a mom close to your age! :) good luck girl

2007-01-21 13:03:13 · answer #4 · answered by Ash and june 2 · 0 0

Lets see.. Diapers are about $7-$12 a pack.. Formula (if you plan on going this way) is a good $7 can (guestimate) when you include clothe..Wipes...lotion..etc.. erm.. Thats really alot for a 15/16 yr old parents. Its not cheap lemme just say that! I have 3 and another on the way. But your not even talking about when they get older.. start school and you have school supplies.. etc. It gets more expensive the older they get!

2007-01-21 13:35:33 · answer #5 · answered by alysza81 3 · 0 0

the first 6 weeks figure the stuff alone carseat, crib and just basics is about 400 then diapers r 10 a week formula 1 can aday is 2 dollars each dr appt which will be about 3 will be 100 for each shot then to give birth its 4000 just for the baby now when its about 6 months 50 for diapers 60 for formula 50 to 60 for food. clothes are about 15 to 25 each outfit depending on where you shop. then you got day care of any baby over 6 weeks and that alone is anywheres from 150 to 300 per week if your are pg then there is help out there to help u get stuff u need like wic, woman services, yard sales. and just cause your young don't mean you can't be a good mommy. when i had my first baby i had an income of 600 bucks a month and we did just fine. just dont go over board on buying the cutest outfits or cutest toys.

2007-01-21 12:39:13 · answer #6 · answered by michelle 2 · 1 2

no one can predict the future- how can you know what kind of child you will have? everyone wants a normal healthy one but that is no guarantee you will get one-- a friend of mine just found out her 10mt old has leukemia- that is quite an expensive thing to encounter she has 3 other children who are healthy- so.. you need to keep in mind that things go astray an can be very costly- a child is not something that you can put a dollar sign on- please allow yourself to live and get a place of your own or with your husband( this is also an important thing to have when you raise children) sex (unmarried)is fornication, and if you want to be in the Kingdom of God you should not be doing it- no fornicators will be there- is your soul worth the 5 min of pleasure? it is your choice- and you are the one who will face the consequences-

2007-01-22 02:43:48 · answer #7 · answered by drox 3 · 0 0

There are a lot of variables. I would suggest seeing if you qualify for WIC (women, infants and children). This will help with food.

You might also see if there are programs in your area that will provide insurance for your child (through state funded programs). If not, see if you can get well-baby visits and shots from the state health department as this will likely be cheaper than a regular doctor.

For baby clothes and maternity clothes, check thrift stores - just as fun as shopping in department stores. Yard sales can be good too.

For baby furniture and toys, make sure that you know the current safety guidelines. You can get some good deals at thrift stores and yard sales, but they may be out of date and dangerous for your child - slats too far apart, mattress fits improperly, recalled toys, etc. Just check first.

Car seats should be new. The safety standards change so often.

With diapers I found generic to be as good as the pricey ones but cloth as waste - it costs a lot to buy detergent and bleach and new diapers.

Breast feed as long as you can and it'll save you a bundle! If you have trouble breast feeding (not enough milk) you might try "Mother's Milk Tea" at health food stores - check with your doctor first.

Once your baby is old enough, make your own baby food by getting fresh, canned or frozen veggies and pureeing them with a bit of water. This way, too, you know what your baby is actually getting.

Planned Parenthood offers pre-natal care in some areas I think and I'd guess that might be less expensive.

You could also check out "The Tightwad Gazette" books from the library. They have TONS of ideas on saving money. While you're at it, check out the Parenting with Love and Logic books. If possible, read them with your boyfriend and parents so you're all on the same page when it comes to parenting and discipline.

The cost varies widely, but if you're really, really careful and you can tap into some state programs (insurance, WIC, etc.) you might be able to get by on about $200 - $300/month. That does not include daycare which costs somewhere in the neighborhood of an arm and a leg (we pay $700/month for one child).

Utilize as many free sources as you can. Call the police to see if they offer free car seats, call the state to see what they offer, etc.

All of this said, if you're not pregnant and just thinking of having a baby - wait. At the risk of sounding really, really old - you have SO much to experience. I would tell anyone to wait as long as possible to have kids.

I had my first very young while my brother and sister waited. They saw the world, were well-accomplished in their fields of work, had a lot more money so they could buy all the cute things for their babies and were mature enough to really enjoy it.

Hope this helps. Good luck!

2007-01-21 13:11:04 · answer #8 · answered by Shrieking Panda 6 · 0 0

weekly i spend $15 on formula $15 on baby food $5 on juice for her and monthly $30 to $60 on nappys and i only buy clothes if she needs them and you can always get a good buy with baby clothes i also buy wipes nappy bags and bath stuff its about $50 a month but thats just me everyone is different
good luck sweetie
if ya need any help you can email me at jessiegirl88@hotmail.com im a mum of 8month old baby girl and im 19 just remember it is hard work raising a baby
i wish you all the best

2007-01-21 13:45:44 · answer #9 · answered by Jessica P 1 · 0 0

Statistically it costs about $ 10,000 for the first year of life including medical visits, clothes, diapers, food, etc, etc. So if you divide that down by 12 it's about $ 833.00 per month. That does not include bringing the child into the world with hospital and doctor costs running between $ 10,000.00 and $ 15,000.00.
Hope you guys are ready for that.

2007-01-21 16:43:47 · answer #10 · answered by snddupree 5 · 0 0

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