I know that everyone asks the question "could i be pregnant" and everyones answer is "take a test" but my question is more of, could these be very early signs and sypmtoms im experiancing or not....I got my period on Jan. 9th, we had sex a few times before that but he pulled out b/c we werent officially trying to concieve then (still got pre stuff in me), then on Sat. we had sex and didnt pull out and for the last couple days i have had a "fluttery" butterfly-like feeling in my stomach and also a wierd feeling in my lower belly (not really a cramp though). Also, if i sit for a long period of time my lower back starts to hurt (any day before we starting trying i could sit for hours and it wouldnt hurt) and the other thing (which is kind of wierd, sorry) is that i have had frequent bowel movements (more than one or even 2 a day), and normally would only have one once a day if that. Could these be EARLY signs or symptoms or no?
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