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Pregnancy & Parenting - 5 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

My friends Stephanie, Robert ((the guy i like or liked)), Sam, Addison, and Justice were playing a game of who would you date or not. And Stephanie asked Robert if he would date me and he said "EW! Hell no!" so what should i do? Forget about him or stick with liking him??

But I don't get it, because I am pretty well....pretty, and I get alot of compliments about how pretty I am ((not kidding)). it kind of gets annoying, but it's totally flattering.

Oh and Stephanie doesn't like him, because she alrayd is going out with someone.

We are all 13! and just answer how you would if you were me.

2007-01-05 08:08:40 · 19 answers · asked by H A N N A H(: 3 in Adolescent

My face just all of a sudden started to break out. I have had my acne under control for the past 2 years without any breakouts. My sister is 7 months pregnant and we have the same cravings. I find myself sleeping more than ever nowadays.

2007-01-05 08:07:01 · 10 answers · asked by reneedbarnes 2 in Pregnancy

I had a ovary taken out when I was 16 because of a cyst but the doctors tell me I am fine and healthy and am fine to have kids. However, I have never been on birth control and me and my husband don't hold back or use protection and I have never got pregnant. I know there are ways like invitro and other technologies, but I can't afford that. I can afford a child but not thousands just to get pregnant. I have been sexually active since I was 16 and have never got pregnant. Now I am really trying not hard but I want it really bad and my little sister is working on her second child and it hurts. I just need to know if anyone knows any home remedies that might have helped them concieve that I can try. I have tried sitting with my legs up and counting days to when I can ovulate and plus took prenatel vitamins and nothing has worked. I don't think it is my husband because of the problems I have had when I was younger, but the doctors just say I am fine and it will happen but I am impatient.

2007-01-05 08:06:21 · 6 answers · asked by Shonda Murphy-Polk 2 in Trying to Conceive

2007-01-05 08:06:15 · 20 answers · asked by Michael C 1 in Pregnancy

but you know you are extremely too young for one and have a lot ahead of you in life?

2007-01-05 08:05:46 · 12 answers · asked by kd_bug 2 in Pregnancy

I had an appointment at 8 weeks but the doctor didn't want to do my care so I never even saw him and now I booked with a gynocologist and I will be 14 weeks before I get all my first tests done. Is that okay? What are your experiences?

2007-01-05 08:00:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Has anyone used the Nuva Ring and if you have, did you like it? What were some of the advantages or disadvantages when compared with the pill?

2007-01-05 08:00:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I am the mother who say you need to wait til you get married and then have sex, however i am scared she might make a mistake and her future can be ruined. I dont want to give her birth control because i dont want her to think its okay to have sex. what should i do i am confused?

2007-01-05 08:00:28 · 26 answers · asked by Trying to help 2 in Adolescent

My son is thirteen months old, he has not learned how to walk but he does pull up on furniture and walk along the furniture. Should I be concerned that he won't let go? Also, is it true that babies who teethe early walk late?

2007-01-05 07:58:36 · 21 answers · asked by browneyez 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

Does anyone have a personal experience with getting labor started? Things I can do at home. Things that may have worked for you?

2007-01-05 07:55:24 · 8 answers · asked by Chacacon 2 in Pregnancy

I'm just a little concerned because in only 4.5 months into my pregnancy and I've already gained over 25 lbs. Everyone I know says they don't think I've gained too much but I feel it and the scale proves it.

2007-01-05 07:54:36 · 18 answers · asked by ? 6 in Pregnancy

what weeks go to what month?

2007-01-05 07:50:01 · 0 answers · asked by Liz 2 in Pregnancy

After Sex How Long Can The Sperm Stay Active For A Better Chance Of Conceiving?

2007-01-05 07:48:45 · 11 answers · asked by brat 1 in Pregnancy

i'm 13 and pretty small for my age. i weigh about 80 lbs and am still not 5 foot yet. my dumb parents still make me ride in a booster seat even though i'm old enough not to have one. i have tried to argue with them but i have not been able to get them to change there minds. what can i do to fix this?

2007-01-05 07:48:30 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Grade-Schooler

The doctors have said that my son is very advanced for his age. He can talk, but he gets frustrated when we cant understand, also I was wondering what all I can do to help him with learning what the words are and mean. Can anyone give me any help on what to tell my husband to insure him that this is normal.

2007-01-05 07:48:15 · 7 answers · asked by bmorris0042@sbcglobal.net 1 in Toddler & Preschooler


Everybody, I am sorry for all of the rude and cruel answers I have been giving. I am NOT trying to be like someone I am not, but I have learned that I have gone too far with my answers. There is just so many things in my life that is giong on. I only have three people in the world to lean on, and otherwise I am all alone. I know I shouldn't be answering like that. I was NOT trying to be like Heartless Vampire. I know...I know...I took the "heartless" thing from her name and put it into mine, but I am sorry. I didn't mean ANYTHING by my answers. I was hateful and now I really do regret it so badly, because I probably hurt so many feelings. I wasn't being myself, and now I will be. I never realized how many feelings I hurt, but right now it is like I have two walls squeezing between me, and now I am about to explode. Sometimes I just feel like I want to scream and cry, but I can't. I'm truthfull sorry to all of you about my rude comments and answers.

2007-01-05 07:48:02 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

I want to know if those evangelical parents out there REALLY think that the only reason CPS would come to the door is if you're beating or excessively yelling at your child?? CPS is insane. I counselled a woman who had her 2 year old taken from her for having him living in 'undesirable living conditions'.. when what had happened was she went to her mother's for a few days and when she came back, she found out her husband had a party while she was gone, and hadn't cleaned up the mess when she got back. A repair man saw the mess and called CPS.. they took her son for 3 months.. CPS is insane.. and you don't just have to be beating your kids to be afraid of them. Do people really think that??

2007-01-05 07:48:00 · 16 answers · asked by Imani 5 in Parenting

How early can you begin to feel symptoms of pregnancy such as breast tenderness and frequent urination?

2007-01-05 07:47:53 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

women breastfeeding in public?

2007-01-05 07:45:52 · 33 answers · asked by emma 4 in Newborn & Baby

I am at 37 weeks and one day today. At my weekly visit this morning the Doc said I am at a 6 and very thin. He said anytime...now I am a nervous wreck and edgy and afraid that I not going to make it to the hospital 25 miles away. What do you all think?

2007-01-05 07:44:58 · 12 answers · asked by Cara B 1 in Pregnancy

Has anyone done the 4D ultrasounds? Where I live, it costs $230 and insurance does not cover any of the cost. Is it worth the cost? Any other information that anyone has would be appreciated! :)

2007-01-05 07:43:48 · 6 answers · asked by Nylrak 1 in Pregnancy

I really like this guy and Iwant to tell him.But i don't want to iour friendship be weird if it doesn't work and I really don't want to lose him as a friend.And we're posibly going to know each other for long time like the rest of our lives even if we don;t want to.I've known him for over half of my life and I'm in Junoir High.

2007-01-05 07:42:54 · 9 answers · asked by Katherine/Katie 2 in Adolescent

My real mother is currently in France for the year. She will not let me or my sisters(we are triplets I also have a sister who is 14)ANYWAY. She will not let us see her because she believes she is a bad influence. We WANT to see our mother because we actually LOVE her. Read my other question to see how overprotective she is. Anyway. She tries to be our real mother. We are trying to get her out of the house. What good jokes to play on her? She has been here for only 3 months and is driving us crazy. The best pratical joke so far was when she was preparing this big dinner for her family as a "celebration" we took all the food gave some to the nieghborhood kids some to the dog and dumped the rest in her washing machine. While it was rinsing it was just her clothes. She couldn't believe it when she found her food. We tried glued her things to the bottom of the drawer. Any other pranks? Oh yeah we did place a cactus in her chair.:D

2007-01-05 07:42:42 · 12 answers · asked by 13 year old girl 2 in Adolescent

I was just wondering if this was possible at all? I would like to, but its been 2 months since I had my baby. I breastfed him until he is 40 days that was it. cuz my milk became very little so i stopped,i hope i didn't. I had breastfed my daughter before that for a 10 months.so i just want to know if it's possible to start up again and how? .... Thanks

2007-01-05 07:41:51 · 8 answers · asked by rul s 1 in Newborn & Baby

My baby loves her swing and she may be reaching the weight limit what can I do to replace this? She cried alot on a recent vacation because we could not take the swing on a plane.

2007-01-05 07:40:51 · 8 answers · asked by dark_lipps 2 in Newborn & Baby

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