My daughter has always been serious at school and a good student. But lately she has started acting silly, by dancing around or speaking in silly voices or making faces. She has been misplacing or just forgetting her tickets that they use to buy school lunches, she won't do her work during school and sometimes refuses to come in from recess and she'll tell the playground monitor that she's new to the school and doesn't know where to go. Every time the teacher asks her to do something, she tells the teacher that she's too tired. It's the same way at home, I can ask her to do something over and over and she just won't, then when I try to discipline her or talk things over, she will act goofy and laugh. Nothing I do to discipline her helps. I love that she's more outgoing, she used to be really shy, but it's like she can't balance this new silly part of herself with the part of her that needs to be serious at times. Has anyone else had this happen, how did you handle it?
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