This is a spin-off from another question. I believe parents wouldn't spank if they knew more affective ways of disciplining. So, lets help those that don't want to spank by offering what we do.
I'll kick this off. When my children seem to be doing one behavior (i.e. not sharing, not eating, whining) that needs to be changed, I create a family star chart. If they refrain from doing the behavior, I put a star on the chart. For example, every time I see them share, they get a star, collectively. We don't keep track of who get which star. When the chart if full, they get the specified reward (a zoo trip, ice cream, movie, etc.). At the beginning, I have to preface activities by saying, if you share, you'll earn a star. Usually, they need about 20-30 stars for the reward. Something they can achieve in a week.
Other ideas?
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