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Pregnancy & Parenting - 28 November 2006

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

hydridatiform mole an where any one successful with getting pregnant after having one

2006-11-28 08:54:39 · 7 answers · asked by mickey 1 in Trying to Conceive

2006-11-28 08:52:31 · 6 answers · asked by nana 1 in Pregnancy

I thought this was supposed to happen at the very end of pregnancy and mine are already starting to leak, anyone else go through this early on?

2006-11-28 08:50:32 · 10 answers · asked by Michelle 2 in Pregnancy

I've had unprotected sex with my boyfriend, but I'm on the pill and have been for a year. I took the pill everyday this month but I took it late a couple of times. I've been really stressed out lately and somewhat depressed and 5 days ago I had a colposcopy done. The doctor had some trouble to stop the bleeding of my cervix and put extra (whatever the stuff is that they use) on my cervix. So do you all think I am pregnant or stressed or what?

2006-11-28 08:49:57 · 5 answers · asked by collegegirl101 1 in Pregnancy

Right after having unprotected sex, After the guy nuts in you is it normal for it all to just leak back out? Me and my husband are trying to have a baby and i dont know if thats the problem? Please give your advice. Thanks

2006-11-28 08:49:17 · 17 answers · asked by me1026 1 in Pregnancy

I feel horrible, we use protection everytime, and i ended up pregnant. And my husband says he isnt ready to be a father and wants me to have an abortion. He says we are too young, and he wants to be able to travel and see things and that a baby would ruin his life and everything he worked for. But i dont feel right about killing the baby, and i also dont want to ruin his life. I don't know what to do, do i have the baby and have a miserable husband and be left to raise it on my own while he works to suppport us, or do i abort and feel terrible about myself and regret it. I wish i could convince him that it wont ruin his life, but he wont listen. And i am so upset, sad, and lonely and i am scared i would be a bad mom, and i really do not know what to do. Why is this so hard, we should be happy but yet we arnt.

2006-11-28 08:46:33 · 21 answers · asked by JB 2 in Pregnancy

Hi, I have a two year old daughter and she wets the bed almost every night. I have tried putting two diapers on her, reducing what she drinks close to bed time and she has been to the doctor. He said that it is a natural part of development and that she would grow out of it. I have put a protector on the crib and everything but she soaks right through them. She is not quite ready for potty training, she knows when she is wet but it is after the fact. She does not have the language yet to talk to me, and to tell me she is wet, she can only show me once it has happened. Does anyone out there have any suggestions to help her stop wetting the bed? Anything i can do so that i dont have tons of laundry everyday (i dont have a washer and dryer at home and have to go the the laundery mat, which is expensive) I really appreicate all of your help. Thanks.

2006-11-28 08:45:33 · 11 answers · asked by blah blah blah 5 in Toddler & Preschooler

in about 8 months? I am 14 and I want to lose about 75 lbs..i really want to lose this weight..please help me with honest answers that a 14 year old can do regularly with her school life and h/w and stuff in hand..so please help me and give me some specific things..THAT A FOURTEEN Y/O CAN DO!! PLEASE!!!! Thanks for the help!

2006-11-28 08:44:36 · 23 answers · asked by Caitlyn B 1 in Adolescent

My son is being victimized on the school bus by students. Today he got stomp on the face by several students but the teachers did not notify me. Last week he got scratched on face and hands, week before that he got punched in face and stomach,. Im a single mom and I have no time to talk to the busdriver due to my work scehdule, but I have notified the school about incidents and nothing have been done. What should I do? Is this a lawsuit? What can be done?

2006-11-28 08:41:53 · 18 answers · asked by sh l 1 in Grade-Schooler

Im 15 weeks on thursday and apart from a bit of tiredness and headaches, i don't feel pregnant at all!! I had a scan 2 weeks ago and the baby was there and doing fine, so is it normal to feel like this??

2006-11-28 08:37:47 · 15 answers · asked by Serry's mum 5 in Pregnancy

When she gets on her school bus, her hair is brushed and looking nice. By the time she comes home, her hair looks like a hurricane hit it!!

She loves her long hair so I don't want to chop it all off... but her long waves are out of control! Pony tails seem to make her hair break off, and barrettes fall out.

I am not real good with hair to begin with so any suggestions are welcome!

2006-11-28 08:35:52 · 9 answers · asked by brigids_mommy 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

Ever since i found out im pregnant, (4 months) my mom has been, i dont know, acting like she wants to replace my fiance as a parent. She wants to go to every doc. appt., and when he says he wants to go she tells him he cant, she wants to name the baby, and plan everything now and when the baby is born! She also keeps pushing us to get married, and being mean when i say we will get married when we are ready. And there are also times when she makes rude comments to my fiance out of nowhere, and later claims she is joking, but whenever i comfront her it leads to an argument. I love my mom and definately want her in the baby's life but how can i nicely tell her to back off w/o he feeling bad?

2006-11-28 08:35:13 · 12 answers · asked by ReRe 2 in Pregnancy

Just found out i'm pregnant i'm inly 2, the father already has 2 children and still lives with the mother of his children. what do i do?

2006-11-28 08:33:17 · 14 answers · asked by Hayley C 1 in Pregnancy

last name starts with an a.

2006-11-28 08:29:20 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

I have been married for the last 3 years and have 2 kids, This January will be the first time we take family portraits:) I need tips for what to wear and what colors are best!! I love pics of families who wear all the same color and stuff, what u think?

2006-11-28 08:27:28 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

She is 4 yrs old and in pre-k. There are some girls picking on her in her class. The teacher tells me that my daughter backs away and sometimes cries.

I don't know what advice I should give her. I'm thinking about telling her to stand up for herself and maybe it would put those mean girls in their place. But I don't want her to become a bully herself.

I asked my friends for advice regarding the matter and they tell me not to do anything that they are just kids. But I'm afraid that it would have repercussions in the future (I remember reading some freudian thing regarding childhood suppresed memories or something).

I want my daughter to grow up to be a strong confident woman. I don't want her to be a timid, weak person (I shutter to think of some ****** trying to control her, or worst yet beat her when she gets married).

What should I do guys? Should I take her to a child psychologist?

Any and all advice welcomed, thank you.

2006-11-28 08:24:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

We are ttc and posted a message last we. Come to find out while checking the calender we had intercourse on the night i started to ovulate. Is that a really good chance of conceving.

2006-11-28 08:21:49 · 17 answers · asked by mommy_of_1_2005 2 in Trying to Conceive

Every spring my daughter's school has a dinner/dance/auction for the parents. Each class at the school (K-7) has something up for auction (a vacation home, a trip, handmade furniture...etc) and it's not made by the kids. The classroom parents either donate $ toward the purchase of supplies or help buld it. Any ideas? One idea already up is a bistro table with a checkerboard design laid down with tile on top of the table (so you can play either checkers or chess) and two chairs.

2006-11-28 08:21:12 · 9 answers · asked by chnchita 4 in Grade-Schooler

would you mind telling me where you are from? I live in the Midwest U.S. and have never heard the phrase "fall pregnant" until I joined Yahoo. Thanks!

2006-11-28 08:19:58 · 10 answers · asked by wyllow 6 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Well i am 15 weeks and 3 days and the doctors said they can not find out why i am bleeding so bad and they did an ultra sound and told me that the baby has a heat beat but very low one. not normal and they told me i will more than likely miscarry. THis is my first pregnancy and what happens or what is the procedure of a miscarrage at 15 weeks

2006-11-28 08:16:16 · 8 answers · asked by love_is_forever19 1 in Pregnancy

2006-11-28 08:15:59 · 11 answers · asked by wanja 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

2006-11-28 08:15:33 · 1 answers · asked by shikk79 3 in Pregnancy

would you mind sharing the reason your labor had to be induced? Thanks!

2006-11-28 08:14:28 · 23 answers · asked by wyllow 6 in Pregnancy

My son is 8 years old and he is having a tough time reading and spelling he gets frustrated easily and than he just gives up. I have tried everything but at the end it just seems as though I am giving him the answers. I went to his parent teacher conference for this marking period an he is doing very poorly in these areas. He has been left behind in the first grade for the same problems and I don't want to see this happen to him again. The thing that bothers me the most is that he gives the video games 100% effort and if he could just apply the same efforts to reading I am sure he will be a success!! I have stripped his game privlages from during the weekday and limited television to one hour per day is this too harsh on him I will be allowing him the use of the computer to play certain games pretaining to his problem areas. Do you think this is a good approach for him? If so let me know of some sites that he can visit to help him along Thanks guys!!

2006-11-28 08:13:58 · 4 answers · asked by yousexythangyou 3 in Grade-Schooler

help im 16 years old and dont kno wut to do !!!

2006-11-28 08:12:35 · 3 answers · asked by Gangsta Boo 420 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

My daughter is way too bossy. When she doesn't get her way she cry's, with us (her parents, & with her friends) I don't know how to get her out of this whining stage...please help!!

2006-11-28 08:12:30 · 8 answers · asked by Amyboo 3 in Grade-Schooler

last week, when i was in dr office, she had mentioned that i was 2 1/5 cm dilated, and 75% effaced. well last night i went to the er b/c i felt like i was having contractions.well they checked me and said i was only 1 1/5 post exterior, 50% effaced, and -2. is this normal? i feel like i need to find a new doctor.

also, i have a dr appt. tomorrow and want to talk to him about inducing, what would be a good way of bringing this up and is it possible to induce me right now?

2006-11-28 08:12:29 · 8 answers · asked by arleleee20 1 in Pregnancy

My son's father and I are divorced and I have remarried. The father suddenly cut all contact to my son(now 7) and daughter(now 4) 1 1/2 years ago, after I was told about the physical abuse from his girlfriend. Everytime he "sneaks" a chance from his girlfriend to see them while they're at his sister's (just to make him look like a good father to his mother when she's in town) my son acts up at home and at school after the encounter. He won't talk to me about how he feels about all of this. But he tells his teacher that his real dad doesn't like him, and he talks to my mother-in-law about this subject occasionally. I have never done or said anything bad about my ex around the children, and I just wish he could tell me why he axts so bad for myself and his teachers. Does ayone have any advice?

2006-11-28 08:12:08 · 20 answers · asked by jessica_atherton2006 1 in Parenting

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