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Pregnancy & Parenting - 17 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

http://peoplenews.typepad.com/cruise/ I think baby suri is sooooo beautifull dont you agree?

2006-11-17 01:46:23 · 10 answers · asked by ? 5 in Newborn & Baby

The mother of another child in my daughter's first grade class and I get along well and chat before and after school, even started to do things together with our kids after school. She brought up the subject about coming to our church. She said that would be great since there would be a lot of kids from our daughter's class who go there. The issue is that lately I'm not sure what's happened but she comes to pick up her daughter from school early on a daily basis, and many a time her daughter misses school at least 1 day a week. (Our daughter's are best friends, so that's how I know this) When I see her (the Mom) waiting in the hallway at school she doesn't have much to talk about any more and usually in a hurry to get out of there. I have given her my # and have asked her for hers. She gave it to me once and I lost it, so said she would call me with it. That was a few weeks ago and she never did. Lately her actions are very secretive, even the teacher has noticed this.

2006-11-17 01:45:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Grade-Schooler

i had unprotected intercourse on 10/25, i was ovulating at the time. my period was due 11/9...normally when i get my period i get a weeks worth of cramps b4. however right now all i feel is really tired, and dizzy sometimes and headaches everyday, i also feel slight pressure sometimes, but its very slight, i feel as though something is going on and i've been urinating a lot sometimes i wake up twice in a night, today i started having this sudden naseau i took a preg test 1 wk ago first response, which came out neg, i think it was too early to test being that it was a week after the act, now i don't have my pd was due 11/9 and i feel no signs of it watsoever. i waiting to take the next test 2wks after i'm late. right now i don't have health insurance still waiting on some paperwork, but i'm planning on going to the doctor in about 2 wks. what are the chances of me being prego? has anyone experinced this? I took a test this morning and it was neg. is there still a possiblity of preg?

2006-11-17 01:45:22 · 11 answers · asked by dominicanay2k 1 in Pregnancy

My mom friend is due December 20th with a little girl. She's doing her room in pink with butterflies as the decoration or whatever. Does anybody have any cute ideas of little butterfly crafts I can do to help make the baby's room for decorative?

2006-11-17 01:40:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I am pregnant and plan on breastfeeding for the babies first year. My husband on the other hand, thinks that it is disgusting to feed that long and that I should stop at 6 months. How do I convince him that one year is normal? Do most guys think this way or is it just my hubby? What did your husbands/boyfriends think of breastfeeding?

2006-11-17 01:39:58 · 25 answers · asked by Nikki 1 in Newborn & Baby

what does spotting mean in the middle of a cycle mean, period is not due and have regular cycles

2006-11-17 01:38:43 · 8 answers · asked by radiantdeedee 1 in Trying to Conceive

My Wife is 24 weeks Pregnant and they say the baby will not survive!!!!!

My wife went 4 weeks ago to the doctor and they said that the baby was 3 weeks behind in development. She went again two days ago and now they say the baby is 5 weeks behind (weighs 7-8oz). There is also very little Amniotic Fluid! The baby is also no longer moving!! This is our first and it took us over a year to conceive... They also put my wife on Labetalol HCL 200mg three times a day to control her high blood pressure at 19 weeks.

What could cause these problems!! My wife had a VERY Healthy Pregnancy until 19 weeks. Now the doctors are telling us we have a 1% chance of the baby surviving :( Please if there is anything we can do to help give our baby a better chance please tell us. (Also my wife quit her job hoping it would help)

2006-11-17 01:32:11 · 15 answers · asked by A leap in the right direction. 2 in Pregnancy

is it unsafe to have whilst pregnant. i am 11 weeks. or is it advisable.
i will double check with my midwife but just thought id ask what people think?

2006-11-17 01:23:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Do you have any other boy names that start with an M?

2006-11-17 01:22:08 · 40 answers · asked by angelk 3 in Baby Names

A sixteen year old boy or a twelve year old female

2006-11-17 01:20:31 · 11 answers · asked by JASNJ 2 in Parenting

could that harm my undorn ?? i dont see how it would but theres else i can do for it

2006-11-17 01:18:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Okay this might be a bit silly, but I'm just curious. I'm 12 weeks with number two (yay!) and with my first, I experienced morning sickness, but it wasn't extreme and it wasn't very common. This time, I'm sick all day everyday. Not so much vomiting, but nasous as all get out. SO, I know it can last through out your pregnancy, but it usually ends around 12-14 weeks. Does it suddenly stop? Do you just wake up one morning and feel good? I'm so hoping that is how it happens- lol I'd just like to hear some of your experiences..Thanks so much :)

Sick and tired of being sick and tired! lol It's so worth it though!

2006-11-17 01:17:08 · 14 answers · asked by Dolphin 2 in Pregnancy

what effect does wearing tight pants have on the baby when you are pregnant. Im not showing yet, so i dont feel like i need to buy maternity clothes yet. I work at a company where it is bus. casual dress. My jeans are a little snug on the waist. any answers please?

2006-11-17 01:16:35 · 8 answers · asked by Just Me 2 in Pregnancy


Sieghan (my 5 year old) is a very bright child... he was totally potty trained at 2 years old. (well, except being night trained.. we are working on that one believe it or not. it is a hard one because he sleeps so deep) anyway, since begining school he has come home with his pants wet three times. I asked him... what happened? "I peed my pants and i am sorry" why did you pee your pants Sieghan? "i raise my hand but the teacher never answers me and if i talk i get my clip moved, finally i cant hold it anymore so i accidentally go in my pants" this ticks me off!! i mean Gosh if the kid has to pee he cant tell her? she says .. Silent hands raised in my class... we do not raise our hands and speak out" but, but he has to pee????????? am i wrong here???? also, if he is wetting his pants, doesnt she notice? i mean he comes home and they are SOAKED i see it the second he gets off the bus. she cant see this?????
and if she does see it is she just ignoring it???

2006-11-17 01:05:59 · 20 answers · asked by private n 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

what would you do?i cant quit seeing how it's the holiday season and i have 3 kids,plus i dont have another job lined up.twice now my acct has been frozen until the prob clears up and i dont have access to my money when i need it.i accrue fees and yes my boss does pay them.she ends up giving me cash the next day,but still i'm tired of this!!HELP.

2006-11-17 01:02:10 · 14 answers · asked by georgemi74 4 in Newborn & Baby


Has anyone ever got to 12 weeks pregnant and not felt pregnant? I am 13 weeks tomorrow and this week i have felt that i'm not pregnant, i still have the feeling a bit sick but not as much as i have done up to now, i may just be getting to the stage where things are calming down but i am so scared that when i go for my scan they will say the baby has died!! i might just be being silly but i would love to hear from anyone who has felt like this
Serious answers only please

2006-11-17 00:55:26 · 23 answers · asked by Sarah A 2 in Pregnancy

my cylce is every 30 days my last period was on the 4th of november when do i ovulate?

2006-11-17 00:54:09 · 7 answers · asked by G@t@ 1 in Pregnancy

i had sex 3 months ago ..now .after 3 months my periods r delayed ..so is it possible .that .can i be pregnant ?or my periods r delayed due to other reasons?

2006-11-17 00:53:35 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

i had misscarraiga 6 months before after 2 months pregnency because of heat. doctor said to me that my baby was shocked because of heat. so i was misscarraged at that time. means in April 14th. now i want baby can you tell me its a safe time to get pregnency?

2006-11-17 00:50:21 · 9 answers · asked by tini 1 in Pregnancy

i had sex 3 months before.,now after 3 months my periods r delayed ...... ....so can i be pregnant ?or some any other problem due to which my periods r delayed?

2006-11-17 00:49:35 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

2006-11-17 00:48:48 · 21 answers · asked by Rubal j 1 in Newborn & Baby

shall i go down to the shop to buy a pregnancy now ??? or will i be let down with the result as it may be soon . I had sex from the 9th-12th day into my cycle my period stopped on the 7th Nov and my next period shud be on the 6th of december shall i wait till then :S :S as I am very anxious ????????

2006-11-17 00:47:06 · 2 answers · asked by ??????? 1 in Pregnancy

that if your baby is 3 months old and you are watching an R rating show or movie and they are watching the screen, would that effect their minds in a bad way later on in life, since they are so young? I know it isn't good for an infant to watch tv a lot, but if there were scenes with surgery, (nip tuck) or horror movies, can this be damaging?

2006-11-17 00:43:35 · 14 answers · asked by sweetme 3 in Newborn & Baby

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