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Pregnancy & Parenting - 13 November 2006

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

Before I got pregnant with my daughter, I was having abnormal periods. I had one in June, one in October, and one in July and found out that I was pregnant in August. My husband and I have been trying to concieve again, since she was 6mos. old. She is almost 2 now, and no luck. Just recently I went my gynocolgist because after 16 months of NEVER missing a period, I started missing them again. To make a long story short, she done some labs and tests and diagnosed me with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom. (PCOS) And told me what she thought I was going through was 2nd baby infertility. She put me on glucosaphage to regulate my insulin, and Yasmin, an oral contraceptive. I'm just wondering does anyone else have this or have heard of it? She wants me to take CLOMIN after she pulls me off of these meds. if I still haven't concieved. Can anyone help?

2006-11-13 08:48:02 · 3 answers · asked by Rileigh's MOMMY! 3 in Trying to Conceive

WE have get togethers on weekends and special occations.We have dinner .while i'm cooking the kids seem to go wild.The cartoons are always on.This weekend we had 17 people to eat when I went to the bathroom the girls were jumping on the bed and had the mattress compleatlly off.Everyone seems to enjoy getting together except for this reason.In the summer time they can play outside.

2006-11-13 08:47:42 · 6 answers · asked by MOM 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

do your breast feel tingly when pregnant?my nipples are sore and my breast feels all tingly.

2006-11-13 08:45:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

hi ,i don't have any kids,i just what to know if you think this kid in this picture is too tall for a 2 year old.She is a female child.


2006-11-13 08:40:12 · 10 answers · asked by ? 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

Thank G-D I'm 8 weeks pregnant and past few days I've been getting horrible heartburns. It seems like whatever I eat get stock in my chest.It's a very uncomfortable feeling. Is this normal? It seems to me it's too early to have heartburns.

2006-11-13 08:39:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

If anyone has tried this test or knew anyone who had, what were the results, and were they accurate?

2006-11-13 08:38:48 · 7 answers · asked by Heather B 1 in Pregnancy

To all parents out there...
I'm not posting this to sell books. I am a stay at home mom that needed a boost in my parenting of my CRAZY 4 year old son. I'm just wanting to help out some other moms or dads out there that may be needing the same guidance I needed. I always like to read a well written book.

With that said:
If you use Time outs as a method of discipline, please read this book. I ordered it from Amazon.com for like $10 and I read it in 1 night. It teaches you how kids will manipulate you in timeouts, and out. Also,it explains how to do effective timeouts, to stop bad behaviors, and start good behaviors. I thoroughly recommend this book to every parent out there.
My son has changed like night/day in a matter of 1 day, after I read the book. So either check it out at your library or buy it !!!!

Thanks for your time!! :)

2006-11-13 08:35:17 · 3 answers · asked by the_proms 4 in Parenting

do u think having sex 5 times a week is too much when u already got 4 kids runnin around?? and your husband is really damanding about it all..

2006-11-13 08:33:58 · 11 answers · asked by lilmissthang025 2 in Parenting

when do u think is a good time to stop breast feeding??! is like 4 years old too old? j/w i am trying to have a debate with my friend and maybe u guys can help me out..

2006-11-13 08:32:28 · 10 answers · asked by lilmissthang025 2 in Pregnancy

Is it just a phase? How do you get through it?

2006-11-13 08:31:31 · 12 answers · asked by TermiteChokinOnASplinter 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

I just started taking Ortho Tricyclene lo in the middle of my cycle this month. I started with the pill that was the same day that I was on in my cycle. Since that I had been feeling pregnancy symptoms. Now, the side effects of the pill are the same as pregnacy symptoms, but now i"m almost done with the placeabo, and I should get my period by tomorrow, but I took a test on a whim becaue my breasts seemed so huge and they hurt. For some reason my hips hurt to, which was what I was like in my last pregnancy. SO I took the test and it was negative but my urine was diluted.

I took a test the next morning and it acted really weird. It didn't finish developing in the time frame. i had the negative, but there was dye collected around the positive line. so I came back half an hour later, and it was a cross (positive.) I can't relly get another test for about a week or so, in the mean time, what do you think?

2006-11-13 08:27:43 · 11 answers · asked by janiewq 2 in Pregnancy

Im currently 31 weeks pregnant with my first child. The day after thanksgiving is usually the highlight of my year with the early bird specails all the stores have my family and i have an entire day of shopping planned...ill be just over 32 weeks at the time. my baby dropped a couple days ago and he's in possition ready to go...my doctor sed all the walking is up to me but im scared it would throw me into labor...any exsperiances?.....

Im also exspected to deliver a little early based on small body size and insufficant weight gain.

2006-11-13 08:23:51 · 13 answers · asked by kelly c 2 in Pregnancy

I have a toddler who will be 3 next month and I am trying to get her to give up her binky on her own. I have gotten her to where she only has it when she goes to sleep and in the car. She doesn't take it into stores or houses, except home of course. Anyway, I personally feel it will be better for her and the rest of us if she gives up her binky on her own, kind of like potty training. So I am trying to find stories about kids giving up the binky for good on their own. Any ideas of where I can find the binky fairy story would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

2006-11-13 08:23:38 · 7 answers · asked by masmalan2004 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

how can you tell when your preg. i need to know cause my boyfriend is going crazy i am only 17 an this is my 2 time being preg i lost the first one an we are going throught some hard times ya know me an scott an i dont know SO HOW TO YOU TELL WHEN YOUR PREG I KNOW SOME PPL CANT TELL CAUSE THEY SHOW KNOW SINGS SO ....... YEAH PLZ HELP ME

2006-11-13 08:21:23 · 18 answers · asked by babygirl 1 in Pregnancy

Why is it that when I look at the pictures of other women who are 18 weeks pregnant, they all look huge, but I have barely even started to show. I feel the baby moving a lot and I have even seen it through my skin. The thing is I am not big at all. I am not over weight, I am very petiete infact. I have not gained much; maybe a pound. I don't know what is wrong with me, why is everyone so big and I am so tiny with no belly?
I do have a small bump in the morning and sometimes in the day.

2006-11-13 08:20:49 · 21 answers · asked by RearFace@18mo. 6 in Pregnancy

Our almost 9 month old daughter has started to eat things like cheerios and crackers. Any suggestions for other bite-sized things she can eat? Her bottom two teeth are almost out all the way, and she uses them well to eat and everything.
Extra info: We are leaving to move to washington state tomorrow, and it will be a 4-day car drive. So suggestions for easy snacks on the trip or after we get settled and I have time to prepare food are welcome!

2006-11-13 08:17:36 · 10 answers · asked by .*AnNa*. 3 in Newborn & Baby

Part of me keeps saying that I want another baby and another part of me says are you crazy lady. Me and my fiancee of 4 years are getting married in less than a month and we already have one beautiful little girl together. She will be 3 years old this December and I've been thinking about trying to have another baby now since I always told my fiancee once we get married we can talk about having another baby. I am totally confused. I really want another baby, but I am afraid it will be very hard for my daughter and that will make it that much harder on me. My daughter is already very possesive of me. Look at it this way. I was 18 when I had and I also have an 8 year old sister right now. When my little sister sits with me or wants to cuddle or hug me my daughter gets so upset. She yells and screams my mommy, my mommy. And she never stops until that person leaves me alone. I need some opinions to help me with my decision. Please some advice.

2006-11-13 08:17:05 · 7 answers · asked by Nicole 2 in Trying to Conceive

Please only serious responses. Last night my boyfriend and me were having sex and it would hurt if it would go completely inside of me. After we were finished my lower stomach, like in my ovary and uterus area hurt. The only time that I have felt this before was when I was pregnant. Has anyone else had this happen to them? There is a possibility that I could be pregnant, but I want to know if I am the only one who has had this pain before.

2006-11-13 08:17:00 · 20 answers · asked by beanie3720 2 in Pregnancy

So I can't decide if my husband and I should take a pregnancy test together or if I should take it alone. This is our second child. I wondered if I should do it that way or find a creative way to tell him I am pregnant.

2006-11-13 08:16:17 · 2 answers · asked by eling13c 3 in Trying to Conceive

i have a scheduled c-section tomorrow and really wouldn't want the epidural, i've had an emergency c-section 4 years ago and regret getting the epidural due to pains in my back about a year later. is there an alternative? please advise me...

2006-11-13 08:16:04 · 6 answers · asked by POOCHY 5 in Pregnancy

I am 24 weeks pregnant now and on the right side of my stomach sometimes it is an uncomfortable it is like a cramping feeling. I was wondering if that was my baby laying on that side or what is it?

2006-11-13 08:14:16 · 6 answers · asked by Andrea 1 in Pregnancy

Did you all hear about the scandelous marriage of Britney "not that innocenet" Spears and Kevin "chimmy chimmy coco puff" Federline are getting a divorce. LOL It's about time! She's better off w/out him. That loser can't turn ANY publicity into good publicity for himself! He'll be forgotten soon as the divorce settlement is final.
Prediction: Fed-Ex on VH1 next year in that "reality" show that features all the D-listers.
Get this! He is asking her for spousal support! lol He needs to go get an education, get a real job, become independent and support himself; instead of leaving Britney at home changing babies diapers and he spends 3 hours getting his hair braided. LOL Spousal support is bullshit! Child support is neccessary! It's for the children. I hope Brit gets sole custody of her children and kfed is slammed with Child Support.
Just my 2 cents. How do you think the case will go?

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2006-11-13 08:14:02 · 5 answers · asked by steffie82_tinkerbell 1 in Parenting

I have been experiencing the "pins and needles" sensation in my right thigh - on and off, for a few weeks now. My doc said its nothing to concern myself about (i'm 17wks 6 days pregnant) but last night it was tingling that like for about 30mins and then i got an almighty crap down my whole right leg (whilst grocery shopping! Lucky i could hold onto the shopping trolley! haha).

Has anyone else experienced this at all? Any advice at all?

Thanks in advance! :)

2006-11-13 08:13:40 · 9 answers · asked by Smiley One 3 in Pregnancy

My ex and I are not speaking and haven't spoke in a year since I and my son pressed charges on him for trying to strangle my 14 year old son. There relationship is getting better even to the point he has been to his dads house. My son had surgery this morning and he had not heard from dear old dad. I could tell he was sad so when he came out of recovery I called dads office told secertary I was my son so he could talk to him. Dad did have a short howd it go conversation but never mentioned on seeing him. Could you live with yourself or am I asking to much to have the man at least act like he gives a sh-t. I would have even offered to leave the room if he would have shown up but he did not.

2006-11-13 08:12:50 · 16 answers · asked by ascendent2 4 in Adolescent

I am 23 years old and i just found out that i am 7 weeks pregnant. It is my first and i have been reading alot about phantom pregancies or fake pregnancies. I am really worried should i just stop worrying and wait for my first ultrasound or freak out. (Note: I took 6 urine pregnancy test and they all came out positive including one at my doctor's office)

2006-11-13 08:12:02 · 7 answers · asked by Ladybugbaby 2 in Pregnancy

I dont have my next doc appt for a couple weeks. So I decided to measure my belly since it has gotten huge and everyone is asking me if I am almost full term. I had no clue of the date of conception when I found out I was pregnant. We were trying for 3 months, and during that time I never got a period. I have had a couple ultrasounds done, and they said my due date was feb 20th. I was wondering why I would be measuring 7 weeks farther along in pregnancy. I should be measuring 26 centimeters, but I am measuring 33 centimeters. Has this happened to anyone else? If so, why were you measuring os much farther? I am very curious and wondering if I should be getting things ready or if I am having twins. Oh, this is also my 3rd pregnancy. I have never measured farther along.
Thanks a lot!

2006-11-13 08:07:40 · 13 answers · asked by crafty mama 2 in Pregnancy

I really havent been thinking about getting pregnant lately because m y daughters been going through a lot of stuff...im taking vitex and prenatals and super primrose hoping that it might help us get pregnant sooner...were having sex every other day...is there anything else we can do to increase it?! I'm defiently going to the doctor after the first of the year if we havent conceived cause then itll be a year and 4 months since we've been trying...thanks!

P.s its not him its me i havent had a period because i was on the depo shot one time last october and ive been to the doctor for that and they gave me provera and that didnt work either so that was the only thing i knew to try was the vitex because it was natural...any other advise would be GREATLY appricaiated!!!

2006-11-13 08:07:12 · 5 answers · asked by cutenwild1769 5 in Trying to Conceive

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