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Pregnancy & Parenting - 11 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

I have compiled a list of links to sites online to help with pregnancy and babies, get free samples, baby shopping, etc. Please check it out and pass it on if you know someone that could use it!


2006-11-11 10:04:52 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I soon will seperate from my hubby. I am currently thinking that because of my limited budget I will only be able to afford a one bedroom apartment. How can I give us both privacy and comfort when it comes to the living arrangement. Especially the bedroom arrangement...single bed or double bed? loft bunks ?

2006-11-11 10:03:21 · 17 answers · asked by Karina 2 in Parenting

Is it normal that I don't eat MORE then I used to before I found out I was pregnant? I'm about 6 weeks pregnant? I mean I eat but my appitite has not increased since I found out I was pregnant.

2006-11-11 10:02:42 · 11 answers · asked by Mimi 1 in Pregnancy

I just found out I am pregnant after a slip up with an ex. Me and this ex never seperated on bad terms and have remained friends we talk all the time and he comes to see at work a lot. He recently came over to my house to visit and the mishap happened he didn't pull out knowing that i am not on any birth control and no protection was used. I asked him in a text message what does he want me to do if i find out i am pregnant his reply was "that is bullshit "(my name)" I told you to get a morning after pill. And yes he did but after going to go get one and learning the side affects and coming to the conclusion that i personally can not do that to an unborn child and live with myself I did not take any. I need to tell him but am scared of his reaction what should i do?

2006-11-11 09:59:27 · 17 answers · asked by raceylynnlou 1 in Pregnancy

We've decided Reliegh for a first name for our girl but need a middle name, preferably after a saint...

2006-11-11 09:54:23 · 30 answers · asked by da1U<32haT3 3 in Newborn & Baby

Jake, Liam or Mason?

2006-11-11 09:52:21 · 52 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I do about two hours on Saturday nights when there is nothing on telly You won't believe this! The Yahoo system is shoving this question into "pregnancy & parenting - trying to conceive"

2006-11-11 09:52:15 · 10 answers · asked by Espacer 3 in Trying to Conceive

yesterday i was mowing my parents lawn and i found a dead rabbit that had been eaten by another animal. I took the rabbit inside and i put it in my mom's bed becuase we had gotten into a fight the night before. When my mom went to bed that night she saw the rabbit and grounded me and now i am not allowed to go outside anymore what can i do about this?!?!?!?! i really like going outside
!!!!! help

2006-11-11 09:47:13 · 20 answers · asked by dickenzeehoook 1 in Adolescent

i need a very safe car seat that is used from 9 months that is reasonably priced i do not have an iso fixing in my car
thank you for all responses

2006-11-11 09:43:07 · 5 answers · asked by kitten 4 in Newborn & Baby

I'm a week past my due date and I've been cramping all day. When I sat down to pee a few minutes ago (and hadn't actually pushed to pee yet), some liquid came out! I know it wasn't pee. Is my water breaking?? What do I do?

2006-11-11 09:41:01 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

First day of last period was SEPT 29. me and hubby have been trying to concieve. From Oct 29-Nov 7 ive been spotting off and on. like one or two drops a day, two days out of that week i didnt spot at all. after the spotting ended ive had thin white discharge. so i didnt get my period just the brown spotting. i went to the doctor on Nov 6 while i was still spotting and took a urine test and it was neg. The doctor said that i was bloated, i thought my period was coming but it didnt. so i took a blood test and they said i had a 1.3 HCG level in my blood.i was only bloated for two days. was it implantation spotting i had? should i have waited for the spotting to stop than take a test? four days ago my abdomen area felt very sensitive and the next day i had a little cramping for half a day and it stopped.

2006-11-11 09:40:28 · 6 answers · asked by ladyspecialty 1 in Trying to Conceive

its not me this is happening to!!but please help me!!! okay so whats happening is that she marks on her calender when she is suppose to get her period but when its suppose to come all she gets is white discharge and she is constantly sweats down there! this isnt normal and i fear for her safty can someone tell me whats going on and how i can help her?!!!! please help!!! oh ya...
she does get her period but it normally only last like a day or so

2006-11-11 09:38:49 · 9 answers · asked by swimgirl 1 in Pregnancy

She said that I should use 6 spoons of orange juice mixed with two spoons of water but when I check online, it says dont use orange juice. please help.

2006-11-11 09:34:08 · 19 answers · asked by jasmin 1 in Newborn & Baby

i got a hysterectomy last year because i didn't want to worry about gettting pregnat i am 45 years old but i think i might be pregnant my period has stopped coming and i am 4 months late!!! could i be pregnant?!!! pleez help this old pregnant woman!!!

2006-11-11 09:30:47 · 13 answers · asked by dickenzeehoook 1 in Trying to Conceive

I no longer use birth control pills, so i don't know how to identify the day when i'm vulnerable to getting pregnant.My last period was on Oct 19. When should my partner and I practice contraceptive methods? 1 week or 2 week before my next period (providing it will be 18 of Nov?) Thanks for your answers!

2006-11-11 09:29:43 · 6 answers · asked by BabyBull 1 in Pregnancy

I have a 4 year old daughter who struggles to articulate her words. When we can't understand her she gets very frustrated. We don't and never have used baby talk with her. She has an older sister who never had this problem and we are not sure if it will change or if she needs speech therapy. Any advice or suggestions?

2006-11-11 09:29:02 · 20 answers · asked by Mrs. Wizard 3 in Grade-Schooler

2006-11-11 09:26:00 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

my 8 week old daughter slept so good at night until she turned 2 weeks old. now she sleeps during the day and is awake all night CRYING. i live with my mom and we try everything to try to get her to calm down but nothing ever seems to work. i usually use a breastpump but sometimes at night, to try to get her to stop crying, i breastfeed her and she falls asleep but wakes up 20 minutes later screaming. im 16 years old so i have to go to school during the week and when i get home i have homework. then on the weekends, i work. i try to sleep when im home but i feel like as soon as i close my eyes, she wakes up. i have no help from her dad so im kinda doing this all by myself. IM SO TIRED i cant concentrate in school and my grades prove it. when i get home from school i try to wake her up so she'll be tired at night but she wont wake up... i even put her in the bath to wake her up but she barely opens her eyes and then falls right back asleep IN THE BATH! someone please help me

2006-11-11 09:20:10 · 10 answers · asked by xx_colombrazilian_xx 1 in Newborn & Baby

Likehim alot.(his freckles,his laugh,his voice{he tapped me but nothing more}).In the 3rd quarter of schoola new boy came to school,Ramiz.I paid no atention to Ramiz.I decided that on the day right before the last day of school,I would tell Brookie I liked him.I did.His said he was taken.This school year,(8th) I decided to ask again.Still taken.Then,I noticed how no one paid any attention to Ramiz.I really started liking him.I haven't told him though.I noticed that my mom called me fat & that he went for sizes 8-10 girls.I'm a 14(my age to).I don't eat except for dinner(maybe).My friendssay I'm anorexic,I foundout I like Brookie,Ramiz&my guyfriend,Shawn.Brookie hurt me twice heartwise,Ramiz most likely doesn't like me&Shawn is taken.Brookie told me I'm hot.Ramizis jock.Shawn is wierd.They all send off signals.Ramiz is best friends with my best friend(luci)crush.HELPME!P.S.please dont say I'm too young.Me&my friend have a best friend who likes bothcrushes.Me&luci have talked of suicide.

2006-11-11 09:18:57 · 3 answers · asked by Crystal Shepard 2 in Adolescent

Help me.. what should i do when the one year old that i take care of starts to act up as in have a tantrum.. I have tried talking to him but he wont listen.. i guess i made the mistake when i allowed him to do it in the first place so now he screams for anythings and hurls himself to the ground to get my attention..

I try to ignore him by leaving the room but he just chases me into the next room.. also its difficult to leave him alone in another room when the parents are there and wont do anything to help.

2006-11-11 09:18:40 · 4 answers · asked by tamrastic 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

I'm 15 and I just don't get into hanging out with friends that much. Like, I have friends and I talk to them all the time on MSN and stuff, and I see them every week at church and sometimes I'll go to the movies or something like that but other than that I don't really get into doing stuff with them. I'm homeschooled so I don't see tons of people every day either. I like just hanging out at home. I mean I don't see alot of people my age every day but it's not like I'm just sitting around doing nothing. I cook, play on the internet, listen to music, watch tv, etc. and then every once in awhile do stuff with friends. Were any of you like me? Are any of you like me?

2006-11-11 09:18:28 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

My family is trying to adopt a newborn or toddler, and everyone on here said the best way to find a birthmother was through word of mouth and stuff similar to that so thats what im doing

2006-11-11 09:15:57 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

I'm seven weeks pregnant and no matter how much i drink i still feel like i need more...i can't get enough...is this normal?

2006-11-11 09:15:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My Gr. 1 son has wet himself at school a few times and he tells me two different reasons for it: he doesn't want to miss anything in the class, and he doesn't like the school bathrooms. He won't tell me what about them he doesn't like (no specifics), but he's gonna have to use them for the next 6 years! I've taken him home on one occasion and punished him (you can miss 5 minutes of class, or the whole day), I've talked to his teacher (who is getting very frustrated as well) and the principal. No one is refusing permission for him to go, he just tries to hold it so he won't have to use the bathroom, but no 6-yr-old can go all day without peeing....
What suggestions do you have for me to try? I'm reluctant to send him in a pull-up because I don't want him to be dependant on them, and he has no toilet issues at home, just at school. I'm at my wit's end! HELP!!!!!!!

2006-11-11 09:15:15 · 13 answers · asked by canuk_kait 2 in Grade-Schooler

Im 14 and im a guy with bg boobs and everyone at my school makes fun of me and says i should wear a bra. Should I?

2006-11-11 09:14:43 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

I am 19 and my gf 21.
Today, i had unprotected sex with my gf [without condom! HOLY ****!!!!!!! The first unprotected time]
The moment she reached her orgasm, I felt one drop of my sperm got off my penis. I was not near cumming though. I am uncut and I only felt like one drop of sperm came off on that moment, I am not sure whether it happened or not!!
I am so scared people, please help me! does she going to get pregnant???? what should I do? how should I know that what happened??? This is a ****** situation, I will have bunch of problems with her dad and mom and with my mom and dad too... this gonna ruin my whole life.. someone PLZ HELP!!!

2006-11-11 09:13:28 · 10 answers · asked by lcx0l 1 in Pregnancy

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