My fiancee and I have been TTC for a few months now. This month when I got my period, i calculated when I was to ovulate and we had sex leading up to that date, on that date, and after that date. About a week after I ovulated, my breasts started to get sore, and they become more sore with each passing day. They seem to be getting bigger as well, and I also notice that my nipples are starting to look bigger and my breasts a little fuller. I have been pretty dizzy and nauseous for the last week and half or so as well. I am due for my period this coming week, around Thursday or so. Sometimes my breasts hurt a couple days before my period starts, but this has been going on since a week after ovulation.. so for about 2 weeks. I took a test yesterday morning and it came back negative, but I havent actually missed a period yet, so its most likely too soon to really tell.
I know that I should be patient and wait.. but I just like the comfort of heaing what others think. Thanks!
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