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Pregnancy & Parenting - 10 November 2006

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

2006-11-10 15:46:57 · 16 answers · asked by DMAN 1 in Newborn & Baby

My son is 3 & a 1/2 & I'm really having a hard time when it comes to potty training. I have been patiently trying with him for over a year & have run out of ideas. I have tried everything from bribing him with candy, money for his piggy bank, to using a potty chart that I made for him with stickers & a reward for him at the end of the week for completing at least 5 potty uses for that week. He knows exactly what the potty is for & will sit on the potty without getting up for up to an hour unless I say it's ok, but he doesnt want to grasp the concept of having to use it on a regular basis.When he does use it, I praise him & tell him how good a job hes done & when he doesnt use it, I'm clam about it & dont push the issue too much. I don't know what else to do with him.He's pretty lazy when it comes to the potty.Hes so advanced for his age when it comes to everything else, but he's lacking this ability.What other choices do I have besides putting him in underware & having him wet himself?

2006-11-10 15:45:06 · 5 answers · asked by PfcsBaby 5 in Toddler & Preschooler

And negative pregnancy test, i am not worrying about it its just frustrating, my periods are like clockwork and this is very very strange for me to not have a period.

I am ttc but as the test says negative should i just think i am not?

2006-11-10 15:44:36 · 10 answers · asked by pinky_star_3825 1 in Pregnancy

how long after a guy commes in you tell the day you can take a pregnancy test and it will show +?? i know your first periode but i want to know how soon to be axsact

2006-11-10 15:43:56 · 2 answers · asked by c_wilke22 3 in Pregnancy

What are the best toys for a two year old on an airplane?

2006-11-10 15:41:36 · 12 answers · asked by dogs2son1 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

I was a couple days late for my period but eventually got it. It only lasted 2 days, the 3rd day being so light I didn't need any protection. I am being told that this might be implantation bleeding...yet, I am not experiencing any other "prego" symptoms other than my boobs being a little tender...but that happens every month with my period. What is up?

2006-11-10 15:38:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

If ejaculant got out, he didn't clean it, and we had sex again?

2006-11-10 15:36:38 · 5 answers · asked by hopeless_romantic_lee_lee43 1 in Trying to Conceive

I am 37 weeks pregnant and miserable. My feet and ankles are so swollen that I cant walk, and my legs are starting to get so fat and swell also, where I can barely bend them, it feels like I dropped, but I am not sure, because Its me. Someone had told me that bengay on your nipples hurt, but they stimulate the hormone that triggers labor. Does anyone know anything about this? Also, does castor oil thin your cervix and makes you dilate? Please someone help me. I really want to have this baby.

2006-11-10 15:34:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

2006-11-10 15:23:45 · 2 answers · asked by cynthia 2 in Pregnancy

Ok it is about 3 weeks before my period and all day today I have been having period cramps and lower back pain. My husband and I use the pull out method could I be pegnant???

2006-11-10 15:16:57 · 12 answers · asked by Holly B 1 in Trying to Conceive

2006-11-10 15:16:27 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

I had my period "late" a couple days and it lasted only 3 days when it came. The third day was a brown light color and not much fluid at all. Now its the 4th day and I dont need to wear any protection. What's up with that?

2006-11-10 15:12:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My son is 4 1/2 years old and will start kindergarten next year. He is my only child and I am a stay-at-home mom. For the past year and a half he has not stayed with anyone else at all and we live in a rural area with no neighborhood children for him to play with. He and I are together all day every day. I am searching for any suggestions on things I could begin now in order to make his first day of school as painless as possible, for both of us. Any replies are welcome.

2006-11-10 15:10:31 · 8 answers · asked by xxLISAxx 1 in Parenting

Since, Ive been pregnant, ( Im 22 weeks ) i kinda have a hard time getting wet, and reaching orgasm. My husband and I have sex almost every night still, and I enjoy it, but since Ive been pregnant we have to use lubrication and i rarely orgasm. Anyone else ever experiance this? And will I return to normal once the baby is born?

2006-11-10 15:08:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I had sex on the 20th and got my period on the 31st of the month. It lasted less days than usual...and I have heard there is a possibility of being pregnant even after getting your period???
What do you know??

2006-11-10 15:06:16 · 1 answers · asked by Diana 5 in Pregnancy

My fiancee and I have been TTC for a few months now. This month when I got my period, i calculated when I was to ovulate and we had sex leading up to that date, on that date, and after that date. About a week after I ovulated, my breasts started to get sore, and they become more sore with each passing day. They seem to be getting bigger as well, and I also notice that my nipples are starting to look bigger and my breasts a little fuller. I have been pretty dizzy and nauseous for the last week and half or so as well. I am due for my period this coming week, around Thursday or so. Sometimes my breasts hurt a couple days before my period starts, but this has been going on since a week after ovulation.. so for about 2 weeks. I took a test yesterday morning and it came back negative, but I havent actually missed a period yet, so its most likely too soon to really tell.

I know that I should be patient and wait.. but I just like the comfort of heaing what others think. Thanks!

2006-11-10 14:50:00 · 1 answers · asked by Stepherz 3 in Pregnancy


In October, I took 3 pregnancy tests within 2 days of each other. All 3 had a faint line for a positive. A day after the last test, i began bleeding. When the bleeding ended(it was like a normal period) i tested again and it was negative. I think i had a chemical pregnancy because i wasnt pregnant for very long. My question is, my husband and I are trying to conceive, and i chart my periods. I marked the bleeding as my period and took an opk for this month and got a positve reading on one of the days. Anyone know if it is true to still ovulate immediately after a chemical pregnancy?!

Sorry its so much!!

2006-11-10 14:48:40 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

I have 2 kids. My blood type is B+, their father's is O+. I was told in the hospital that my firstborn's blood type was B+, second is O+. Now my firstborn is 17 and gave blood for the first time, got his card back and it says he's O+. Does anyone know how this could've happened? If a mistake was made, is it more likely when he was a newborn in the hospital?

I suppose it's a stupid thing to be sad about but I was always glad he shared my blood type. :-(

Any science types who have the patience for a silly question like this, it is appreciated.

2006-11-10 14:44:59 · 25 answers · asked by Singinganddancing 6 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

2006-11-10 14:43:39 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

i heard that the baby grows up to a certain ammount of weeks and the tummy stops growing first of all is this true....i heard in certain books and magazines women stop growing around 34 or 36 weeks.....and then hopefully no stretchmarks will appear if the tummy doesn't need to stretch anymore riiight?????

2006-11-10 14:42:25 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

What's on second........

Does anyone out there know the whole thing?!?!!? Please help me out, I wanna know how it ends.

2006-11-10 14:42:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

Why do adults caution teenagers to not have sex? They do it all the time and if the teenagers are careful, nothing harmful will happen.

2006-11-10 14:42:15 · 56 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

I am 17 (18 in less than 3 months) and just recentally started having sex. My boyfriend is very supportive about using protection. I am on the birth control Seasonique which I take for three months then have a period. We use only Trojan condoms that we buy personally.

We have only had unprotected sex once, and we are both STD free. I've been taking Seasonique for a month now.

So I guess the real question is, is it safe to have unprotected sex while bring on this birth control for only a month? I read the info sheet that came with it and it said it is safe to start having unprotected sex after 7 days.

Thank you.

2006-11-10 14:41:55 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I am 5 week pregnant. This is my 2nd pregnancy - I had one miscarriage in August at about 4.5 weeks...So you could say, I'm a little paranoid.

I was in a car accident 6 weeks ago so have been getting chiropractice care. My chiro signed me up for a 1 hour massage with his massage therapist.

When I told her I was PG, she was really hesitant to do the massage and said you are not suppose to get massages during the first trimester? This was a surprise to me and while I'd have been disappointed to miss it, I don't want to take any chances! She decided to talk to the Doc and they agreed to go ahead with the massage but just in the upper back/shoulder and neck area. When talking to my doctor he did not seem to think there was any real risk in massage. Now after having the massage, I came home, did some internet research and found a few places that say 1st trim. massage is a bad idea! So, I am freaked. Anyone heard this from their OB doc? And know WHY/WHAT the danger is?

2006-11-10 14:41:17 · 14 answers · asked by smiley_girl 3 in Pregnancy

The doctor said my bones were too small and I they were touching sometimes. THey also get hot alot. any ideas?

2006-11-10 14:33:35 · 3 answers · asked by reneebo1 2 in Newborn & Baby

My friend (We'll call her Lee Lee) had sex with her boyfriend (whom shall be known as Chris) on the last day of her period. He pulled out, can she still get pregnant?

2006-11-10 14:30:47 · 45 answers · asked by Kitty_Rose7673 1 in Trying to Conceive

The male or the female?

2006-11-10 14:25:15 · 32 answers · asked by whrldpz 7 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

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