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Pregnancy & Parenting - 6 November 2006

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

I am pregnant with my second child and my due date is right around the corner, i am very uncomfortable and want to know if anyone knows ay natural ways to trigger labor?

2006-11-06 02:15:35 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Have any of you had a pinched nerve in your back because you were/are pregnant? I am 5 months pregnant and in so much pain sometimes I can't even walk. Does this go away while you are still pregnant or does it go away after you have the baby. If this keeps up can the doctor put me on bed rest or something? It is extremely hard to sit here at my desk and work when I am in so much pain. Also, I haven't and don't want to take any sort of medicine while pregnant or use heating pads so any home remedies would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
P.S. I have already gone to the doctor and she said it would have to run its course.

2006-11-06 02:12:45 · 5 answers · asked by Pren 3 in Pregnancy

My son is 2 1/2 but he is very advanced. I am thinking of books and puzzles. I saw that aqua mat and I put that on my list. But any other suggestions would be great. Oh yea and we are on a tight budget!

2006-11-06 02:12:33 · 10 answers · asked by melodi_jean_99 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

I've been taking Metformin for polycystic ovaries for 2 months and feel absolutely awful most of the time, tired, upset stomach, nausea etc.. Has anyone else found it unbearable? Am trying to decide whether to go back to the docs or just try and cope with it!

2006-11-06 02:07:47 · 4 answers · asked by Haribo 3 in Trying to Conceive

I have a feeling I may be pregnant. These are my symptoms: Extreme exhaustion-I get really tired at about 8 or 9 pm and will fall asleep whereever I am (usually I go to bed around 11 or midnight). I have had to use the restroom frequently but it is usually at night and with a heated water bed, I blamed that as the source. My last bra excursion I was forced to buy a bigger size than I wore before. My breast do hurt but that has just started so I am figuring I probably will start my period. But last week I had such bad cramping for about an hour in class, I had to excuse myself as I couldn't sit in the chair. I have had cold like symptoms but havent gotten a cold (but I did get the flu shot too) for a couple weeks. But the biggest indicator is my emotions. I have been extremely emotional the last couple weeks. I cried 5 times during the movie Click (comedy) and I cry atleast once a day watching tv-usually a lot more. I feel like I am picking up on everyone's emotions and feeling them too

2006-11-06 02:07:07 · 5 answers · asked by blondieblue98 3 in Trying to Conceive

Does Fertility vitamins help you ovulate? Do you think they actually help you get pregnant? I am curious.

2006-11-06 01:58:43 · 6 answers · asked by "P" 1 in Trying to Conceive

2006-11-06 01:57:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

my husband is in the army ,and is at presentposted abroad,we last had sex in september ,ihad my periods in october,but i 'm missing my periods this month...can i be pregnant?

2006-11-06 01:54:39 · 11 answers · asked by geetanjali s 1 in Pregnancy


I have been feeling some nausea, especially this morning about 2 hours after I woke up.. I really thought I was just gonna puke. I had sex about everyday between october 13th and the 30th, which means that I was ovulating ( I should have ovulated around the 23rd). I have thought I was pregnant before but I have never been, I am very anxious. My period is due probably today or tomorrow (The 6th or 7th). When should I take the test and do you think I am pregnant? Thank you.

2006-11-06 01:53:36 · 11 answers · asked by Marie 1 in Trying to Conceive

my husband is in the army ,and is at presentposted abroad,we last had sex in september ,ihad my periods in october,but i 'm missing my periods this month...can i be pregnant?

2006-11-06 01:52:34 · 10 answers · asked by geetanjali s 1 in Pregnancy

2006-11-06 01:50:39 · 38 answers · asked by Anais 2 in Parenting

I havent had my period in 3 months. But i have taken a preg.test and they read negative! My boyfriend and i have been together for 4 years and dont use protection. And i stopped using the pill or shot when i got back from Iraq........made me gain weight. I'm confused any suggestions? thank you!

2006-11-06 01:47:33 · 16 answers · asked by jame2226 1 in Pregnancy


I am due with my second child in March. We have decided this is the last child that we want. I am considering getting my tubes tied. I was just wanting some positive and negative feedback on this. A friend of mine said that all women that get this done have to have a hysterectomy within a few years. Since I am only 24 I really don't want to go thru all of that at such a young age. Also I was wondering if they can do this when you have the baby and if so will you be able to get up and move around as quickly as you would after having a baby anyway or would you have to stay in the bed longer? Please only serious answers! Thanks

2006-11-06 01:47:09 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Has anyone had a fetal weight ultrasound around 34 weeks? If so can you tell me the weight of the fetus?
If you already gave birth can you tell me what week you gave birth and what the babies weight turned out to be?

2006-11-06 01:44:40 · 11 answers · asked by Legs 4 in Pregnancy

he was 31 weeks at birth, he had resp. problems at birth that was still there when he was released from the hospital he was born on sep.18th he was released oct.4th he passed on the 6th!! now i just dont believe it was his mother! she doesnt sleepthat hard!! also they said first he was DOA now recently he had a pulse in the ambulance now my real problem is that i have not received anything but a death certificate that under the cause of death says (pending)! and in the box asking(were the autopsy reports availble before completion of cause of death) it says yes! i dont understand that! so basically i cant have closer because i dont know how my son died! what can i do to get my sons autopsy report and should i be seeking a lawyer! because i feel that my son was released from the hospital to early! but i dont want to point any finger and i dont have facts! another question does the funreal home know what happen to my son? please if anymore details are needed ask me! i really need help!

2006-11-06 01:42:58 · 19 answers · asked by facedown187 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I was just wondering if it was possible for the A+ man to be the father bacause we believe it is the other and all the blood websites are no help.

2006-11-06 01:37:06 · 10 answers · asked by Maggie 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Last week I started to bleed heavily after not having a period for 7 weeks. The pregnancy test I did was negative. I went to the doctor who prescribed me tablets. He said I was having a miscarraige. I have fainted twice in the past week and feel that I am having contractions. I bled very heavily for 3 days and spotting for few days after that. My stomach is very sore. How long does pain and bleeding last when you have a miscarriage? Id appreciate any answers or advice from women that have experienced the same. Thanks

2006-11-06 01:29:58 · 16 answers · asked by Teresa M 2 in Pregnancy

2006-11-06 01:21:02 · 10 answers · asked by cheska_grl sweety 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I found out I was pregnant eight weeks ago. The doctor said that I was still only two weeks, about two weeks later I had bleeding (almost like AF). They did blood work; the results were that I miscarried. AF has still not come. Its three days late. I am never late. Could I be pregnant. They are doing an ultrasound to check for retained products of conception (gross!)

2006-11-06 01:15:08 · 10 answers · asked by T F 1 in Pregnancy

A father has a 13 year old son that lives with him. The son has been getting in a lot of trouble for his attitude and disrespectful behaviour in school. He is in counseling and the talk is he might even have to go on meds. The father is all ready gone twice a week in the evenings on school nights, the son spends 1/2 of those evenings with his mother, but then is home without his dad being there for at least an hour or so after he gets home at 8:00 from his mothers. The father is considering another activity which would take him out of the house at least one more day during the week and occassionally on week-ends. Is this a good idea to leave the son alone so much? What would you tell him about the importance of spending more time with his son? What else comes to mind when you think of this scenerio?

2006-11-06 01:12:04 · 4 answers · asked by wellbeing 5 in Parenting

i usually get menstruation (periods) on 4th of every month. me and my boyfriend had sex on 28th of october, and that was unsafe :-( . i'm supposed to get my menstruation on 4th November, but i didnt get it yet. i'm worried. is there a natural way to stop pregnancy without any pills ? my friend told that having papaya regularly will stop it. is it true ? is it possible to get pregnant if i have sex on 7-9 days before menstruation ?

2006-11-06 01:11:24 · 25 answers · asked by Madhu 1 in Adolescent

i usually get menstruation (periods) on 4th of every month. me and my boyfriend had sex on 28th of october, and that was unsafe :-( . i'm supposed to get my menstruation on 4th November, but i didnt get it yet. i'm worried. is there a natural way to stop pregnancy without any pills ? my friend told that having papaya regularly will stop it. is it true ? is it possible to get pregnant if i have sex on 7-9 days before menstruation ?

2006-11-06 01:09:58 · 10 answers · asked by Madhu 1 in Pregnancy

Besides cost what questions do most people ask when beginning this precess. I am looking at parochial and private schools and since I have always takes public school as a given I never thought about what to ask or expect. My son is now 2.5 years old and I'd like to be able to make a well informed decision for him by the time he is ready for Kindergarten.

2006-11-06 01:09:43 · 7 answers · asked by AlongthePemi 6 in Grade-Schooler

What are the chances of me getting pregnant? i have been using the pill for over a year but this month i have not at all, and i am sleeping with my new boyfriend and we have not used any protection ever. We don't even really use the pull out method.

2006-11-06 01:08:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

about how far along should you be able to see a fetus through an internal ultra sound? my friend has known she's been pregnant for about 2 weeks and she went for an ultra sound and they couldn't find a heartbeat or a fetus but said she might not be that far a long or somethings wrong. we're waiting results of a bloodtest!!

2006-11-06 01:06:18 · 13 answers · asked by amandax086 4 in Pregnancy

Is something wrong with her nose??
I didn't start thinking of this until last night. Is there someone who is trained in ultrasounds that can tell me if something is wrong with my baby's nose? It looks weird. I'm not sure if this is normal, and it has me a little concerned. She is due in a week! Go to www.photos.yahoo.com/corey17cv... and click on Bella 4D.


2006-11-06 01:01:43 · 9 answers · asked by peasandcornbread1978 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I have a 10 and 1/2 month old Daughter she was born 3 weeks premature she seems like she is developing slower than babies her age she hsn't started walking yet and her hand and eye coordination is kind of off. She just got crawling really good should i worry or is this normal?

2006-11-06 01:00:56 · 15 answers · asked by ♥ Ash ♥ 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

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