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Pregnancy & Parenting - 26 September 2006

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

I am looking for a triple stroller that is easy to manuever, not a side by side, and that does not cost over $300! Does anyone have advice on where to buy one and what brand to buy?
P.S. A Wagon is out of the questions.

2006-09-26 03:29:27 · 4 answers · asked by littleshorty9 3 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting


2006-09-26 03:27:01 · 8 answers · asked by CHARM 2 in Pregnancy

I gave birth on august 11 (6 weeks and 4 days ago) and my lochia had stopped already sometime last week. i had unprotected sex about a week to a week and a half ago, but three days ago i had brown blood come out and yesterday i had light pink blood...only when i wiped...could this be my period or is this implantation bleeding. i have my six week check up tomorrow and i'm terrified what the doctor will say. if i take a home pregnancy test will it come up positive anyways because i still have pregnancy hormones in me?

2006-09-26 03:22:28 · 18 answers · asked by bumblebeetuna 5 in Pregnancy

My little girl is three weeks old. I'd like to start giving her some supervised tummy time. Is it too soon? If so, when can I start? Any tips?

2006-09-26 03:22:23 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

2006-09-26 03:21:38 · 56 answers · asked by kat 7 in Parenting

My son is 14, 15 in feb, i have become completely over the top lately about letting him out etc.
The area we live in is not the best of areas, although by no means the worst.
What is an appropriate time for him to be in of an evening, at the moment i hate him even going out.
I know i cant wrap him up in cottonwool forever, but i worry constantly that something could happen to him etc, it is driving me insane and him of course.
Any advice how i can learn to stop being so neurotic.

2006-09-26 03:11:37 · 18 answers · asked by lillyrose17 1 in Parenting

follow the road i did any home remedies she is less than a month its not s sin if its less than a month-1 month after that its a sin that our family beliefs

2006-09-26 03:07:28 · 30 answers · asked by usvigyal23 2 in Pregnancy

I told my husband that im not quite ready to have kids. Ive been off the pill for a month do to medical reasons and i told him to pull out and he didnt! He said that he didnt have any more control and he was sorry. i mean, everythings fine with our marriage, im just not ready to have one yet. Should i be really mad?

2006-09-26 03:07:03 · 21 answers · asked by Baby Jack born 4/5/09 4 in Pregnancy

I don't know if anyone has noticed all the young girls on here!! Asking the stuipdest questions ever!! Like, "I have'nt had my period for two months, is there anything I could be besides pregnant?" OMG!! Where are these girls' mothers'? I feel sorry for these kids!! Do they not have sex ed any more!!?? Teaching absitnence is'nt working people!! How can we cut down teen pregancy? What can we do?

2006-09-26 03:05:29 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I went to my obgyn to confirm i as pregnant which i am but when i tried making the second appointment they said they were not taking on anymore pregnant patients?They said they would see about transfering me to another doctors office? is this unusual? I mean my mother went to same place when she was pregnant with me and this doctor even dilevered me and i have been going there since i was 18 once a year so i feel strange about going some where else?

2006-09-26 03:04:15 · 18 answers · asked by Jessica C 1 in Pregnancy

in early pregnancy are some days better then others today i feel FINE .. ma period is due today yesterday i had really sore boobs .. n i been urination alot during the nite .. today i feel find tho .. pregnancy?

2006-09-26 03:03:31 · 5 answers · asked by xbabiihopeszo 1 in Pregnancy

I DON'T want to work at a fast food place.I don't wanna go there I'm know I shouldn't be picky.But would the hire me a job in the mall.I CAN'T go outdoors either.I don't have anything impressive to write on my stupid resume thing.So should I lie???

2006-09-26 03:01:39 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

2006-09-26 03:01:29 · 8 answers · asked by jen_284 3 in Pregnancy

Is a woman in her early forties too old to become a mother? I am talking about conceiving naturally, not using IVF with can result in women of 60 getting pregnant.

2006-09-26 03:00:11 · 28 answers · asked by MissEssex 5 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I had another misscarriage last friday, and i am really sad, I want to know, is there any possibility i can get pregnant and have a healthy baby... i know that there are a lot of women have had more than two misscarriages and then healthy babies, but how can i overcome my fears of loosing another baby and the guilt of what happened????

2006-09-26 02:56:05 · 13 answers · asked by my_sweet_love <3 3 in Pregnancy

My daughter's one year check up is in a couple of hours. I know all the vaccines and tests that they will be giving, etc. Is my daughter going to be miserable for the rest of the day? I would love to know what other parents experienced.

2006-09-26 02:55:40 · 12 answers · asked by 10 pts for me? 4 in Toddler & Preschooler

we dont know he has done til the morning when we find him asleep with his blanket and ted but i worry he will be cold and achy but how can stop him if i dont know hes doing it

2006-09-26 02:55:07 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting


I just found out last week im pregnant by a guy ive only been with for FOUR months. He hasnt event told me he loves me yet. Is this bad? Should i confront him about it?

2006-09-26 02:49:44 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

At what point in your pregnancy should you be able to feel your baby's heartbeat?

2006-09-26 02:48:49 · 8 answers · asked by SuiteNezi 2 in Pregnancy

I have 3 children, 2 boys(10 and 7) and a girl(11). Their bedrooms and bathroom are on the oposite end of the house from mine and I try to avoid their bathroom like the plague (except for hosing it down). A while back I found my self in a handle and had to use their bathroom. I felt my way through the boys room (my eyes were closed to protect my sanity) got to the bathroom, made the Sign of the Cross and opened the door. So far so good, the bathroom was actually ok (must have been an unscheduled visit from the cleaning fairy). By this time I am really in trouble and do not have time for my usual visual exam of the toilet bowl. When finished as I am standing a little tree frog jumps from the bowl to the seat and I scream. As I am pounding on my chest to get heart started again the frog disapears. As of this posting he is still on the lamb. So how do I get one of the little monkeys that use this bathroom to cop to the frog?
*PETA need not respond*

2006-09-26 02:48:23 · 15 answers · asked by reevesfarm 3 in Grade-Schooler

Ok so the date of my last period was about May 8th (could have been the 9th). My GP told me that my due date was Feb 14th. The OBGYN says that it is Feb12th, and when I had my last ultra sound the technician said I am due on Feb 7th. Which do you think is right?

2006-09-26 02:47:17 · 8 answers · asked by yzerswoman 5 in Pregnancy

I have a 6 1/2 month old with a cold and he will wail and flail and swat at me when trying to get the junk out of his nose. And I use a nice warm wipe, no napkin or paper towel or anything.

2006-09-26 02:45:30 · 15 answers · asked by bklyngirly 3 in Parenting

I'm nearly 23 weeks pregnant and i'm having a very tough time at the moment. I know us women while pregnant go through every emotion, but this is just crazy. I cry nearly everyday and when I have a day like that I cry constantly about the most lame things. My husband leaves for work at 8am and doesn't get back till 11.30pm (He's a chef) and last night I accused him of cheating on me. I don't know what's going on with me! A couple of nights ago he didn't come home til 1.30am with no phonecall where he was, he was drinking with people at work. Then when he told me who he was drinking with, he missed out this girls name, who I think likes him, which made me fly off the handle with suspision. How can I get my husband to understand what i'm going through and that I'm not really turning into a controlling jelous phyco??

2006-09-26 02:43:47 · 22 answers · asked by Vickyandbump 2 in Pregnancy

My daughter goes to daycare and I pump milk everyday at the same time. It does not seem as if the oz are changing. How can I produce more milk? She only likes to take the breast in the wee hours of the night or early morning I also give her Enfamil cause she still seems hungry.

On the weekend I try to do just Breast and no formula.

2006-09-26 02:35:38 · 17 answers · asked by dark_lipps 2 in Newborn & Baby

2006-09-26 02:33:28 · 8 answers · asked by momie_2bee 5 in Pregnancy

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