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Pregnancy & Parenting - 5 September 2006

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

ive been pregnant in the past and noticed that my left nipple sometimes gets big and swollen and ive been noticing that my nipple on my left has been gets big and swollen sometimes and im not sure if im pregnant yet , i was just wondering if it has to do with pregnancy

2006-09-05 07:17:44 · 4 answers · asked by jennifertrinitysky 4 in Pregnancy

There has been many studies of infertility of males using disposable diapers. It has not been a proven fact that it causes infertility. I have read on that subject.

Anyway my original post was not intended for everyone to go out and buy diapers and wear them. What I am saying is that there are alot of kids past the todler stage that wet the bed or pants and need protection. I did when I was a kid. I was put in diapers. Just because they have on a diaper doesnt mean they are a baby. Thats why they make diapers for adults. It will only humiliate a child for wearing diapers if you let it or you are the one making diaper/baby references. When I was put back in diapers, I was told that many kids wear them to protect them at nite and that they are not just for babies.

Diapers can be pulled off and on just like pull ups once applied. I did it as a kid. Like I said, pull ups are diapers, one uses tape tabs and one has elastic sides. My father in law works for Kimberly Clark and he says that the diapers and pullups are made with the same fluff, just that diapers are a little bit thicker and absorb more. To me it doesnt matter if its a "pull up" or a "diaper" they both serve the same purpose, its just that society has made a big deal out of kids past 3 in diapers.

And yes I have read where other cultures are diaperless or having kids potty trained at or before one year of age, but they do not have debt up to their eyebrows and have to have a two incomes in the household. Look at China, I have read articles where they have kids in diapers up to age 7. Like I said before, its a diaper not the plauge.

2006-09-05 07:14:45 · 7 answers · asked by xxxxxxxxxx 3 in Parenting

how many cm dilated do u have to be before the doctor will put u in the hospital??also is it normal for movement to slow down by ur baby at this time??

2006-09-05 07:13:11 · 12 answers · asked by baby06 1 in Pregnancy

after how many years of trying for a baby should u go in to see a doctor? we have been trying for a year and a half.

2006-09-05 07:11:58 · 14 answers · asked by horses19 1 in Trying to Conceive

Help I'm babysitting my two nieces' one being 1yr old so shes in a floater, the other will be turning 7yrs old Oct. So I can't think of any games to play with her, marco polo is a bit boring with the two of us. Can anyone suggest any fun games in the pool to play with her?

2006-09-05 07:08:28 · 3 answers · asked by Angel 5 in Grade-Schooler

I went for my first pre-natal check up today, at 18 weeks pregnant. My doctor was looking at my tummy and said that I was mal-nurished! I think I eat a lot, so I asked "Why do you say that?" And he said "Because you dont have much fat on your belly." That was all that he said though, he didnt go into detail. I weighed 118 (I'm only 5'3) when I got pregnant, and now, 18 weeks later, I weigh 129! I've always been kinda petiet, but healthy. I do not like, or eat red meat, but I eat everything else. Today, for instance, I've eaten: a bowl of cereal, a peach, a glass of OJ, an egg McMuffin, a granola bar, a fruit smoothie drink (not an actual smoothie), a turkey and cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread, and 2 handfuls of whole grain Sun Chips with a Gatorade. (It's 2:00) Does this not sound normal... or more than normal? I'm concerned... please state your opinion!

2006-09-05 07:08:11 · 14 answers · asked by Island_Girl 2 in Pregnancy

I am 7 1/2 months pregnant and this morning i ate 3 pieces of french toast. I found out LATER on www.homefoodsafety.org that french toast is dangerous to the baby because of the RAW EGGS!! I'm scared what should i do?...(i don't feel sick but that doesn't mean my babys not sick)!!

2006-09-05 07:05:35 · 23 answers · asked by CMA 4 in Pregnancy

She doesn't remember sleeping with her boyfriend after her last period in the middle of July, but she is not 100% on this. She is pretty sure it is her husband's kid, but doesn't want him to know that she is getting the test done, even though he wants it done. She is planning on bringing her 3 yr. old son in (who is definantely her husband's) to do the reverse DNA deal.
Going further than that, the last time her POS husband beat the crap outta her, I took her to get x-ray, and they didn't ask for a urine sample for preg. test until after her x-ray, and she said no, she wasn't sure, but didn't want the test, and anyways, it was already after she was exposed to the radiation.
She's scaired that her "mentally challanged" boyfriend is the dad. She is also scaired that the baby may be "damaged" by the radiation, and is talking abortion if it is her boyfriend's, and unsure about abortion if it is her husband's.
I don't know what to say to her, other than don't cheat! Please help!

2006-09-05 07:04:47 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I browsed online and saw many names but i am looking for a short and unique name with good meaning. Can be from ANY country but has to be a muslim name.

2006-09-05 07:03:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

My 4 month old baby will fall asleep easily in my arms, either by rocking or nursing. I then wait about 10-20 minutes to make sure he is in a deep sleep. However, when I try to put him down in his crib or on my bed he instantly wakes up and starts screaming. If I pick him up, he is fine again and falls asleep. How can I help him stay asleep when I put him down? It is difficult to get things done with him in my arms all the time.

ps. this is for daytime naps only. in the night, he sleeps next to me fine all night long, with a few feedings as needed.

2006-09-05 07:03:00 · 14 answers · asked by SzJ14 2 in Newborn & Baby

I have two daughters - Britney(age 6) and Alosinea(age 4).When I was a little girl,I was very thin.My parents fed me very well.But that was just my body type and it's still my body type.CPS took me 7 times when I was little just because I was too thin.I didn't know the laws but now I know the child mustn't be thin.Anyway my 2 daughters are just like me and I'm afraid some day they will be taken.How does it happen and what do CPS say and what do they do?

2006-09-05 07:00:49 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

ok serious ansews only im am 15 weeks pregnate , I know Im in my secound trimester and I know that 4 weeks equals a month but how many months am I ? When I say I am four people tell me im no that im almost four can some one please tell me the exact month I am in ?

2006-09-05 07:00:25 · 18 answers · asked by lisamarie7901 5 in Pregnancy

I get really sick at night, not in the morning and it all starts with headaches. What can I do?

2006-09-05 06:58:29 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My son is seven years old. I was incarserated in prison when my girlfriend found out she was pregnant. I guess while I was in prison she got arrested for possesion/distributing illegal substances. Her parents took the custody of my son, but didn't adopt him. They now want to adopt him (she is still in prison and doesn't want him) My parents paid child support to her parents while I was in prison and since I've been out I've paid child support. Her parents still want to adopt...is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening? Shouldn't I get full custody of my child? I cannot afford a lawyer and I'm not sure what I shoud do? What steps should I be taking?

2006-09-05 06:56:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

My significant other allowes her 15 yr old son to run around in his boxer shorts why his gf is here. They go to his bed room and he locks the door and they spend all there time there only to come out when they need to use the restroom or time for her to go home..? Are these modern times or should there not be any values set for children today?

2006-09-05 06:54:22 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I just had my period 5days ago so i know it is not the aftermath or just finishing

2006-09-05 06:53:00 · 7 answers · asked by helpif i can 2 in Trying to Conceive

Had a period and been pregnant? No bleeding since july 17th. So i took a blood test after a few HPT. I was supposed to call today for the results. Right when i went on brake to call, i went to use the restroom and bam. There it was. Now it's uncommon for me to miss a period completely. Sorry if i'm rambling. Just a little bumbed. Kinda got my hopes up. But anyways. i havent got the results of the bloos test yet. So again my question is has anyone miseed a period had a period then been pregnant. ( Mind youi don't know if this is a normla period or not yet. Just started a few hours ago!! Thanks for your help!

God Bless!

2006-09-05 06:51:04 · 7 answers · asked by ♥♥Soon to Be Mrs.F♥♥ 6 in Pregnancy

I have 2 daughters one is 9 and the other 5 . My 9 year old has been constantly ignoring my rules . We live in a small town not many kids her age to play with . There is this one girl she always sneaks off and goes and plays with even thow I have repeatedly told her I don't want her to go there . This girl is 12-15 years old not sure of her actual age . But she is a little to old for my daughter to hang out with . Right ? Well the last 2 days she has told me that she was going to go play with another little girl that she is allowed to play with ( she takes her little sister with her ) . Then when I go to check on them they are at the other little girls house that they know they are not allowed . They use the excuse that there friend wasn't home . So they went to the other little girls house . They don't even come and tell me that there friend wasn't home . It isn't like they can't come home and play . They have bikes ,trampoline , dolls , gameboys , All kind of toys , What do I Do ???

2006-09-05 06:50:46 · 5 answers · asked by Butterfly 2 in Parenting

I came across a post from a woman who was complaining about the mix of races in her childs school. In addition there was a post about Brighter English speaking children being drug down by children who didnt speak English.
Actually it has nothing to do with parenting, I simply had a hunch that by being in the "parenting" section it would acquire more than a passing glance. I am an American, for what its worth and speak, I suppose what is considered "American English".
It just seemed to me that this woman who worried over the nationalities that her child would come into contact with, and the woman who worried about the neglect she assumed that would befall children who spoke English that are obviously "brighter" students.
I speak and write quite well, although I have no High School nor College education, and have only one year to my education in Jr High School aka Middle School; 7th grade to be exact, and that is the extent of my education. Amazing that people can show such ignorance.

2006-09-05 06:48:25 · 14 answers · asked by Shalamar Rue 4 in Parenting

I am 17 weeks pregnant and had the blood work done to test for down syndrome, spina bifida, etc. The results should be available today or tommorow, and I am really nervous. I know this test is not always right because it was wrong with my niece, yet I am still nervous. I think I just need some reassurance and encouragement. Has anybody else had this bloodwork, and how did it turn out? Thanks.

2006-09-05 06:44:41 · 9 answers · asked by rainbowbright 2 in Pregnancy

what are the changes in the cervix when pregnant is it soft or hard and can it feel open at times?

2006-09-05 06:39:34 · 3 answers · asked by mcdanieljoanie 3 in Pregnancy


i hAve these spot like under the skin and the itch the spots are only on my arms and the top if my legs and strating on the bottem of my legs when i itch them they bleed they are really irritating me i am 13 any ideas or help plz xx

2006-09-05 06:38:20 · 12 answers · asked by twinkle 2 in Adolescent

I was just wondering about something, my 6 year old daughter is and has always been quite the tomboy..she wears spiderman shirts and boy shirts that she likes. She also wore boy underwear for a few years because she liked them. She doesn't anymore though. Not sure why she just grew out of that part. Some of the people in my life tell me I'm doing harm by letting her be herself, I mean we have the deal that I pick out her clothes on school days and she can change when she gets home but I've had people tell me just not to buy her the things she likes...I'm the kind of mother that lets her children show her who they are instead of imposing my own beliefs and views on her. I don't think there is anything wrong with it...My question is do any other mother's or father's have these super tomboys?? Do they grow out of it? And have you faced criticism for your decisions??

2006-09-05 06:37:00 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Grade-Schooler

i did pregnency urine test but came out negetive.but my stomach is paining n little vommitting sensation is there n i ll get tired very soon.what do u think about this?

2006-09-05 06:35:25 · 4 answers · asked by shamita 1 in Pregnancy

2006-09-05 06:35:17 · 11 answers · asked by RockMan 1 in Pregnancy

2006-09-05 06:34:35 · 10 answers · asked by kayla~N~Chris4ever 1 in Pregnancy

the middle name has to stay Renee but for first names, Cissy, Alison, Isobella, Gracelyn, or Ellie (which one is better) oh feel free to add any names you think are cute. I'm looking for strong names. I came up with Elegance and it got shot down real quick !

2006-09-05 06:34:07 · 20 answers · asked by sweetbabygirlof1983 2 in Pregnancy

how did you tell you family & friends you were expecting a little bundle of joy? looking for creative ideas please!

2006-09-05 06:33:19 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

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