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Politics - 5 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2007-10-05 05:08:30 · 16 answers · asked by Kelly B 4

Just one hippies, I know you all think he lies all the time, so this should be easy, right?

2007-10-05 05:06:53 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Danger, danger, danger!! There are strangers among us!
If they don't believe as we do then they want to harm us!
Ours is the only way to be the only way that's right everyone else is evil!

You know this sounds all to familiar!

How much longer until extermination is recommended?

2007-10-05 05:03:46 · 18 answers · asked by Kelly B 4

It seems like an empty banner to me. There has been a bait and switch program to lead people into bizarre political ideologies that are not conservative, by people trying to redefine conservative as being almost flamboyantly anti-intellectual and patriotically proud of it. I guess this is the insanity phase that a country must get through after it has been attacked by a handful of saudis with box cutters and pilot's licenses.

2007-10-05 05:01:03 · 11 answers · asked by Earl Grey 5

a DEMOCRACY for people of color?

(and please, don't give me that Lincoln freed the slaves nonsense because we of the younger, wiser generation KNOW that argument no longer flies. Lincoln didn't free anyone..the decision was all ecomical and to assist big business.)

(and yes, do your homework. Iraqis are people of color..even Bush learned that early on when he told Congress)(was recorded for television): "well, um hum. we are aware that brown people can run their own country."
You see he had traveled to Iraq...and he never knew (and not necessarily because of the sun) that Iraqis were BROWN.
YOU have seen mostly the Iraqis who are lighter skinned. (Just like in the USA we have the lighter skinned Black person.)
And so, don't fool yourself. The Iraqis are people of color.
Tell me experts. Tell me the name of ONE white man or group of white men who ever wanted to "free, liberate, or provide a democracy" for brown people.
You can't.

2007-10-05 04:50:17 · 14 answers · asked by rare2findd 6

The dems are offering nothing more than Socialism or Commuinism. Take your pick, right?

Why are people so quick to jump on the band wagon? Can they not see what is really going on? Do they not understand that Clinton and Obama want to control EVERYTHING you do?!?! Why would any "American" vote for that?

Is this not "the land of the free"? Yet we all MUST have the same everything. Make everything equal. Then what is there to work for? People work hard to have nice things and a nice life, if the government starts preventing that then what?

I just don't understand how people can be persauded so easily. Are they really that simple minded?

2007-10-05 04:42:49 · 41 answers · asked by amccr916 3

Either I am crazy, or Bush is ****. George says that "suspects" are not mis-treated, by his operatives, yet, his operatives, and himself, say they must do whatever is necessary, to achieve their goals. I find this just as bizzarre as the time, a few years ago, when Bush openly declared, on network news, that the government would begin tapping bank accounts, and phone lines, to obtain "intelligence" (?), then, later, Bush said that the media was acting irresponsibly, for telling the public that Bush was tapping our phones. Does Bush even know what REALITY means? He says we must use all means, at our disposal, to fight terror, then he says "The United States does not torture"? I must wonder if Mr. Bush has Alzheimers. He has vetoed Healthcare, for America's children, saying "America cannot afford this". Yet, each day, he "dumps" billions more dollars into the invasions of Afghanistan, and Iraq. Is this crazy, am I crazy, or is Bush just plain incompetent????

2007-10-05 04:42:47 · 28 answers · asked by kittycat 1

2007-10-05 04:41:33 · 15 answers · asked by a person of interest 5

I need an actual poll. Thanks.

2007-10-05 04:30:59 · 8 answers · asked by MEL T 7

I am left is pushing like Crazy free medical coverage, 5,000 dollars per baby and sounds like they will pay for your house. I mean they are running to the left at a break neck speed.

2007-10-05 04:29:15 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-10-05 04:27:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Neoconservatism can be found in most encyclopedias. So I will list their traits instead.

IN GENERAL (exceptions to every rule)

True Conservative:

Honest, religious, family oriented, generous, hates liars, believes in fair play among the average American.

Supports small government, fiscal responsibility.


Dishonest, divorce and adultery oriented, selfish, supports liars, believe in any means necessary to get what they want.

Supports big government, fiscal spending into oblivion.

- Q: If true Conservatives were still in charge of the Repub party, could a person like Giulliani have run as a conservative, let alone become their front runner? -

2007-10-05 04:26:38 · 15 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

Great article by former Knesset member Uri Avnery

AIPAC and the Anti Defamation League with the help of the "Liberal" intelligentsia have waged a three decade campaign against free speech on the issue of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Have they been successful? Are Americans so brainwashed they are incapable of understanding the plight of the Palestinians? Why are Americans supporting genocide in Gaza?

2007-10-05 04:19:49 · 6 answers · asked by Washington Irving 3

This is not a joke. What is the difference? Is it just the name liberal has developed negative image? Or is there a real difference?

2007-10-05 04:19:11 · 6 answers · asked by Chris 5

Make it applicable only to the SECOND conviction for a violent felony.

The ONLY legitimate objection is, it might not be him - somehow we might have convicted the wrong guy.

But what are the odds that the same innocent guy was wrongly convicted of two separate violent felonies?

I mean, I think this is mostly technical - when it's the wrong guy, the reason they thought he raped and strangled Suzy is because he was just let out of prison after serving six years for raping and trying unsuccessfully to strangle Sally, in which case, why it bothers you that he still fries, I don't know.

But fine, if you don't think that's how it works, then make it official - in addition to 3 strikes you're out, let's have 2 violent felonies and you're dead.


2007-10-05 04:06:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Each person in this forum has strong opinions, right, left or centrist. My question to you is this: Do you act on them? Seriously. Hopefully, most of you vote, and those who are over 18 and don't should just shut up , but other than voting? Do you actively campaign for a candidate, protest for a cause, donate money to causes/campaigns? Part of what is 'wrong' in America today is that too many people have no problem 'sharing' their opinions, but not enough willing to step up and make a difference. Your thoughts please.

2007-10-05 04:06:02 · 5 answers · asked by momatad 4

Is he that important? They're actually ranting about him on the House floor. Has any other member of the media ever been attacked like this on the floor of the House? They actually sent a letter to Clear Channel complaining about Rush.

2007-10-05 04:04:46 · 9 answers · asked by kimmyisahotbabe 5

I have watched this joke all my life and it seems to me the only ones punished by this is the very people it is supposed to help.
Cuba has been under an embargo of US trade since 196-what and Fidel has never missed a thing and he is still there.
The only reason to maintain it is the large Cuban vote.
Look at all the times countries have been sanctioned by the entire world through theUN,(supposedly).
All that ever happens is it creates a black market for China, Russia, France and others to make MORE money off these items than they could under normal trade.
Then what ever REGIME is in power takes the goods that are allowed in and only the privaliged get food medicine or fuel While the likes of Jimmy Carter beg for more time.
What for so maybe all the lower class people will die so only his dictator friends are left.
I picked Carter as an example.

What do you think?

2007-10-05 04:00:59 · 6 answers · asked by CFB 5

2007-10-05 03:58:17 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not judging. I just would like to hear some explainations from Republicans on why this is so. Also, if you could refrain from posting long Biblical passages, and maybe just summarizing if you need to, I would appreciate that.

2007-10-05 03:56:29 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Patriotism comes from what you say and do not by what you wear or decorate yourself and your property to espouse!

Is this lapel pin debate the most serious political arguement facing our nation?

2007-10-05 03:55:07 · 16 answers · asked by Kelly B 4

Now how about some stars!?!?

2007-10-05 03:52:18 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I do and here's why .
Below is a copy of a post from a left-wing Y/A user in response to a question about Islamic Laws being harmful and degrading to women.

" Because US conservatives have killed hundreds of thousands of Muslim women, but are still smug about their moral superiority for some reason".

Now us adults know darned well that it's a lie . a blatant lie . Well what about our kids ? Do they 'know' it's a lie ? -- NO . of course not . Some maybe but not all . And that's what counts . Don't think it's dangerous ? PFFFFFT .. well then perhaps you'd like to explain how the Radical Islamist lies are not dangerous . Perhaps you'd like to explain how so many other ill-informed youths have believed the lies of Radical Islamists .
You can't differentiate because there is no difference .

I call on everyone to admonish and block every single user who posts outright dangerous lies like the one above !!

What Do You Think ?

2007-10-05 03:51:22 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-05 03:51:18 · 14 answers · asked by Tony R 5

McCain is a much better choice for President than Giuliani!

What do you think?

2007-10-05 03:44:09 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Lets say I died, and 3 days later MAN was able to ressurect me?

2007-10-05 03:39:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

On good morning america a story on Obama came on about him refusing to wear an american flag pin. It also talks about hillary "rarely" wearing one also.

In addition to their vote on voting against english as the official american language and extending benefits to illegal aliens isn't this more proof that they are anti-american?

Aren't they running for the "american presidency?"

Any ideas out there?

2007-10-05 03:37:50 · 21 answers · asked by infobrokernate 6

I do not think they are. I see hate questions from both sides on here I have even seen a few death threats. If a question is not even posted I think it is because of key words. Now, once a question is posted as well as answers we become our own censors, by that little report icon. I see all sides on here screaming about freedom of speech. I cant speak for yahoo but I can speak for myself. I have never or never will report anyone on here and for anyone that has can you legitimately scream about any violation of freedom of speech?

2007-10-05 03:34:56 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

fedest.com, questions and answers