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Politics - 6 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Like in Lebanon?

2007-10-06 23:56:24 · 18 answers · asked by Maxi Robespierre 5

Nothing frightens those who peddle lies than the cold hard light of truth. They react to exposure of their deceits the way vampires react to a having a crucifix held up in front of them.
Clearly something had do be done, they thought. So the left, led by the slimy Media Matters organization, began a counterattack using the liberals’ favorite weapon – the lie.
An innocuous remark by Fox’s Bill O’Reilly praising a famous Harlem restaurant was taken out of context by the liberal mainstream media which tried to ignite a firestorm, but the public wasn’t buying.
Then, when Rush Limbaugh spoke about men falsely claiming to be veterans of the Iraq war such as one, Jesse MacBeth, who told a pack of lies about his non-existent service in Iraq and whose deception had already been exposed days earlier by ABC's Charlie Gibson and Brian Ross, the left jumped on Rush falsely claiming that his attack on such phony soldiers was an attack on all Iraq war vets who criticize the war.

2007-10-06 23:38:07 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

If the opposite party took/stayed in control long term?

2007-10-06 23:08:18 · 19 answers · asked by Avatar_defender_of_the_light 6

Dave's (David Cameron) Tory Party didn't exactly seem unbeatable somehow although Labour no longer has the huge lead in opinion polls it once did.

2007-10-06 22:20:18 · 18 answers · asked by PRH1 3

Its called NAFTA and the trans texas corridor, its going to be like a 16- lane super-highway or bigger, running right thru mexico city thru the unided states. They are doing this to bring in 50 million mexicans into the united states, to completely bankrupt the middle class, as well as america.
You may lose your job when its finished in 3-5 years.

2007-10-06 22:19:59 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Republicans have betrayed the conservatives with their insane spending and failure to raise any significant effort to stop illegal immigration.

The Democrats gained power because they gave the illusion that they would get the troops out of Iraq and all they've managed to do is send more down. All they have to do is write one final check which is enough to bring the troops home and if the president keeps them there he;s to blame and the Dems come out smelling like daises.

Both sides have perpetuated the sutble differences to keep us as a people divided so no one wakes up and see how horribly they are running our country.

As an independent for the last three years I ask... are you too blind to see this and just want to point fingers at the other guy, or was T. Jefferson right when he said "All experience have shown, mankind more willing to suffer while evils are sufferable then to right themselves from the means of which they are accustomed."

2007-10-06 22:19:13 · 14 answers · asked by gatewlkr 4

i need to do an assignment on this topic so please......

2007-10-06 21:46:41 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

why do many people say "armerica is controlled by the jews"? the population of them is very small.

2007-10-06 21:39:11 · 15 answers · asked by jj321129 1

They also can share some insights into the character of the First Ladies. Here's what some of them have to say:

Air Force #1 & it's passengers..a must read, folks!


For those who don't know... Capt. Denny Keast
flies for UAL and flew many SAM's (Special Air
Mission's) for the White House.


I flew 4 Presidential support missions in the
C-141 out of Dover AFB, DE.. Two for President
Johnson and two for President Nixon.

Johnson was a first class jerk and on the two
occasions I flew for him, if the Secret Service and
their Liaison in the Pentagon hadn't intervened, we
would have had to stay on the airplane for hours
while he (Johnson) was off somewhere. Ni xon never
required that and the four (4) stops we made with
him he was cordial to the Secret Service and to me
and my crew.

We had a neighbor when I lived in DC who was
part of the secret service presidential detail for
many years. His stories of Kennedy and Johnson were
the same as those I heard from the guys who flew the
presidents' plane

Yes, Kennedy did have Marilyn Monroe flown in
for secret 'dates,' and LBJ was a typical Texas
'good ole boy' womanizer. Nixon, Bush 41, and
Carter never cheated on their wives. Clinton
cheated, but couldn't match Kennedy or LBJ in style
or variety.

The information below is accurate: The elder
Bush and current president Bush make it a point to
thank and take care of the air crews who fly them
around. When the president flies, there are several
planes that also go, one carries the armored limo,
another the security detail, plus usually a press

Both Bushes made it a point to stay home on
holidays, so the Air Force and security people could
have a day with their families.

Hillary Clinton was arrogant and orally
abusive to her security detail. She forbade her
daughter, Chelsea, from exchanging pleasantries with
them. Sometimes Chelsea, miffed at her mother's
obvious conceit and mean spiritedness, ignored her
demands and exchanged pleasantries regardless, but
never in her mother's presence. Chelsea really was
a nice, kindhearted, and lovely young lady. The
consensus opinion was that Chelsea loved her Mom but
did not like her. Hillary Clinton was continuously
rude and abrasive to those who were charged to
protect her life. Her security detail dutifully did
their job, as professionals should, but they all
loathed her and wanted to be on a different detail.

Hillary Clinton was despised by the Secret
Service as a whole. Former President Bill Clinton
was much more ami able than his wife. Often the
Secret Service would cringe at the verbal attacks
Hillary would use against her husband. They were
embarrassed for his sake by the manner and frequency
in which she verbally insulted him, sometimes in the
presence of the Secret Service, and sometimes behind
closed doors. Even behind closed doors Hillary
Clinton would scream and holler so loudly that
everyone could hear what she was saying Many felt
sorry for President Clinton and most wondered why he
tolerated it instead of just divorcing his 'attack
dog' wife. It was crystal clear that the Clintons
neither liked nor respected each other and this was
true long before the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Theirs was genuinely a 'marriage of convenience.'

Chelsea was much closer to her father than her
mother, even after the Lewinsky scandal, which hurt
her gravely. Bill Clinton did in fact have
charisma, and occasionally would smile at or shake
hands with his security detail. Still, he always
displayed an obvious air of superiority towards

His security detail uniformly believed him to
be disingenuous, false, and that he did nothing
without a motive that in some way would enhance his
image and political career. He was polite, but not
kind. They did not particularly like him and nobody
trusted him.

Al Gore was the male version of Hillary
Clinton. They were friendlier toward each other
than either of them were towards former President
Clinton. They were not intimate, so please don't
read that in. They were very close in a political
way Tipper Gore was generally nice and pleasant.
She initially liked Hillary but soon after the
election she had her 'pegged' and no longer liked
her or associated with her except for events that
were politically obligatory.

Al Gore was far more left wing than Bill
Clinton. Al Gore resented Bill Clinton and thought
he w as too 'centrist.' He despised all Republicans.
His hatred was bitter and this was long before he
announced for the Presidency. This hatred was
something that he and Hillary had in common. They
often said as much, even in the presence of their
security detail. Neither of them trusted Bill
Clinton and, the Secret Service opined, neither of
them even liked him. Bill Clinton did have some
good qualities, whereas Al Gore and Hillary had
none, in the view of their security details.

Al Gore, like Hillary, was very rude and
arrogant toward his security detail He was
extremely unappreciative and would not hesitate to
scold them in the presence of their peers for minor
details over which they had no control. Al Gore
also looked down on them, as they finally observed
and learned with certainty on one occasion. Al got
angry at his offspring and pointed at his security
detail and said, 'Do you want to grow up and be like
them? ' Word of this insult by the former
Vice-President quickly spread and he became as
disliked by the Secret Service as Hillary. Most of
them prayed Al Gore would not be elected President,
and they really did have private celebrations in a
few of their homes after President Bush won. This
was not necessarily to celebrate President Bush's
election, but to celebrate Al Gore's defeat.

Everyone in the Secret Service wants to be on
First Lady Laura Bush's detail. Without exception,
they concede that she is perhaps the nicest and most
kind person they have ever had the privilege of
serving. Where Hillary patently refused to allow
her picture to be taken with her security detail,
Laura Bush doesn't even have to be asked, she
offers. She doesn't just shake their hand and say,
'Thank you.' Very often, she will give members of
her detail a kindhearted hug to express her
appreciation. There is nothing false about her.
This is her ge nuine nature. Her security detail
considers her to be a 'breath of fresh air.' They
joke that comparing Laura Bush with Hillary Clinton
is like comparing 'Mother Teresa' with the 'Wicked
Witch of the North.'

Likewise, the Secret Service considers
President Bush to be a gem of a man to work for. He
always treats them with genuine respect and he
always trusts and listens to their expert advice.
They really like the Crawford, Texas detail. Every
time the president goes to Crawford he has a Bar-B-Q
for his security detail and he helps serve their
meals. He sits with them, eats with them, and talks
with them.. He knows each of them by their first
name, and calls them by their first name as a show
of affection. He always asks about their family,
the names of which he always remembers. They believe
that he is deeply and genuinely appreciative of
their service. They could not like, love, or
respect anyone more than President B ush. Most of
them did not know they would feel this way, until
they had an opportunity to work for him and learn
that his manner was genuine and consistent. It has
never changed since he began his Presidency. He
always treats them with the utmost respect,
kindness, and compassion.

Please pass this on. It is important for
Americans to have a true inside understanding of
their President.. And also the woman who is currently
a candidate for president..

2007-10-06 21:33:58 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Moveon smear against the general, or the Limbaugh slur against the soldiers that dare to disagree?

2007-10-06 21:06:28 · 22 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

IAEA Report on Iraq NOT enriching Uranium

2007-10-06 21:01:48 · 7 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

CIA doubts

In early October 2002, George Tenet called Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley to ask him to remove reference to the Niger uranium from a speech Bush was to give in Cincinnati on October 7. This was followed up by a memo asking Hadley to remove another, similar line. Another memo was sent to the White House expressing the CIA's view that the Niger claims were false; this memo was given to both Hadley and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice.

2007-10-06 20:56:41 · 8 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

Or are they being dishonest with their "phony soldiers" spin?

2007-10-06 20:42:08 · 22 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

including the banks, the media, the education system, the government and the military?

2007-10-06 19:47:47 · 14 answers · asked by illuminati 1

People are complaining that they can't afford health insurance in the US, and they want it made available for free. Let me ask this? Why don't those who are complaining cut out your internet, cable, cell phone, etc. and all the other things that are for pleasure and use that money to pay for insurance? Government run healthcare is not the answer folks.

2007-10-06 19:14:05 · 28 answers · asked by PinkLife 4

How about splitting it in half, and giving half to the republicans, and half to the dems? Cuz it seems that in our quest to be free, we have segregated ourselves, except that instead of just by skin color, we are now splitting into either the "fluffy clouds and flower smellers", or the "if you don't like it get outers". (I'm going to stay here with them incidentally)

2007-10-06 19:10:52 · 17 answers · asked by KJ 4

If so can anyone tell me what the big change in the law was?

2007-10-06 18:58:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some would say its the womans right to choose to have a baby or not because its her body and therefore her choice... what about the baby's body and his/her choice?

What dictates the fabrics that define lifes beggining, and who is the dictator?

2007-10-06 18:55:58 · 11 answers · asked by Sam 4

Should a woman be prevented from having an abortion if the father is willing to take total responsibility for the child. After all the man had a part in creating this life too. I think if the answer is no then you have a terrible double standard that will cost innocent children their lives. Pretty selfish really.

2007-10-06 18:45:17 · 31 answers · asked by Ethan M 5

How come a women can get out of paying for a child by having an abortion but a man can't legally refuse to pay child support if the baby is born? Where is the fairness that feminists are always complaining about?

2007-10-06 18:36:54 · 18 answers · asked by qwert 7

So now the format is from right to left opposed to left to right. Is this some pandering to YA arabics?

(I am only kidding)

Is anyone else liking this new format?

2007-10-06 18:20:44 · 14 answers · asked by Glen B 6

I see this in a lot of conservatives. You are against abortion, but you favor the death penalty. Why? Isn't it taking a life either way? I don't support either. Don't you think everyone has the right to life? Young and old? Innocennt and guilty? Do people ever learn that 2 wrongs don't make a right?

2007-10-06 18:11:56 · 32 answers · asked by Senator D*L*P™ 5

2007-10-06 18:03:21 · 29 answers · asked by sketch_mylife 5

It seems hypocritical to me. Protect the fetus and kill the man. Of course they are two completely different political issues but they both involve either the protection or destruction of life. The only way I see a rationalization is if you are basing your reasoning on fear, which isn't rational in the first place.

Fear that you or someone else will upset "god," or fear that you will be killed if we don't kill others first. The latter of which only presents a spiral of violence that forces each side in a war to only build up more propaganda and more recruits and new ways to kill more efficiently. World War 2 cost this world 60 million lives.

2007-10-06 17:55:13 · 27 answers · asked by JMEvo 2

Or like everything else about the Religious Right, just hypocritical mumbo jumbo?

2007-10-06 17:51:39 · 19 answers · asked by Dream Realized 2

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