I know I can be long winded But bear with me.
Ok, I'll be the one to open the can of worms this morning.
I for one agree we have to do something. We do need some kind of health care system to protect and help those who are TRULY in need. We have many elderly who have worked for many decades for very little just to retire and die from something very treatable, along with children dying from various carcinomas and other things.
Everytime you hear the Hillary or any of the others on her bandwagon, speak about how good this program would be, the one thing I NEVER heard or hear is, HOW THE INTEGRITY OF SAID PROGRAM IS GOING TO BE ENFORCED.
Like any other government programs, its subject to abuse. That being said, with the rediculous amout of abuse it will recieve, how effective will it really be and what are the odds that the care will actually get to those who need it and whats the plan to insure that it does?
Right now, I haven't heard a single chirp on this subject.
15 answers
asked by
The prophet of DOOM