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Politics - 5 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics


I just dont see it..

CNN even questions his propaganda


and he refuses to debate The "truth"

That's how much the Heartland Institute, a Chicago-based libertarian think tank, has forked over in six months for advertisements in national newspapers trying to persuade Al Gore to debate one of its experts on global warming issues. "We have tried, repeatedly, to contact Gore directly, with registered letters and calls to his office, and have never received a reply," says Joseph Bast, Heartland president.


What is your opinion?

2007-10-05 03:34:02 · 18 answers · asked by Antiliber 6

Reliable sources from within the Red Chinese goverment have confirm that Chinese scientist are working on Genetic and viral Weapon intending to be use on innocent cvilians.

Also, Christian Movements are claiming that the Chinese army will march against Israel 200 Million of them.

Our pets are being poisoned with tainted food, we have had the same problem with human food. Now we are being told to discard any toothpaste made in China.

Is this an attempt to test our non-military defenses? I would say so!

So should we not have a pre-emptive strike now?

2007-10-05 03:33:52 · 13 answers · asked by I hate Chinaman 1

I would suggest that instead of chanting "death to whatever" they hate at the time. Perhaps they could say.

"We don't like your policies and we are interested in changing them peacefully."

I know its not catchy and a little wordy but it gives the impression that they are not fanatics.

2007-10-05 03:22:05 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

You ask questions and MANY democrat or liberal users attack you and you let them roll all over you by being vicious, flinging hate, attacking your character... While Yahoo STILL punishes YOU and refuses to block, remove, delete or censure any of their deviant behavior.

Your answers, questions, etc., get removed while you get huge loads of negative ratings because you let them spit in your face while Yahoo continues to condone it.

Do you go through any of that HASSLE? You ask a question and it never gets posted because it's censured? You re-write it and it still gets censured? I asked the same question 8 times yesterday and not once did it get posted. Then I got upset and blatantly asked a insulting question and I finally got a notice from Yahoo they deleted it.

But no info on any of the other 8 that never posted.

Like me, I'm sure you see countless, attacking/provoking questions from vile lefties who Yahoo STILL fails to deal with FAIRLY without being biased.

Why even bother?

2007-10-05 03:11:40 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-05 03:08:26 · 11 answers · asked by tom the plumber 3

OK, now that I have used a tabloid headline to get your attention, my question is why do Rush Limbaugh's statements get 100 times the attention of real issues facing our nation? Someone posted a question about the Council on Foreign Relations earlier, one answer (mine). The Rush thing has been beaten to death back and forth all week. Can we possibly have a real discussion about real issues?

What is the most important issue facing our country today? I believe it is the NAU . . . curious to hear what others have to say.

2007-10-05 03:00:35 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

They have taken something so far out of context that even the soldier Rush was originally talking about accused Rush of accusing him of being a suicide bomber! lol! What's the deal?

2007-10-05 02:58:55 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

FYI: I'm not a Ron Paul supporter

2007-10-05 02:54:51 · 12 answers · asked by Spartacus 3

Is he allowed to use the $1.5 Million to buy more Jets and limos?

2007-10-05 02:51:23 · 13 answers · asked by Stereotypemebecauseyouknow 7

It seems our miltary-industrial complex is starting to lose out on the lucrative business of War....


Now, where did that $100 million come from, I ask? UU taxdollars?

2007-10-05 02:51:01 · 6 answers · asked by outcrop 5

Al Qaeda can only survive if it can get a steady flow of new recruits & with a strongly Republican backed Iraq war Al Qaeda will always get those new recruits who want to fight US infidels which means Al Qaeda will be around as long as the US military is in Iraq.

And Republicans will keep US troops in Iraq because the war on terror keeps getting Republicans elected which keeps them in power in Washington & more importantly the Dems/libs out of power.

The Iraq war works out great for both Al Qaeda & the GOP & as long as Americans can live with maybe 1,000 US military deaths a year then the war in Iraq can go on forever which makes Republicans/Lieberman & Al Qaeda very happy.

2007-10-05 02:46:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Wasn't this an act of terrorism, by our present definition?

Didn't the Militia of the Continental Army operate as a non-uniformed force that "hid behind the skirts of women and children" when not fighting?

Wasn't the Boston Masscre fomented by unruly mobs rioting in the streets in an anarchic manner?

Did not foreign fighters (who came b/c of their hatred of the British) from France and Germany participate, bringing in Arms as well as people?

Did not our "Militia's" seek retribution against Tories and their sympathizers?

Did our Militia's not fight unconventional warfare through guerilla tactics (euphemistically called "Indian style - {not a sex position, btw})?

Our "Freddom Fighters" were terrorists, had help from foreign sources, tormented their internal foes (tories), and fought, unconventionally and by hiding behind their civilian garb...


2007-10-05 02:45:29 · 7 answers · asked by outcrop 5

The last a U.S. Senator was elected President was Kennedy in 1960.
Everyone since them has either been a Governor or Vice President.
Does this bother you since the Top Two Democratic nominees are United States Senators.
If the Republican nominee is a Governor, or Mayor, will this Executive experience help or hurt?

Thank You

2007-10-05 02:38:59 · 9 answers · asked by Supercell 5

Late one night a mugger wearing a ski mask jumped into a path of a well-dressed man and stuck a gun in his ribs "give me your money," he demanded. Indignant, the affluent man replied, "you can't do this – I am a United States congressman!" "In that case," replied the mugger, "give me MY money."

Have a good day!!!!!!

2007-10-05 02:27:41 · 6 answers · asked by Dream Realized 2

There is one troll in here who keeps spouting about "Non-vets" well my question is can someone who perhaps was unable to serve for whatever reason still be a Patriot? (and I don't mean a fan of New England's football team)

2007-10-05 02:18:23 · 26 answers · asked by Ethan M 5

Politics, & The New World Order( NOT FOR ME)!!!
How can the following problems be solved, very possably within 4 years?
1. The petrolium money grabbing? (for those who believe the war is over money).
2. Our shortage of military troupes?
3. The 'illegal alien' problem of the millions of Mexicans, here in the USA?
4. The 'electrical power shortage'?
5. Ensecure borders?
6. Cease the political battlings!!!(NWO Controls ALL)
7. Create a nation, over 40% of the rest of the world wants part of.
8. ("Revelations" Bibical predictions) Prepare for the 'inevitable'!
9. And on, and on!
The way this could happen??
Hillary (NOT, NOT my choice) WILL become the next Prez, regardless of what ever it takes.
Mexico has:Oil, Trained Military in place, Millions more Democrat Voters, Coal fired power plants, No 'illegal aliens(They become US citizens), POSSABLE? NOT FOR ME!!! BUT, in Mexico GWB is"PRESIDENTE JORGE", HRC is "LA SENIORA"(THE WOMAN)!!!

2007-10-05 02:11:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please see the passage, and my reasoning for asking for your opinions about this, here:


I wrote the article, and it's the background for my question.

2007-10-05 02:08:41 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Inevitable, on a daily basis, several Y!A users are bemoaning tax cuts for the rich and crying "what about the poor?!" So....

Lower income people, especially those with children, frequently get back more than they pay in. If you take deductions and tax credits into account, a single mother could pay $1,000 in federal income tax withholdings throughout the year, but get a $3,000+ refund. $2,000+ more than she even paid in. Likewise, a college student using education tax credits could also get more refunded than paid in. Etc. Etc.

America's biggest tax consumers are also America's worst tax contributors.

So the question is, how do you cut taxes for a group of people that have NO effective tax rate? How do you cut taxes for a group of people that pay NO taxes and in fact profit from income tax every year?

2007-10-05 02:05:06 · 9 answers · asked by Chad 5

what would it be called in hillary liberal democratic party ?

2007-10-05 02:01:32 · 11 answers · asked by seawolf 5

... yet another reason why neither side should accuse the other of restricting freedom of speech. Can we bring this to a close now???

2007-10-05 02:01:31 · 7 answers · asked by Big Paesano 4


Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, D-Ill., said he will no longer wear an American flag lapel pin because it has become a substitute for “true patriotism” since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

He commented on the pin in a television interview Wednesday and then again on Thursday at a campaign appearance in Independence, Iowa.

“My attitude is that I’m less concerned about what you’re wearing on your lapel than what’s in your heart," he told the campaign crowd Thursday. "You show your patriotism by how you treat your fellow Americans, especially those who serve. You show your patriotism by being true to our values and ideals. That’s what we have to lead with is our values and our ideals.”

2007-10-05 01:58:13 · 37 answers · asked by Still Beautifully Conservative 5

When, in fact, they fully supported his sellout of Czechoslavakia and continued to appease Hitler in every way they could?

Even after the attack on Pearl Harbor, they filibustered against a Declaration of War against Germany until Hitler declared war on the US.

2007-10-05 01:31:24 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. TOTALLY forget JFK's "Ask NOT what your country can do for you" speech, as that would imply WORKING, and contributing to society.
2. TOTALLY forget Dr. King's "I have a dream" speech, because quotas are all that matter to a neo lib. Except for any minority republicans, they don't count.
3. Abortion on demand!! This comes BEFORE the First Amendment.
4. Complete redistribution of wealth, as the rich can always "pay their fair share"
5. Socialized EVERYTHING!!! medical insurance, then free cars, then free HD TV's.
6. Blame Bush for everything! or Rush, or O'Reilly.
7. Forget they(or rather, the darlings of their party) voted FOR this Iraq war. But that was before they voted against it.
8. Shout down all those they disagree with, in the name of "Fairness", and "tolerance
9.Love terrorists more than their own country.
10. Feel America is the cause of EVERYTHING wrong in the world.

How was that?
Did I miss any?

Thank You as always!!

2007-10-05 01:17:44 · 19 answers · asked by Supercell 5

When these two branches of government are spilt between the parties, does this create a moderate government?

2007-10-05 00:58:54 · 16 answers · asked by Overt Operative 6

3 reasons for the Fall of the Roman Empire:

Social- The citizens had no morals and they didn't care about the rest of the country, just what happened to themselves. (NO! Not the Americans!)

Economic- The Empire was drowning in debt, trying to support wars and their Army. (America is not billions of dollars in debt...)

Political- Political leaders were self-seeking and greedy. They wanted their way, or the highway. (That's DEFINATLY not the American leaders!!!)

If America doesn't start doing something now, aren't we going to fall just like the Roman empire did? Thoughts, please?

2007-10-05 00:53:01 · 18 answers · asked by NamNam 3

I am not saying lets go to communism, but a nice Northern European socialism is nice, they have nowhere near the poverty of the US.

2007-10-05 00:34:47 · 23 answers · asked by rihannsu 2

1) Person who belives in fiscal conservatism, but is socially liberal. Who should this guy be voting for?

2) Person who is fiscally left wing, believes in a government that takes care of people, especially those who are disadvantaged. Also wants a government that offers lots of services to its people. Is against privatisation of government services. But is also socially conservative. Is Pro-Life. Who should this guy be voting for?

2007-10-05 00:30:39 · 2 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1

or have Democrats completely marginalized Americans who enjoy freedom?

2007-10-05 00:14:39 · 16 answers · asked by charbatch 3

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