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Politics - 21 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics


I nearly died laughing

2007-08-21 05:41:26 · 6 answers · asked by Nelson 2

Once again, trying to appeal to everyone by promising everything. No clear, cohesive platform. People see through this.

2007-08-21 05:37:38 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

China with the 1.2 trillion in US government securities,

China sending up all the pollution into the air,

China building its massive armies navies air forces and missile stocks,


Or am I just crazy loony

2007-08-21 05:35:51 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hopeful, Democrat party wins election to bring peace to world. Specifically, Hussein Obama should be elected to bring world peace and hapiness. He is a pioneer of tommorrow and will save world for many crimes done by Bush and co. Hillary is also a new pioneer to lead this country, and praise, she may also get elect. I proud you if you vote any two of these. However, I proud you more if you vote Hussein Obama.

2007-08-21 05:31:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-21 05:28:29 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous


Bush 32%, Congress (run by Democrats) 18%

2007-08-21 05:20:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

feet can take him it really seems the end is near -don't you think?

2007-08-21 05:18:46 · 11 answers · asked by Your Teeth or Mine? 5

It is not just in Iraq that the political Left has an investment in failure. Domestically as well as internationally, the Left has long had a vested interest in poverty and social malaise.

The old advertising slogan, “Progress is our most important product,” has never applied to the Left. Whether it is successful black schools in the United States or third-world countries where millions of people have been rising out of poverty in recent years, the left has shown little interest.

Progress in general seems to hold little interest for people who call themselves “progressives.” What arouses them are denunciations of social failures and accusations of wrongdoing.

One wonders what they would do in heaven.

We are in no danger of producing heaven on earth but there have been some remarkable developments in some third-world countries within the past generation that have allowed many very poor people to rise to a standard of living that was never within their reach before.

The August 18 issue of the distinguished British magazine The Economist reveals the economic progress in Brazil, Argentina, and other Latin American nations that has given a better life to millions of their poorest citizens.

Some of the economic policies that have led to these results are discussed in The Economist but it is doubtful that members of the political left will stampede there to find out what those policies were.

They have shown no such interest in how tens of millions of people in China and tens of millions of people in India have risen out of poverty within the past generation.

Despite whatever the left may say, or even believe, about their concern for the poor, their actual behavior shows their interest in the poor to be greatest when the poor can be used as a focus of the Left's denunciations of society.

When the poor stop being poor, they lose the attention of the Left. What actions on the part of the poor, or what changes in the economy, have led to drastic reductions in poverty seldom arouse much curiosity, much less celebration.

This is not a new development in our times. Back in the 19th century, when Karl Marx presented his vision of the impoverished working class rising to attack and destroy capitalism, he was disappointed when the workers grew less revolutionary over time, as their standards of living improved.

At one point, Marx wrote to his disciples: “The working class is revolutionary or it is nothing.”

Think about that. Millions of human beings mattered to him only in so far as they could serve as cannon fodder in his jihad against the existing society.

If they refused to be pawns in his ideological game, then they were “nothing.”

No one on the left would say such things so plainly today, even to themselves. But their actions speak louder than words.

Blacks are to the Left today what the working class were to Marx in the 19th century — pawns in an ideological game.

Blacks who rise out of poverty are of no great interest to the Left, unless the way they do so is by attacking society.

The poverty rate among black married couples has been in single digits since 1994 but the Left has shown no more interest in why that is so than they have shown in why many millions of people have risen out of poverty in Latin America or in China and India.

Where progress can be plausibly claimed to be a result of policies favored by the left, then such claims are made.

A whole mythology has grown up that the advancement of minorities and women in America is a result of policies promoted by the Left in the 1960s. Such claims are often based on nothing more substantial than ignoring the history of the progress made prior to 1960.

Retrogressions in the wake of the policies of the 1960s are studiously ignored — the runaway crime rates, the disintegration of black families, and the ghetto riots of the 1960s that have left many black communities still barren more than 40 years later.

Whatever does not advance the Left agenda is “nothing.”

2007-08-21 05:17:36 · 13 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2

It seems better than they Conservative point of view, because it has less limits on personal freedom, and better than the Liberal for the same reason, but still have Liberal ideals. what are the basic ideals of the party, and who is running for president?

2007-08-21 05:15:02 · 2 answers · asked by jimmy j 2

I mean it's inevitable that the world will eventually become one country with one government. People will be citizens of a democratic world without borders. So why are people so nationalistic and reluctant to accept the fact that this will happen someday?

2007-08-21 05:11:45 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous


Thank god Bush is donig the right thing and fighting hard so that these lazy children won't get their medicines that could save their lives! Its obvious to all republicans that if you aren't born into a rich familiy you deserve to die anyway!!

Obviously we need to save as much tax revenue as we can to waste (i mean invest) in bombs and bullets for a bunch of muslims on the other side of the world! Obviously only Bush has his priorities set!

And just so you know, this is about personal responsibility, if these kids can't get health care, they should get a job like the rest of us! Damn lazy socialists, with their "I wan't to see my 18th birthday, bleeding heart BS!!"

God Bless America!

2007-08-21 05:07:06 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Washington DC – An abundance of new peer-reviewed studies, analysis, and data error discoveries in the last several months has prompted scientists to declare that fear of catastrophic man-made global warming “bites the dust” and the scientific underpinnings for alarm may be “falling apart.” The latest study to cast doubt on climate fears finds that even a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide would not have the previously predicted dire impacts on global temperatures. This new study is not unique, as a host of recent peer-reviewed studies have cast a chill on global warming fears.


2007-08-21 05:01:48 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous

please tell me why you have not enlisted? What are your specific reasons?

For those who have enlisted and are serving or have served in the past, thank you for your sacrifice. You are true heros.

2007-08-21 04:45:56 · 13 answers · asked by wooper 5

2007-08-21 04:42:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is the United States official justification for owning WMD when they police nations developing them? This might be a naive question but why is this glaring double standard not highlighted more by nations such as Iran and pakistan?

2007-08-21 04:26:36 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-21 04:25:55 · 21 answers · asked by Steve 6

Oh yeah, it doesn't because the human authors didn't know about those places.

2007-08-21 04:12:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Heard yesterday where Senator Joe Biden (D. Deleware) 38 year old son's national gaurd unit has been activated for service in Iraq. Senator Biden released a statement, "I don't like seeing my son have to go, but I definately don't want to see my grandson have to go." I'm a conservative and have the upmost respect for anyone in the service.

Have the democrats come around to realize that we have to win this war against Islamic facism no matter the cost?

2007-08-21 04:02:32 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do we really need that headache? Will it create another friction point like Israel?

2007-08-21 04:00:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

but want to tell everyone else they cannot practice their religion in school except if they are Muslim?

2007-08-21 03:59:31 · 20 answers · asked by Michael H 5

Why do you feel you have the right to gain anything from this country if you hate it so much? That makes you a hypocrite.

Yes or No?

2007-08-21 03:59:04 · 31 answers · asked by Mom of 2 5

Slavery, misogyny, imperialism, animal abuse, etc.

2007-08-21 03:58:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Many citizens of the USA are rightly alarmed at legislation passed into law i.e. the patriot act, the military commision act etc.. After listening to Alex jones, they fear the worst, that another false flag terroist attack, will lead to a declaration of marshal law, internment camps etc etc. I disagree, I don't think that the powers that be in the USA would get away with such dratic action, I don't think they would even risk it, I don't think they are that stupid!

Did anyone see the movie Sicko? A British politician (Tony Benn) was interviewed about our National health care system, and he was asked by moore, what would happen if the government tryed to do away with it? His reponse startled me, "there would be a revolution" he said with no hesitation. I don't see any signs here of a revolution, but it just goes to show the people have the real power, and given the right provacation, they are unstoppable. I say this also applies to the USA
What say you?

2007-08-21 03:55:33 · 14 answers · asked by . 5

I have this friend who apparently had completely lost it when Bush won. He was a 4.0gpa poli-sci student, involved the the government with a good job. Since then, he cannot hold a job, sits around all day and acts completely bonkers. He says he had a mental breakdown because of the election. I was gone for years so I wasn't around. No one can seem to tell me what the heck happened. Does anyone else know anyone like this & if so, why the hell did that happen??

2007-08-21 03:54:57 · 11 answers · asked by noonenowhere23 3

It's the statistical effect of importing millions of poor people.

And please don't reply that either Samuelson or Newsweek are conservative sources - they're not.

An economist that is political but centrist, in a firmly left-of-center newsmagazine, analyzing the same stats I've been giving you for months, and coming to the same conclusion.

It doesn't get any clearer than this.

Immigrants, legal and illegal, are generally very poor, and they come here and have babies. In addition to the dramatic increase in illegal immigrations from poor countries over the last five and twenty five years, the trend in legal immigration is toward immigration from poorer countries.

When you import that many people at the bottom, it affects the bottom, the average and the median.

Samuelson also gets into changes in household size and the effect on the median. I'm a household. My ex-wife is a household. We made more together than each of us does separately. Etc....

2007-08-21 03:49:53 · 10 answers · asked by truthisback 3

The Army cannot sustain the current level of troops (about 170,000 now) in Iraq past the spring of 2008, even Generals Patraeus and Casey say this. What do war supporters think we should do? Convicted felons are already getting waivers to allow them in the Army because the Army is so desparate for bodies. How much more should we expect from our troops? 18 months tours are now being talked about!

2007-08-21 03:45:24 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Today's candidates make it clear that they are religious people . Obviously that's done in response to the huge block of Christian voters . The same block of voters that undoubtedly got President Bush elected . But the mainstream media (with the exception of Fox) also routinely runs stories about 'Fundamental' Christians as though they are a pariah in society . CNN did a preview show last night for their upcoming 'God's Warriors' series . And they chose to have 2 ridiculous fools representing all of Christianity on their show last night . A porn star who claims to be Christian but doesn't see any harm in being a mother and a porn star . And a guy who's an investment broker /Christian who continually claimed that 'Greed is good' . NONSENSE . Misrepresentation . Hogwash .
Fundamental Christians have been compared to Fundamental Radical Islamists , which is ridiculous , but noteworthy that 'Fundamental Atheists' get a free pass .

Why the extreme bias and slant ??

2007-08-21 03:39:51 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why else would anyone vote for a Democrat unless they are unemployed, on welfare or have no solid sense of morals.

2007-08-21 03:36:05 · 17 answers · asked by Frank Dileo 3

We pump all sorts of money and support into countries with much worse political policies and human rights violations (see Iraq, N. Korea, China, Iran, ...the list goes on and on). But for some reason the stance has not changed on Cuba. What is the reason?

2007-08-21 03:23:51 · 11 answers · asked by wooper 5

We went into a poor nation, with no military (we didn't loose a single soldier, until after the war was over and the occupation started) to speak of and have nothing established since April 2003, then more chaos, more destruction, more hate. What makes anybody think, that is going to change in the next 30 or 50 years? The world has moved on, why can't we?

2007-08-21 03:09:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

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