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Politics - 18 August 2007

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For those of you who think it wasn't illegal; please read the bill which states that the President must PROVE Iraq is a threat and/or aided the 9/11 terrorists which he never has.


2007-08-18 23:54:11 · 28 answers · asked by ccruns 2

The bush administration changed its slogan for the fight against Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups from "the war on terror" to "a global struggle against violent extremism".

which do you think conveys a better message of the war? I want to know your opinion.


2007-08-18 23:43:36 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Will it also cover 911 conspiracy mental illness?

2007-08-18 23:40:29 · 11 answers · asked by whyareyouaPOSER 2

Please don't use 9/11 as a reason.

There are dozens of websites I can give you that will tell you of the 100's if not 1000's of firemen and rescue workers who are suffering because of Guiliani's poor decision making skills in the clean up following 9/11!

Anything else?

2007-08-18 22:02:48 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Then you have Newt Gingrich who served his wife divorce papers while she was bedridden in the hospital going through cancer treatments with his mistress by his side and she's now his current wife!

McCain's been married twice.
Thompson has a much younger trophy wife.

The only one who's only been married once is Mitt Romney and he's a Mormon. Mormons believe in polygamy(Having more than one wife)!!

What happened to the moral superiority and the family values party??

The Republican party used to be at least deserving some respect.

2007-08-18 21:57:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

So people say he is patriotic, i know he doesnt have no respect for the homeland other then creating wars.

Im not black and im not neither why im native and Bush hates Native Americans aswell.

2007-08-18 21:33:17 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Muslims make up about 6% of the population in the United States. The majority of conversions to this growing religion is occurring within the African-American community (a little over 11% of America's population).

Many African-Americans view Christianity as the White man's religion and associate conversion to Islam with recovering their ethnic heritage.

Christianity is a tool in the hands of the White slave masters to control the minds of Black people.

White people are devils, the embodiment of evil.

The only hope for Black people in America is total separation and self-reliance.

2007-08-18 21:10:57 · 7 answers · asked by turntable 6

I know it's a stretch.... who else in world could be that narcissistic. I believe it is Hillary.

2007-08-18 21:10:31 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-18 21:09:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

of OUR Taxpayer dollars to promote the GOP.
Gee-no crime is too small for him too commit - is it?

2007-08-18 20:38:47 · 11 answers · asked by Your Teeth or Mine? 5

i hear conservatives complaining about the food-Nazis and what not.
i hear about how the libs are trying to control what people do and eat

what about gay marrage ban?
isn't that conservatives trying to control everyones lives too?

2007-08-18 20:37:36 · 16 answers · asked by specal k 5

There is more reason to be concerned because Bush has a history of chemical dependency. Bush is an admitted alcoholic, and he never sought treatment. Then there are the stories about his cocaine use when he was younger.
George Washington University psychiatrist Dr. Justin Frank in his book Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President. Dr. Frank diagnosed the President as a “paranoid megalomaniac” and “untreated alcoholic” whose “lifelong streak of sadism, ranging from childhood pranks (using firecrackers to explode frogs) to insulting journalists, gloating over state executions and pumping his hand gleefully before the bombing of Baghdad” showcase Bush’s instabilities.
It is rumored that Bush is now being treated with anti-depressants, however, angry outbursts, stating they are doing God’s work, and systematic attacks on perceived enemies are not symptoms of clinical depression.

2007-08-18 20:13:42 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the past several years, all you hear from these idiots are how to live your life. Do you realize that your rights to live as you please are being taken away one by one? They always say it's for your own good to live a healthy life according to their beliefs. Why then have all my health nut friends who jogged, didn't smoke, drink or eat fried foods dropped dead while I'm still here? At least I don't jog or drink. lol

2007-08-18 20:07:41 · 16 answers · asked by whome 2

or a symptom of a greater problem?

2007-08-18 20:05:20 · 16 answers · asked by specal k 5

I think would be very worst because Jesus was born there.

2007-08-18 19:38:40 · 6 answers · asked by Renan 2

Serious violent crime levels declined since 1993


2007-08-18 19:21:36 · 10 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

Does anyone else think that we never would have been attacked if Bush was not president?
I think that the terrorists were so angry when another BUSH became president, they wanted to seek revenge by planning the 911 attacks.
I truly think that 911 would never have happened if Gore was President.
Does anyone else feel this way?

2007-08-18 19:18:03 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-08-18 19:06:23 · 16 answers · asked by specal k 5


For all those that think the North American Union is impossible explain the SPP and the fact that the people backing the SPP want to create a parliament which would be OVER the US supreme court. Explain what happens when the courts, the currency (the Amero), and safety as well as trade is totally congruent throughout Mexico, the USA and Canada?

If that doesn't sound like a NAU, I don't know what does!

2007-08-18 18:57:53 · 8 answers · asked by Fedup Veteran 6


Take things away from us on behalf of the common good is that pure Marx ?

2007-08-18 18:16:35 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is up with these Bush comparisons? Don't get me wrong I think Bush is not a very good president but to compare him with Hitler and Stalin like I have seen on here...come on. Isn't that a little disrespectfull to the millions upon millions of victims as these two dictators?

2007-08-18 18:11:22 · 3 answers · asked by Justin K 3

1. The following is from 1994 when he was ex Secretary of Defense.
2. This man is nothing but a sad excuse for a human being after saying in 1994 that if they would have invaded Iraq in 1991 they would have created a quagmire. Well guess what the Liar Vice President Richard Cheney is one those responsible for going to War with Iraq.
3. The sad case of a human being Vice President Richard Cheney is also one of the founding members of the PNAC from 1997.
Source: http://www.newamericancentury.org/statementofprinciples.htm

4. Hopefully the Scumbag is held accountable in his after life as he will make good company for the Devil. I guess greed and power has went to the Big Head of Richard Cheney, but the moron isn't smart enough that he has cooked what ever chance he has of entering the Pearly Gates of Heaven.

2007-08-18 17:45:06 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Iran, China, Russia.......other?

2007-08-18 17:08:36 · 15 answers · asked by Enigma 6

from the crack pipe? Geez you people are out there.

2007-08-18 16:58:32 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Russia is helping to arm Iran with truckloads of weapons as we speak. Iran has a million man army. Strategic analysts predict that Iran will strike Iraqi and quite possibly their own oil fields taking out 2/3 of the worlds oil supply and putting Russia in a position of having a lot of power they obviously don't need. The US is already struggling in Iraq. Enlistment is low and our allies are dropping out one by one. Without a superior military I see starting a war with Iran a bigger mistake than Iraq.
Why do the neo-cons keep trying to sell the American people on this idea? Would they like to see a draft?

2007-08-18 16:52:52 · 31 answers · asked by Enigma 6

They said his colonoscopy found 5 polyps, what they didn't tell us is that 3 are cancerous. He will survive until 01.20.09 but will not live long after that.

2007-08-18 16:47:52 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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