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Politics - 22 July 2007

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2007-07-22 08:03:05 · 7 answers · asked by justgoodfolk 7

Ok, of course that question was just a joke, but after reading this article it's just kind of eerie how dead on accurate this turned out to be. This was written nine months before September 11th and two years before the war in Iraq.


2007-07-22 07:57:20 · 10 answers · asked by ThatOneDude 3

It's pathetic how childish America has become. Most Americans like to point fingers at Bush whenever he does something wrong because they are too lazy or too stupid to open their eyes, when most of the time, it is not even his fault what happens. Bush is a good guy who is surrounded by a bunch of morons like Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Cheney. His father is a nice guy and his mother is a nice woman. It was not Bush who was pushing for the Iraq War, orginally. It was the loser who goes by the name of Paul Wolfowitz, who was trying to persuade the government to invade Iraq since the 90s because he thought Iraq was a threat to Israel and he got his chance as Deputy Secretary of Defense to help get the Iraq War started. I would like to see how people who criticize Bush all the time like idiots could run the country and make the difficult decisions Bush has to make all the time and be surrounded by the jokes Bush has to take advice from all the time. Bush is an average President.

2007-07-22 07:56:10 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Personally I belive what the founders had in mind was not freedom of religion, that you could have any kind you wanted, but rather freedom FROM religion.
Thats what I want. I want to be free of all religions. I deeply resent CNN having their "faith and politics" segments where they discuss religion and politics in the same breath. Why do they do that? Thats just bringing the two closer together, and legitimizing religion in politics.
I say keep religion totally out. A persons faith means nothing to me. Nothing at all.
I wouldn't want to hear a preacher talking about politics. I would say that was not his calling. Preahers shoud minister to the souls of the weak and needy and leave the electorate alone. Politicians can know nothing of God. Politics and Religion are mutually exclusive. If religion and politics do come together it is under sharia law. We don't want that either. God never took a vote on anything.
Please, leave God out of it.

2007-07-22 07:42:47 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone know the meanings of this cartoon? "liberty the fair maid of kansas in the hands of the "border ruffians"? or what the purpose of it is?

Please help!

2007-07-22 07:37:49 · 3 answers · asked by KhUsH 1

more to handle it best?

In a recent Fox poll the Democrats were judged to be better on defense;

If there is an all-out war between the United States and various radical Muslim groups worldwide, who would you rather have in charge — Democrats or Republicans?

Democrats 41%

Republicans 38%


2007-07-22 07:36:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

have: India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Liberia, the Philippines, Indonesia and Bangladesh.

Is the US all talk when it comes to women rights?? Hillary gets a little to close to the Presidency and all hell is breaking loose. Conservatives seem to be in overdrive in attacking her.

2007-07-22 07:34:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do some americans (especially liberals) insist on buying foreign cars even though the know very well that those cars are costing working class Americans thier jobs. By hurting the economy and increasing unemployment, children in Maryland continue to die of starvation.

2007-07-22 07:26:31 · 29 answers · asked by John Q. 2

are leftists better at defending a nation and ideology? the US was led into war by several leftist presidents in an attempt to defend a nation or ideology. ironically, they sometimes fought against other leftists.
woodrow wilson - WW1 (backed by roosevelt [r])
fdr - WW2
harry truman - korea conflict, also used nuclear weapons in WW2. meanwhile, stalin was busy killing 13 million of his people, which are to be included in the 60 million deaths that communism caused worldwide.
lyndon johnon - vietnam war
bill clinton - bosnia conflict to help defend the descendants of the long-gone ottoman empire that attacked europe twice throughout history (muslims)

reagan got the US out of the cold war without a shot fired. too peaceful, eh? it might have been over sooner with a war-mongering democrat in office.
george bush sr. - first iraq war, after iraq invaded kuwait.

vote democrat to win the war on terrror!

2007-07-22 07:23:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-22 07:18:45 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Bush administration hasbeen wrong about every prediction they've made about Iraq--from the mythical WMD and ties to al-Qaida to being "greeted with flowers" to "Mission Accomplished." Time and again this or that region was "secure," al-Qaida was being destroyed, a drawdown in troops would start in "just a few more months," etc., etc.

All WRONG. So why should anyone take Bush's fear-mongering predictions of catastrophe seriously?

2007-07-22 07:16:22 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Harry Reid himself is an idiot. This is one man who would do more harm to America than good. For people to call Bush a horrible President, does not make sense.
Our economy is doing very well right now. Surprisingly so with a war going on. Of course, the same people will not acknowlege this or give Bush credit, but they are quick to bash him for when anything goes wrong. I am in now way saying Bush is the greatest we've ever had, but despite his lack in popularity, which is due mainly to the war, America is strong right now, wether you want to believe it or not. He alone had the balls to take down Saddam, which in fact needed to be done. He alone, is standing up against the Islamic terrorists that want to kill all of us. The war needs to be fought, plain and simple.
Whats funny is, back in the time of Hitler, people back then were against the war. Thought we could "negotiate with him. What if the president listened back then and didnt fight
? What would the world be like now?

2007-07-22 06:58:31 · 16 answers · asked by Bucfan 2

Would you say that fear has supplanted reason in national discourse?

2007-07-22 06:56:49 · 13 answers · asked by 1848 3

Here's what Scooter Libby gets, even after Bush commuted his sentence: A felony with two year's probation, a $250,000 fine and the loss of his law license.

An honorable man who did honorable service all his life -- including pro bono work, even for Democrats -- with no prior offenses, gets slapped with a 21/2-year sentence that, in effect, has been suspended but not erased from his record.

First-time offenders rarely go to jail. Not this time. Judge Reggie Walton apparently wanted to show how tough he was. But would it have been "equal justice" for Libby to do time? In a word, no.

In 1999, District Judge Susan Webber Wright cited Clinton's "willful failure" to tell the truth and failure to obey the court's orders of discovery in citing him for civil contempt in the Paula Jones case. (Jones, remember, claimed she was sexually assaulted by Clinton.)

Again, Clinton lied and obstructed an investigation. Yet he got off with a hand-slap: No prison time.

2007-07-22 06:27:42 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

In August 2005, President Ahmadinejad presented a 7,000-word manifesto to the Islamic majlis (parliament) which detailed his Government's "short- and long-term" plans. The document states that the region is heading for a "clash of civilizations" in which Iran represents Islam, and the U.S. carries the banner of a West that has forgotten God. Ahmadinejad presented the driving force behind Iran's policy as the belief that the decadent U.S., which is "in its last throes", is an ofuli (sunset) power, destined to be superseded by the tolu'ee (sunrise) power of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the developing multipolar world, other "sunset" powers include the European Union and other "sunrise" powers include China and India. But the most dynamic power will be Iran, the "core power" around which all Muslim powers will coalesce. Furthermore, he stressed, Iran is prepared to develop its nuclear programme regardless of the concerns of the "outside world". (29) Further, his policy is: "a jihad to reshape the world and ensure Islam's universal dominance".

2007-07-22 06:23:39 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I believe they know we have more military might than they do but they think that they have the one true God. With that belief, they think they are mightier than the US.

What do you think?

2007-07-22 06:16:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

what do you think? and if you think so, what examples or proof of this do you have?

2007-07-22 06:08:19 · 14 answers · asked by ron j 1

Doesn't this basically destroy any credibility the theocons might have?

2007-07-22 06:07:48 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I wish this were true, because we would absolve ourselves of self serving, hypocrites that claim to talk to God whilst murdering and killing around the world.......

We would also at a stroke get rid of all these Fundamentalist Christians out of our schools, homes and politics.

LONG LIVE HUMANISM.... the only true 'religion'.

2007-07-22 05:45:09 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

So even if sodam insane did have WMD's that does not make it right to invade his country and kill him does every one forget we have many more than he ever could have. Just because all you little girls got scared you start acting in the most non American way by not giving other countries the same respect as a nation as we demand and because of this we are loosing respect as a nation. Preemptive war should never be an option this is what the Nazi party did they made the Germans believe if they did not attack and invade first it would happen to them. F.D.R. once said the greatest fear is fear itself.

2007-07-22 05:32:00 · 10 answers · asked by tony cola 2


It seems like there is a RNC conspiracy to nominate fake conservatives for presidential candidates. And it is about to happen again, with Fred Thompson, Romney, Mccain, Rudy...you name it.

George Bush is NOT a conservative.

2007-07-22 05:14:01 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Looks like the Republicans have another flip-flopper joining the ranks of presidential candidate.

Goody-goody Thompson was once a paid lobbyist for a pro-abortion organization.


Is he just a plain old liar or typical conservative?

2007-07-22 05:03:02 · 5 answers · asked by Robert B 3

In 2003, former North Carolina Senator and current presidential candidate, John Edwards said on MSNBC in 2003:
"Serving on the Intelligence Committee and seeing day after day and week after week the briefings on Saddam's weapons of mass destruction and his plans on using those weapons; he can not be allowed to have those weapons. It‘s just that simple!"

2007-07-22 05:02:17 · 5 answers · asked by Uncle Pennybags 7

The Mormons must be treated as enemies/Executive Order 44/extermination order"Martin Van Buren (D)1837 to 1841
45,000 American Indians were relocated to the West during AndrewJackson's (D) 1829-1837administration, who sent federal troops to round up about 17,000 Cherokees in camps before being sent to the West. Most of the deaths occurred from disease in these camps.
James k. Polk(D)During the short but furious fighting, Houston was wounded in the left ankle and Santa Anna escaped. In 18 minutes of combat, the Texan army had won, killing about 630 Mexican soldiers, wounding 208 and taking 730 prisoners.
Franklin Roosevelt (D) signed and order that allowed him to detain Japanese Americans, as well as thousands of Italian and German Americans, and send to relocation camps

2007-07-22 04:56:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Bill Clinton Backs Wife's Withdrawal Plan Demand
Share July 21, 2007 7:54 PM

ABC News' Kate Snow reports: Traveling in Africa on Saturday, former President Bill Clinton fired a shot at the Pentagon. Clinton said Undersecretary Eric Edelman was "wrong" to send a letter to his wife, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., criticizing her request for a briefing from Pentagon officials about military plans for a future withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.

In a letter to Sen. Clinton, Edelman wrote, "Premature and public discussion of the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq reinforces enemy propaganda that the United States will abandon its allies."

"I think it's wrong to politicize national security," he said.

2007-07-22 04:55:01 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

to run against Bush in 2004?

2007-07-22 04:53:51 · 12 answers · asked by TJ815 4

It would be heavenly. That way, you could live in the part of the country that fit your political leanings. I predict if that happened that the south would have the lowest taxes, lowest crime rate, highest standard of living, and the libs would be pounding on the door to get in after a year or two. But, like the song says, "keep a knockin' but you can't come in.!"{

2007-07-22 04:50:45 · 18 answers · asked by mountaindew25 3

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