'trending?' yeah, and dale jr 'trends' towards the finish line...we're quite a ways down the road already:
2-'disappearing' prisoners in secret to other places to be tortured
3-holding people without charge or due process for years
4-warrant-less wiretapping
5-illegal war of aggression
6-the 'unitary executive'
7-hundreds upon hundreds of 'signing statements' in which the 'unitary executive' vows to ignore the very laws he has signed
8-the deliberate and calculated illegal use of government officials and taxpayer money to further the fortunes on one political party over all others
9-the deliberate and calculated use of government employees and 'fellow travelers' in the mass media to attempt to marginalize and punish any dissent
10-the deepening links between the mechanisms of state and multinational corporations and wealthy cronies
need any more?
2007-07-22 06:22:03
answer #1
answered by spike missing debra m 7
Many of the answers you see here on YA indicate that it is trending toward fascism. There are so many ignorant, far rightists here on YA, this shows how so many yanks are brainwashed.
The far right dominates American culture, controls their school curriculum and their media. In the USA you can't criticize the government without being called a traitor. Now the government is spying on people there. Under Bush, it's practically a police state.
There is extreme nationalism, the demonetization of organized labour and social programs, being liberal is considered radical (it's moderate in any other country). These are all features of fascism.
2007-07-22 13:44:30
answer #2
answered by atheist 3
Definitions first. From the dictionary;
Fascism is a "right wing political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism)."
So, let's analyze that. Is the current executive branch right wing? Yes. Is the current majority on the Supreme Court right wing? Yes. Both pretty obvious from many recent decisions made. "Hierarchical" nobody can really argue with.
Is the current govt authoritarian -- are they trying to promote absolute rule and unquestioning obedience? Well, people who question the govt keep being called traitors for doing so. And the executive branch has said that it will refuse to answer any questions about their policies or internal decisions, even where such disclosure is required by law. And the executive branch is asserting the "unitary executive" doctrine, which says that the executive branch is not subject to review or constraint by other branches. That sounds like a desire for absolute rule and/or unquestioning obedience.....
Which leaves opposed to democracy. Bush has announced over and over that he is the Decider, and that he doesn't care what the polls say or what the majority of the people want. That directly contradicts the concept that in a democratic republic, the leaders are supposed to be representatives of the people.
His actions also violate his oath of office to support and defend the constitution, a document he refers to as "just a g*d*mn piece of paper".
So, while we haven't gone completely over the cliff yet, it certainly seems like Bush is making every effort to turn the executive office into a power block that is beyond the law and not subject to any constraints or limitations.
2007-07-22 13:12:26
answer #3
answered by coragryph 7
fascism as i will be using it: government control over the means of production in some areas of the market, while leaving others open.
note that this should be independent of your political affiliation, there are examples on both sides.
one case: trans fat regulation. the government has outlawed the use of trans fats in some areas, while still claiming that they are allowing the market to act at will.
a second case: prostitution. by shutting down the means of production, the government has control. again, not the actual effiient outcome.
third and final: same is true of smoking bans. same reason as the prostitution thing.
2007-07-22 13:15:54
answer #4
answered by brian 4
the republicans and democrats are just riding the coat tails of ideas.
repub= security
patriot act is an invasion of privacy yet! stops terror attacks, unwarranted listening again is an invasion of privacy but stops crime.
universal health care great idea but will increase taxes to the point America becomes socialistic, social security reform will do the same.
so it comes down to watered down fascism versus water downed socialism.
so take your pick or do what everyone else is doing and form your own opinion.
go Caracas go!
2007-07-22 13:17:20
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think the people debating were probably mis-informed about the nature of fascism. It is, by most definitions, a totalitarian dictatorship centered around zealous nationalism. We in America are far from it. I'm not sure what particular points the people you refer to were making so I can't really argue with them.
2007-07-22 13:18:35
answer #6
answered by ThE_HooLiGaN 3
Before you can understand the correct answer to your question, you have to comprehend that Fascism and Communism are twin brothers. They are both left wing forms of totalitarianism.
Fascism is not "right wing" as leftist obfuscators would like you to believe. Communism is just one piece of legislation away from being fascism, but liberty is generations away from becoming either.
Thomas Jefferson created the political spectrum wherein liberty (lack of government) is on the right wing, and totalitarianism on the left. Communism and fascism are both totalitarian forms of governance.
Only people whose morality and ethics flow from an inner conviction of Judeo/Christian principles can have true liberty because they don't need government to regulate their behavior.
Every single nation that slides toward immorality requires larger and larger government to deal with the issues that arise.
As America becomes less and less moral, the need for larger and larger government arises naturally.
GWB created the Homeland Security Dept out of a need to protect against our enemies. How long do you think before it will be turned against those it was designed to protect? I give it until the next administration.
All the other alphabet soup agencies are already trampling the rights God established and the original government of this country recognized. Don't ever forget Ruby Ridge and Waco.
Unless Ron Paul is elected in 2008, our Constitution is the next thing to be thrown under the bus.
2007-07-22 13:11:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
James Madison, a founding father of this great nation, wrote in federalist paper 47:
"Accumulation of all powers, Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary in the same hands . . . may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyrrany." I can only describe the current administration as Fascist.
2007-07-22 13:45:27
answer #8
answered by handyrandy 5
The top corporate tax rate on undistributed earnings is 90% and the President is locking up all Americans of Japanese descent, as well as attempting to set by fiat the prices of most widely-traded goods.
Oh wait, that was FDR.
2007-07-22 13:49:37
answer #9
answered by truthisback 3
Just read Mein Kampf and read up on Italian fascism in the 30's and 40's and you will learn that we are light miles away from that!!! But Democrat socialism is creeping up and we had better look out before we have a complete welfare state
2007-07-22 13:16:19
answer #10
answered by Anonymous