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Politics - 19 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

while troops suffer in the 130 degree heat?

2007-07-19 22:46:15 · 4 answers · asked by Gemini 5

DAYTON, Ohio - A woman accused of killing her daughter by microwaving the newborn in an oven told police she was drunk, but couldn't recall doing anything that caused the child's burns, according to testimony Thursday..........

Shouldn't punishments fit the crime?

2007-07-19 22:29:33 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know this topic is not an easy one but sometimes it rears its little head in my life with ppl around me...

I 100% believe abortion is wrong. The way i figure it is that woman doesnt want a baby because maybe it is an inconvienence due to her lack of protecting herself or what evever the case may be and she wants an easy way out, now what if instead of a baby she would have gotten AIDS instead how would she get rid of that. Im sure that would be an inconvienence also! I have had 4 miscarriages(with babies i wanted tho 2 plus my living son weren't planned) and when ppl tell me there abortion stories and brag about them i feel sick to my stomach.

I knew a girl that had a "partial birth" abortion at 7 months and talked about in in details and had no regret except that fact she almost died. She cared about herself dying but not that baby that she KILLED i mean thats a bit selfish. Who's to say her life is worth having and the babies is not.

2007-07-19 22:09:38 · 19 answers · asked by imjusturfriend 2


2007-07-19 22:07:23 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is he no longer our Messiah?

I don't genuflect any more when he appears on television.

Am I the only one who no longer feels that "old Bush magic"?

2007-07-19 21:40:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-19 21:36:46 · 11 answers · asked by Honey Girl 3

I'm an old style democrat. I say that and people call me a republican as if I've always been one. Those of you who have left the democratic party know what I'm speaking about, as do those of you who are stunned to discover just how socialist some of our leaders are. If you are unclear about how that happened, look at the history of the socialist party, half-way down the page, where it says, "Split". That's when we started taking on socialists.

There is no aspect of socialism in it's modern form that our Founding Fathers would have approved of. Their focus was different in many ways, even in creating some of the social programs they did.

We can't allow this disintegration of the Democratic party to continue. Return to the party. Vote out the socialists. Make it the party of equal rights, free speech, and free expression that it was. They can stay in their own party rather than keeping ours.


Educate yourselves. Choose.

2007-07-19 21:13:15 · 18 answers · asked by mckenziecalhoun 7

Hummer Owner Gets Angry Message
Vandals Batter D.C. Man's SUV, Slash Its Tires and Scratch In an Eco Note

By Allison Klein
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, July 18, 2007; Page B01

On a narrow, leafy street in Northwest Washington, where Prius hybrid cars and Volvos are the norm, one man bought a flashy gray Hummer that was too massive to fit in his garage.

So he parked the seven-foot-tall behemoth on the street in front of his house and smiled politely when his eco-friendly neighbors looked on in disapproval at his "dream car."

It lasted five days on the street before two masked men took a bat to every window, a knife to each 38-inch tire and scratched into the body: "FOR THE ENVIRON."


2007-07-19 19:38:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Looking at the current debate on Global Warming, and the fact that environmental advocates are trying to 'save us all', isn't ironic that so many in the same movement are consistently and blatantly anti-human?

Most people cite the 'Global Cooling' scare a few decades ago, which wasn't really supported by scientists to begin with, and was a total flop. But the idea that these people can't and won't do significant damage to human beings is naive considering the evidence. Have we all forgotten about DDT?


Averaging 1-2 million Malaria deaths a year, these people are DIRECTLY responsible for the deaths of more than 70 million human beings. And what was their reaction?

Dr. Charles Wurster, one of the major opponents of DDT, is reported to have said,

"People are the cause of all the problems. We have too many of them. We need to get rid of some of them, and this (referring to malaria deaths) is as good a way as any."

2007-07-19 19:15:50 · 8 answers · asked by Dekardkain 3

The United States has been CAUSING genocide in Iraq since 1991. What do you call 205,000 killed during the Gulf War? What do you call 1 million dead from sanctions that continued even after Iraq destroyed its WMD in 1991? What do you call the 655,000 victims of Bush's war since 2003?

Any rational person would call it a calculated campaign to kill as many Iraqis as possible. So no, Obama, stopping genocide is not a good reason to stay in Iraq.

Stopping genocide is a good reason to LEAVE Iraq!

2007-07-19 18:40:39 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

prostitutes all paid for with bribe money?

2007-07-19 18:39:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

This will be an extensive study. One area I'd like some input is this:

Environmentalism, as a religion, has its patron saints. Here are some:

Rachel Carlson
Paul Ehrlich
Al Gore
Meryl Streep

to name but a few. I've compiled a more extensive list, but in case of any I missed, who could you add to this list? Thanks

Love Jack

2007-07-19 18:37:49 · 2 answers · asked by Jack 5

What would make them stop killing us? Besides us stepping into the war zone all the time? There must be a different way to come to understanding without loosing human lifes? What do you all think?

2007-07-19 18:32:50 · 10 answers · asked by angelikabertrand64 5

This editorial by retired leftist diplomat Dan Simpson provides us with one clue:

"The disarmament process would begin after the initial three-month amnesty. Special squads of police would be formed and trained to carry out the work. Then, on a random basis to permit no advance warning, city blocks and stretches of suburban and rural areas would be cordoned off and searches carried out in every business, dwelling, and empty building. All firearms would be seized. The owners of weapons found in the searches would be prosecuted: $1,000 and one year in prison for each firearm.

Clearly, since such sweeps could not take place all across the country at the same time. But fairly quickly there would begin to be gun-swept, gun-free areas where there should be no firearms. If there were, those carrying them would be subject to quick confiscation and prosecution. On the streets it would be a question of stop-and-search of anyone, even grandma with her walker, with the same penalties for "carrying."

That is my idea of how it could be done"


2007-07-19 18:15:08 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Not the President, but the office or stature of what it represents.

2007-07-19 18:12:11 · 19 answers · asked by careercollegestudent69 4

Cue the Star Spangled Banner anthem

2007-07-19 17:45:39 · 28 answers · asked by flushles 3

she has gave him lots of money, also do you think she is only supporting him because hes african american?

2007-07-19 17:41:57 · 14 answers · asked by LOST_fanatic:)! 4

Does the bush admin use this like the gay marriage issue. A diversion from the real problems in our country?

2007-07-19 17:41:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

What's a good one I can find online. I've taken a lot that I've found on google. What are some one's you think I might not have heard of. I tend to be pretty far left, but not overly. It's kind of confusing because I've always claimed to be a democrat, but there are certain things I say that sound very republican. I guess I really am a democrat though. Anyway, what's a good test?

2007-07-19 17:40:21 · 9 answers · asked by MC 2

Regardless of whether you believe she was covert or not...she was still cut loose by the White House for political reasons!

They were angry because her husband proved Yellowcake Uranium claim by the U.S. about Saddam going to Niger trying to aquire it was false and then more came out that the White House knew it was probably false before using it as a justification for invasion of Iraq!
Bush's speech writers wanted to take it out of his speech!
Bush used it anyway!

All that aside hasn't the fact that they cut this woman loose ...left her jobless...enough of a reason for people to question if a high level government job is even worth wanting to have?!?!?!

Are people that are being courted by the government considering the betrayal?

How can we let them off the hook for this crap?

Or Pat Tillman?

Now the White House is using 'Executive Privilege' to avoid answers about why they lied about this man's death!!!

2007-07-19 17:37:16 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

why is it that so many people are against their own U.S.? This is my home. f*** all ya'll who dont like it. move to iraq. commies.

2007-07-19 17:28:55 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous

Bin Laden is still alive, Al-Quida is up to pre-911 strength, the Iraq war is not going well, America is isolated, billions have been spent and thousands are dead and wounded.

How did we end up like this and is there any accountability for these results?

2007-07-19 17:20:00 · 11 answers · asked by Triumph 4

2007-07-19 17:18:44 · 8 answers · asked by Duminos 2

Is the safety and well-being of US CITIZENS being overlooked while the politicians pander to the Hispanics for VOTES?

2007-07-19 17:12:57 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay there's the question - here's the analysis:

If Bush the Inept was a better choice than Gore or Kerry, then one would have to imagine that someone less inept could beat someone far more divisive than Gore or Kerry ever imagined ever being. Basically, Hillary is the biggest silver platter that my admittantly struggling GOP could ever be given. I hate to be so optimistic when my party is screwing up so many things - but I do want to be the first to iterate the sound bite for all those who will NEVER vote for her...Right Tme - Wrong Woman. I want royalties on whoever sells the bumper sticker. I honestly would vote for a woman, or a minority of any sort for that matter...but certainly not her, and I am confident that over 1/2 of the USA will come to the same conclusion. The other side of the equation is that the GOP couldn't possibly put up anyone more incompetent than GWB, so, how sad for the DNC when they realize how out of touch they are once again. Don't forget to answer!

2007-07-19 17:05:48 · 20 answers · asked by Whootziedude 4

Yet they have no problem printing leaked classified pentagon documents?

2007-07-19 17:04:44 · 8 answers · asked by CaptainObvious 7

or was it the sending too few troops w/o body armour in crap humvees into iraq, and declaring victory during a presidential term that set a new record for vacations?

2007-07-19 17:02:15 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

She is the woman working with the FBI to capture jihadists.

2007-07-19 17:01:16 · 2 answers · asked by vegaswoman 6

Just one of those facts of life that you just accept....but not really fully logical, like the love a mother has for a child, etc.??

I ask this, because countries come and go and many countries have been our enemies over our history and eventually became our allies, or the other way around. Alliances for the most part seem to be a matter of convenience ...or what have you done for me lately type mentality---but in the case of Israel, its different...its like understood..that we love here and our love is unconditional----like the love between a mother a child.

2007-07-19 16:58:40 · 11 answers · asked by ningis n 1

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