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why is it that so many people are against their own U.S.? This is my home. f*** all ya'll who dont like it. move to iraq. commies.

2007-07-19 17:28:55 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

and dont misconstrue this question to have anything to do with war. it just seems like everyone is looking for every reason to burn this government at the stake. stop believeing everything you see on tv. this country wasnt built by sheep, dont be one.

2007-07-19 17:38:17 · update #1

44 answers

Democrat here.

It is uncool to be an American-hater. Keep speaking up.

My country comes first, not my personal ideology. I've read the Constitution. I love my country.

I may protest. I'll do so respectfully. If I lose an election, I won't whine and say, "He's not MY President!"

I will treat fellow Americans, including Republicans, respectfully unless they prove they aren't patriots by putting their ideology ahead of their country. I don't mean disagree with me! They WILL disagree. But if their goal is to help our country, they're alright by me.

Oh, and I'm NO socialist.

Don't you love these people who cry, "How dare you call me a socialists because I want to socialize medicine!"

Or, "How dare you call me unpatriotic because I call our representatives (not MY representatives!) names, spread unfounded rumors about them, and treat them as guilty until proved innocent!"

Or, "How dare you talk back to me. You should let me say what I want without answering. I HAVE FREE SPEECH!" (forgetting that that's what you are exercising when you answer them).

Keep being a patriot. Never stop someone seditious from posting.

What will our children do without examples of what to avoid?

Oh, and don't become a political bigot. There's quite a few democratic patriots out here who are tired of the sedition. We were tired of it with President Clinton, but we can't, in good conscience, let the same thing happen to President Bush, not and keep our sense of integrity.

2007-07-19 17:39:11 · answer #1 · answered by mckenziecalhoun 7 · 5 2

It's not cool or uncool to be patriotic. It's just an opinion and depends on your point of view.

Lets say you are a fish in a fish bowl. You and all your fish friends would swim around all day and think "hey, this is nice, wet and all we do is swim around all day"

Meanwhile, a person looking in might say "poor fish, they are always wet, they can't get out and all they can do is swim around that little bowl"

I know it's a strange comparison, but my point is people have different views from different upbringings, histories and experiences.

Lets pick a few topics, like flag burning, the war in Iraq and eagles coming off the protected species list. I'm sure you'll find lots that are for, for and for. And you'll also find a bunch that are against, against and against. And a bunch that are somewhere in between like against, for and for, or for, against and for and every combination you can think of. And most all of them will consider themselves to be patriotic.

Who is right, who is wrong, who is a cool patriot and who is an uncool patriot?????

2007-07-19 18:16:56 · answer #2 · answered by gino 3 · 0 0

It became uncool to be patriotic when your country is seen as an arrogant, rude, ignorant, and stupid nation. I myself am not patriotic because I see so much stupidity and ignorance around me. People I encounter in the US aren't nice, they are selfish and lazy. They have the attitude that the US is the best country in the world without having experienced any other countries or cultures. They reject other cultures saying they are "stupid" or just plain don't care. The US has no culture. Americans value American Idol over who our president is. Actually, americans worship their television like a god and hang on every word and have "can't-miss" shows. Americans do nothing to better themselves. The US has an education system with lots of opportunities but kids don't take them. There are seniors in high school who can't distinguish between a noun and a verb. They don't care about spelling or grammar, and typ lk dis. At least this is what I have witnessed. I could go on.

You seem to hold the arrogant views by saying "f*** all y'all who don't like it. move to iraq." and then proceeding to call them "commies," which is just a political denomination no different really than being republican, except that communism stresses equality in wealth, although it does have its downfalls, like all governmental systems. It seems that you haven't really researched communism, you've just picked up that it's "bad" which is another thing that bothers me about America...

2007-07-19 17:37:50 · answer #3 · answered by crazyj89 3 · 3 2

When people started pointing their fingers and placing blame on everyone else. Instead of looking at everything as being part of a country they decided that anything being done was being done wrong.... the war, 911, Katrina - you name it.

We need to spend more time being behind those that make these decisions, even if we do not totally agree. It isn't as if any one of us alone could make the changes, which is why we have elected officials, even if they do not measure up to what we might like.

Standing strong, and being a united front is the most important thing, and it is something the American people seem to have overlooked.

God Bless America and our Soldiers!

2007-07-19 17:39:23 · answer #4 · answered by ♥ ♥Be Happi♥ ♥ 6 · 2 1

It isn't uncool to be patriotic, unless you mean that its uncool to stand up to your government when you disagree with their decisions. Last time I checked we live in a democracy which means everyone has a valid opinion that deserves to be voiced and heard. Protecting THAT right is patriotic. Criticizing it is not.

If you're so "patriotic," then why aren't YOU in Iraq? If all the self-proclaimed patriotic citizens of this country would enlist and get shipped off to this war they "support" (the support I assume is by buying a yellow ribbon magnet which likely only supports the chinese economy) then maybe the rest of us could make some progress with this country.

2007-07-19 17:43:46 · answer #5 · answered by Critta 205 3 · 1 2

I happen to be very patriotic and it's very cool. I love my country. But I don't love my government and think that both parties should be tried and hung for treason. Both sides, a long time ago, stopped listening to what our founding fathers had to say and let the money make the decisions for them.

2007-07-19 17:46:30 · answer #6 · answered by chyannsdad 2 · 1 0

It's not uncool to be patriotic.

bush and the evil clown have attempted to blur and slur the term to mean mindless lemmings following blindly off the cliff.

I am proud to be a patriot and I am deeply ashamed of what traitorous criminals in the Whitehouse have done to our country and to the innocent civilians in other countries.

The answer for the texas retard and cheney the evil clown is the six I's
Investigate, Indict, Impeach, Imprison, Inject and then Incinerate.

2007-07-19 17:40:47 · answer #7 · answered by Chad 2 · 4 0

I really believe it began around the Vietnam days. The less rural the area the more diversity exists and thus diversity in opinion and an open tolerance to questioning of authority and the establishment. Hence; the setting of the stages for anti-Americanism and anti-patriotism. I try real hard not to take it personally but as a loyal American I find it difficult. God Bless you and keep up your convictions. BTW, I'm from the big city-Chicago.

2007-07-19 17:36:33 · answer #8 · answered by 27ysq 4 · 3 2

"Patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings," says Bob Dylan, and he couldn't be more right.

to attempt to define what is or is not patriotic is in itself unpatriotic -- it is a vaporous term, used by those who would control the mentality of citizens through guilt or heartstrings. is it patriotic to put a little yellow ribbon on your car? is it even more patriotic than that to raise a flag outside your home?

one side calls the other unpatriotic for supporting the war, the other side says those who call for withdrawal are unpatriotic... but the government is not the country. we are America, and as long as we love our fellow citizens, regardless of their political stripe, we are patriots.

2007-07-19 17:55:09 · answer #9 · answered by Andrew 5 · 2 1

It is not uncool to be patriotic. Thank God this is America and we can ***** and complain about what we don't like without having to leave the country or be thrown in jail. Ain't freedom wonderful?

2007-07-19 17:36:37 · answer #10 · answered by arejokerswild 6 · 4 0

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