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Politics - 19 July 2007

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Well one of the top tier candidates in the Democratic Party does attend a church that 'claims' to be Christian , yet is biased only for the advancement of black people .

How does that make you feel ? Doesn't that in fact mean that that particular church and it's followers are not Christian at all ?
I'm intentionally not naming the candidate(although many of you know who I'm talkin about) in the hopes that you simply answer the question as it is. . . without bias or defense .

Real Simple Folks. . . . Would You Support A Presidential Candidate Who's Church Is Racially Biased ?

2007-07-19 06:57:11 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

So I've got an hour commute and I have to think about something.

Has anyone else noticed that when either of the parties "claims" an issue, it immediately becomes a pariah to the other?

It's like you can't worry about the environment if you're a conservative Republican. You can't worry about the degradation of the family, high divorce rates, other "moral" issues if you're a liberal Democrat.

I've begun to think this is why nothing ever gets done to "fix" Social Security...neither party wants its opponent in the White House or control of the legislative branch to go down in history for doing so.

2007-07-19 06:56:39 · 7 answers · asked by cnsdubie 6

Look at the Republican lemmings acting as if the untrue story that Hillary Clinton "stole" something from the White House is
true. What fools they make of themselves. Why do they not care about actuality?

such as:

2007-07-19 06:49:53 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


Since August 2003, more than 8.2 million jobs have been created, with more than 2 million jobs created over the twelve months ending in June. Our economy has now added jobs for 46 straight months, and the unemployment rate remains VERY low at 4.5 percent.

2007-07-19 06:46:36 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why people are saying this I dont know but I have theories..

1) Scared of a Black president so they say or write just about anything to stomp him down when they see he's doing MUCH better than expected

2) There too uneducated to look at something other than FOXNEWS
3) They are supporting Billary and this is one of there assignments each day.

So which one are ?

Ow. And I didnt know Huessin meant muslim at all? Can someone prove that having a middle name like Huessin would make them Muslim because my sisters middle name is Marie and according to the public/ news that should make her spanish ... but she's white? Hmm...

2007-07-19 06:43:44 · 19 answers · asked by 2008 matters 3

Isn't it the same damn thing?

2007-07-19 06:42:41 · 4 answers · asked by Hothman 2

Congress has the power. I'm constantly told that the American people voted for Dems to end the war. De-funding will certainly end the effort.

What's up?

2007-07-19 06:40:04 · 20 answers · asked by GIVRO 3

Iraqi occupation supporters do realize that the US will have to start downsizing its presence in Iraq by March of 08 don't you? The Army cannot sustain the current level of commitment past that point. Unless you want to extend the tours to 18 months or more. I can provide links to this fact if you really need them. If you do need them, then you've just proven that you don't pay attention to the news, and that includes Fox.

2007-07-19 06:34:43 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or do they only think they know?

2007-07-19 06:32:56 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or will they still be cursing Clinton on their deathbeds?

2007-07-19 06:30:33 · 6 answers · asked by Hothman 2

What's wrong with pulling out now, we already got rid of Saddam and we clearly can't fix their problems. Isn't this war is costing too much money and lives for no good reason?

2007-07-19 06:26:45 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

instead of cowardly hiding behind their computers and crying about how it is worth our soldiers dying policing a civil war?

Four soldiers and their Iraqi interpreter were killed when a roadside bomb detonated near the patrol on Wednesday in the eastern half of the Iraqi capital during "combat operations," the military said on Thursday.

It did not specify the exact location of the blast.

Another servicemember, a Task Force Marne soldier, was killed by small arms fire on Thursday south of Baghdad, the military said in a separate statement.

2007-07-19 06:26:07 · 14 answers · asked by bbbbriggs04 3


Another skeptic on the panel is Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana, the committee's top Republican. Lugar and Sen. John Warner, R-Va., have drafted legislation that would require Bush to deliver to Congress by mid-October a new military strategy to end major combat.

2007-07-19 06:25:21 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Regardless of whether we should have invaded Iraq, we are there now. It is known that if we leave now we will be giving Iraq to Iran and Al Qaida. This in turn is a threat to the United States. We made a big mistake by invading, but wouldn’t it be a bigger mistake to leave it in chaos? What do you think?

2007-07-19 06:21:15 · 26 answers · asked by I wanna talk to Samson 3


2007-07-19 06:14:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

WASHINGTON - When Gareth Groves brought home his massive new Hummer, he knew his environmentally friendly neighbors disapproved. But he didn't expect what happened next. The sport utility vehicle was parked for five days on the street before two masked men smashed the windows, slashed the tires and scratched into the body: "FOR THE ENVIRONMENT."


2007-07-19 06:11:52 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

She claimed she would be like Lorraine Bobbit and not like Hilary if her husband was ever caught cheating. Well, he has been caught. Is he still...ahem...'whole'? At the very least, has she left him like she promised she would do? Or did she apologize to Hilary for being wrong? I am sure she did something, afterall, she is a member of the party of accountability...

2007-07-19 06:07:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-19 06:05:55 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous


Your assessment is dead wrong. Anyone who likes to burn flags, sympathize with terrorists and undermine our troops, like Harry Reid does, by saying that we have lost the war HATES THIS COUNTRY!

Universal health care and other various forms of SOCIALISM is not American!

Come back to us, B.C.!

2007-07-19 06:05:42 · 11 answers · asked by Frank Dileo 3

Mr Bush stated that he will attack the terrorists wherever they are to be found...

well, as Pakistan is the number one terrorist harboring country in the world, why hasn't Bush and Cheney put a plan in place to attack them?

Or do we only attack nations that are weak and without nuclear weapons?

2007-07-19 06:02:38 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I point out christians of the past used biblical scripture to burn witches, kill heretics, convert jews under threat of death, own slaves, wage holy wars, kill jews, and oppose women's rights, interracial marriage, birth control pills, and invitro fertilization.

How can christianity evolve if the word of God is supposedly eternal?

If you say christians of the past interpreted scriptures incorrectly, how can you be so sure you are interpreting them correctly today?

2007-07-19 06:00:04 · 18 answers · asked by trovalta_stinks_2 3

I guess its just another liberal conspiracy right?

2007-07-19 05:54:09 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

America think they help the most countries in wars, when really they have made them worse take iraq, they have lost the war there and i do think we (the UK) were silly to aid them, they march in there to restore power but not into places where there needed, like in the fawklands war, the Uk needed them as a base but they dont help, and maily in the second world war, they didnt come into the war untill pearl hearber when they we attacked, and whats there nonsence about them saving us, the WW2 would have been lost if it hadent been for the UK or russa.
Oh and i dont care that i cant spell, and im not from the USA im from the UK

2007-07-19 05:44:53 · 20 answers · asked by alexsau1991 3

To first do no harm? I think this would be an excellent addition to the swearing in ceremony...

2007-07-19 05:44:27 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been complaining about Sen. Warner of VA for weeks,as he has been a vocal critic of the war in Iraq, but has continued to vote to continue the current course. I would like to apologize to him at this point, as he is finally proposing legislation to change the course of this tragic war. Good for him.


"Another skeptic on the panel is Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana, the committee's top Republican. Lugar and Sen. John Warner, R-Va., have drafted legislation that would require Bush to deliver to Congress by mid-October a new military strategy to end major combat."

2007-07-19 05:44:09 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

If enough of us show interest maybe the "board" will schedule one. It would be great to meet one another. Who will bring the potato salad? We already have enough baloney.

2007-07-19 05:44:00 · 17 answers · asked by Eyota Zen 3

2007-07-19 05:42:10 · 12 answers · asked by Chunky & Lumpy 1

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