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Politics - 18 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Whether it would be the watergate scandal, JFK, Area 51, 9-11; what are some that are just out of this world.

2007-07-18 07:15:55 · 11 answers · asked by William Z 4

I love this movie. But do you think the movie is head on? How far fetched are the ideals expressed, and how similar are the y to the ones that we have right now?

For example, i'm a definite believe that the gov't uses the news to manipulate us. They twist stories and make claims abt the status of terrorism so it is convienent for them. What's your opinion?

2007-07-18 07:15:12 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it simply becuase Democrats and Liberals are against it?
Is that all the value you place on our troops lives? Your hate for Democrats and Liberals is more important than their lives.

If this war is so "right and just", please tell us why. And please tell us if the loss of 3500 U.S. troops and thousands of Iraqi civilians are worth the reasons you listed to say it is a "right and just" war.

2007-07-18 07:14:40 · 17 answers · asked by truth seeker 7



2007-07-18 07:08:11 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Not sure latly on Russias stand on politics. Thinking they would be our ally's when in reality they do not want to step down with nuclear weapons. So who thinks like me that if Iran steps against us, Russia, South Korea and all the other's would aim against us?

2007-07-18 07:05:47 · 13 answers · asked by angelikabertrand64 5

That they both use male and female whores for their pleasure and pay for it with our tax dollars .
That violating the trust between us and them should land them in prison and their property seized like drug dealers .

2007-07-18 06:59:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Don't worry libs, we knew they were your friends ALL ALONG, the way you appease them and make excuses for their atrocious actions...

2007-07-18 06:57:03 · 18 answers · asked by Frank Dileo 3

Yes, Bill O'Reilly used our public media to encourage terrorists to attack the USA. And he STILL HAS HIS JOB and is still LOVED BY THE RIGHTWING.

2007-07-18 06:56:09 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

come on liberals, tell me....if there is so much evidence then why isn't Bush impeached?

2007-07-18 06:45:07 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it just greed by food companies or is there is real motivating force behind making most of the US population overweight and a high proportion obese?

2007-07-18 06:41:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

People just love to link Saddam and bin laden to Obama .

They must think that everyone is as stupid as they are .

By the way 50 years ago all it would have taken was a white girl to claim Obama had raped her and he would have been arrested , beaten , forced to confess and sent to prison for 30 years . Regardless of his innocence .
We have come a long way since then and it looks like some people want to go back to those days .

2007-07-18 06:39:44 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why would he want to legalize illegals? The majority of the Republican Presidential candidates are against this. The majority of Congress who voted against the amnesty bill were Republican. It is the Democratic party that supports amnesty for illegals.


2007-07-18 06:30:33 · 1 answers · asked by Naturescent 4

America's new rich are the war profiteers. Why should they be allowed to get vacation homes and yachts from war profits?

2007-07-18 06:18:16 · 20 answers · asked by Hothman 2

They're must be some mistake! Iraq has nothing to do with Al Qaeda, or 9/11. Before we came along and screwed everything up,the Hussein regime was a benevolent overlord.

2007-07-18 06:15:53 · 17 answers · asked by Richard P 2

Seems all we need to do is go in and arm and pay rival drug dealers to capture arrest and detain a majority of the leaders and dealers .
Its the same program Bush is cheering in the press today of arming former murderers of our troops to take down other terrorists .

This is the most sickening thing I have ever heard of . Its like handing a weapon to one of a group of home invaders to defend you against the others after they have kiled two kids and your wife . Anything to keep yourself alive .and in Bush's case the war going .

2007-07-18 06:14:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just found out about it and i found it kind of odd that it wasn't covered in any news story i've seen.

2007-07-18 06:07:12 · 2 answers · asked by Csbbot 1

Some of their actions border on treasonous. Baghdad Rosie is a fine example of a traitor and the liberals do not distance themselves from her. They embrace her radical subversive thinking.

2007-07-18 05:57:33 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I haven't been keeping up (shame on me) so I was wondering which candidates are saying they will help us fight global warming? I just watched An Inconvienent Truth and I was hoping to help more... and getting a new president and congress who will listen to us and help us change is something we need. So I was just wondering...

2007-07-18 05:55:24 · 10 answers · asked by rosefox63 1

It can only exist until a majority of voters discovers that they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury."

I think we're already there...........

2007-07-18 05:50:38 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

1.Allowing ANY candidate that is on the ballot in at least 40 states ( or enough to theorhetically be elected by the Electoral College) to participate in all debates for President. That way, you have more than two, or three people discussing their vision for America
2. Allowing every candidate in the debate the EXACT same time allotted to answer questions. In a debate with 5 or 6 candidates, one would need to clearly define their positions more, and attack the other people less.
3. Having a candidate's microphone turned OFF after their time has expired on a given question. That way, you don't have 15 or 20 seconds of the candidate and commentator talking over each other.
I find interesting that we don't allow the "other" politcal parties to have much of political voice and we say their candidates are not "electable". How can they be electable when they are not allowed the time as the Dem and Rep.

Any other thoughts and ideas?
Thank You

2007-07-18 05:48:36 · 7 answers · asked by Supercell 5

WASHINGTON - Senate Republicans on Wednesday scuttled a Democratic proposal ordering troop withdrawals from Iraq in a showdown that capped an all-night debate on the war.

The 52-47 vote fell short of the 60 votes needed to cut off debate under Senate rules. It was a sound defeat for Democrats who say the U.S. military campaign, in its fifth year and requiring 158,000 troops, cannot tame the sectarian violence in Iraq.


This proves beyond a doubt that the Republicans own this war. Sink or swim fools.

2007-07-18 05:44:27 · 11 answers · asked by Gemini 5

2007-07-18 05:40:36 · 12 answers · asked by truthisback 3

Enlist(or re-enlist whatever the case may be)?

2007-07-18 05:38:10 · 11 answers · asked by Boss H 7

Please explain?

2007-07-18 05:35:21 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Lib logic seems to be "well they hate us, they must have a good REASON for it, even if the action itself is wrong."

Well then why do the radical shia hate the radical sunni? The different groups who hate and try to kill us also hate and try to kill each other - - and around the world they hate and try to kill people of other religions on a regular basis - - radical muslims off a few Buddhists in southern Thailand on a weekly basis....

Doesn't that pretty much mean that whatever you think of us, however bad we might be, that's NOT the reason the terrorists are trying to kill us?

2007-07-18 05:34:52 · 19 answers · asked by truthisback 3

Nope. Because it is not a religious symbol. Do you agree.


2007-07-18 05:29:08 · 18 answers · asked by Page 4

DO you think it is because people hate democrats and love republicans? Do you think that is good news for either of the two current ruling parties? Or could it be that the vast majority of americans do not have faith in EITHER party?

2007-07-18 05:26:00 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

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