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Politics - 18 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Are you that skeptical or in disbelief? Do you think you have no control over it anyway so lets just let them do what they want? Do you think it doesn't affect you or do you think it's just a myth? Do you even care? People this is real and our government wants it in place by 2010. So this election is the most important election maybe in the history of the US which may be history in itself if this plan goes through.

For those of you who haven't heard about it here is a good place to start

2007-07-18 05:25:13 · 15 answers · asked by Enigma 6

If so Could this be part of the Problem ?

2007-07-18 05:24:03 · 11 answers · asked by john 2

If a reporter from Fox or CNN or CBS or NBC or any major news network interviewed Bin laden, what do you think would be the laundry list that he would give to justify his hatred for the United States?

I am not interested in your view, but rather what you think (truthfully) Bin Laden himself would say. Perhaps you know what he would say because you have heard or read specific statements that he has made etc.

2007-07-18 05:22:36 · 17 answers · asked by ez f 1

Wouldn't he tell them what they NEED to hear instead of what they WANT to hear?

He comes on at 6 pm EST - translating into 5 pm CST, 4 pm mountain, 3 pm pacific....

If you're routinely home in time to see that, you're probably not getting ahead - you work part-time or work an 8 hour shift at a repetitive, manual labor position. That's a broad brush, it's not everyone, but it's most people who get home by late afternoon, and it's his audience.

They WANT to hear that they're not getting ahead because of some conspiracy.

But they COULD be getting ahead by taking night courses in finance, accounting, computers, or another marketable skill at the local community college, which CLEARLY THEY HAVE THE TIME TO DO, SINCE THEY'RE HOME WATCHING TV AT 5 PM.

Even if a conspiracy IS why they make $40K doing what they do, it's in their power to make $60K in a few years.

Wouldn't they be better off if Dobbs told them this instead of trying to hawk his misleading book?

2007-07-18 05:20:32 · 7 answers · asked by truthisback 3

Easy, dems, I am not serious, I just want to see how many Bush supporters will say that they hate their fellow americans more. They seem to compare you guys to terrorists, and they seem to think you guys have lunch with Bin Laden (yet still can't find him), they seem to enjoy that the majority of congress can't get a resolution passed...even though it means more wasted dollars and lives, so I just want them to say it.

2007-07-18 05:19:20 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Lass than 50 years ago after an Un-legal Agreement between Last Iranian Government and United Kingdom's government, Bahrain divided from Iranian Main Land. Whats your Idea For Re-Selecting Of Bahrain As Iran's 31st. Province?

2007-07-18 05:18:20 · 6 answers · asked by Abolfazl Rahimi Fard 1

and that they kind of yank us back and forth like a yo yo to make us more afraid when its convenient for them to do so???

2007-07-18 05:11:35 · 14 answers · asked by ez f 1

Sec. 1007. Authorization of funds for DEA police training in South and Central Asia. This provision authorizes money for anti-drug training in the Republic of Turkey, and for increased precursor chemical control efforts in the South and Central Asia region. Not in original Administration proposal.
This provision had with it a 5,000,000 dollar minimum .

With the huge number of pages and scope of the patriot act is it any wonder no one will read through it .

Its an amazing piece of work which must have taken years to produce .

Guess if I supplied the Chemicals to take down the world trade center buildings I would want some compensation .

I always ask way something is included and it seems like payment above and beyond what was originally offered . Good place to hide a payoff for those who supplied the explosive chemicals to take down the buildings .

I at least look deep into a conspiracy theory and provide interesting tid bits of info .

2007-07-18 05:11:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just watched the episodes Petarded and Petoria last and I can't help to notice the similarities between the two.

2007-07-18 05:10:16 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

He's more qualified than some of the current bozos running.

2007-07-18 05:08:31 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

what is there solution? Do we stay until we bankrupt our own country and have 20,000 dead? What is the GOP solution.
Bush is praised for standing his ground yet standing his ground doesn't seem to be working. What is the solution.
Do we keep this up for decades?

2007-07-18 05:07:21 · 14 answers · asked by JF 3

2007-07-18 05:03:27 · 10 answers · asked by HIPHOP 1

Is this the only way the American dollar can remain competitive against the euro?
Which candidates besides Ron Paul and John Edwards are against the NAU?


For those of you who haven't heard about it here is a good place to start

2007-07-18 04:59:57 · 5 answers · asked by Enigma 6

Bin Laden has said he wanted to create a tragedy so large that it would change the face of democracy here in America, forcing us to have less freeedoms, be scared, and cripple our economy with a large debt. Considering our deficit is growing at an alarming rate, our freedoms being compromised by the PATRIOT act, and the fear that keeps us bogged down in Iraq so Al Qaeda can grow stronger than it has ever been, has he succeeded?

2007-07-18 04:58:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-18 04:57:30 · 15 answers · asked by Page 4

2007-07-18 04:56:14 · 3 answers · asked by HIPHOP 1

And I will believe that you are tough on terror. Do you believe that your party is tough on terror? Which party do you belong to?

2007-07-18 04:53:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

He was a better candidate than Bush in 2000. But the Bush campaign used the ugliest, sleaziest, Rovian tactics against him in South Carolina to ruin him. Despite this, McCain swallowed his pride and embraced Bush in 2004, hoping his undeserved loyalty would pay off for 2008. But that very embrace of Bush and his misbegotten war has played a large part in ruining him again.

It's especially sad, sicne he was a POW in Vietnam-- another futile cause that we stayed with far too long. Now he's endorsing us staying too long in Iraq, not having learned the lessons of Vietnam.

2007-07-18 04:44:36 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

We're talking about the most backward, uneducated and bigoted section of America. Whoever those people hate the most is quite likely to be the most decent human being in the race.

2007-07-18 04:44:32 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

We are threatening Iran and N.K. on this issue so why is Pakiland any different? They have islamofacists as well and its a dictatorship! seems Dubya has no definitive foreign policy or strategy in place. I fear Pakistan more than Iran cause Iran is at least 5 years away from developing one. Dont forget Israel has appx. 400 armed nukes give or take and sophisticated at that. Iran will never be a threat it could completely annihalate Iran in 30 mins or less.

2007-07-18 04:34:55 · 10 answers · asked by 2012 4

This 'notion' blows me away and I shall prove to anyone with intelligence and an open-mind just how completely flawed it is. . . . . . . You Liberals have been trying to convince us Conservatives that your way is better than our way .. . . . and it ain't workin , now is it ? So how would you/Liberals negotiate with us/Conservatives ? Hmmmmm ? Gettin the picture yet ?
We stand on our ideology as you stand on yours . No amount of 'negotiating' is gonna turn a Pro-Lifer into a Pro-Choicer . None !! Or how about convincing us about your immigration ideology ? Hehe , good luck on that one . Is it startin to sink in ?
Now take people who are so filled with hatred that they want to kill us all . So much so that they're willing to kill themselves while killing others . Heck these guys don't even bother with escape plans and such . It's over when it's over and that's that .

How many of you still 'think' that terrorists can be negotiated with ?

2007-07-18 04:30:11 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-18 04:29:51 · 19 answers · asked by Page 4

Both Accomplish Nothing and Both are taking the Month of August off in the most Dangerous Time in History!!!

2007-07-18 04:28:39 · 5 answers · asked by john 2

Who should replace Bush? Obama? Oprah

2007-07-18 04:28:09 · 15 answers · asked by John C 1

Like the current Super Moral Democrat Congress

2007-07-18 04:28:06 · 3 answers · asked by Whitest_American 3

Assuming its not about oil...

2007-07-18 04:27:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I keep scratching my nuts trying to figure this out. They have no oil, they are a significant burden on our national economy amounting to 1 Trillion USD since the 1970's, our major oil suppliers i.e. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and othe GCC countries have no relations with them so...why do we have such unwavering support for these people?

2007-07-18 04:23:44 · 13 answers · asked by 2012 4

They say fear is what causes stuttering so i ask do you have any ideal what he fears?

2007-07-18 04:22:33 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Even the highest morale is eventually undermined by back-to-back deployments ... by shortages of spare parts and equipment, and by rapidly declining readiness."

"We will not be permanent peacekeepers, dividing warring parties. This is not our strength or our calling."

Was it John Kerry?

John Edwards?

Barack Obama?

NO. Here's a clue: It's the same guy who said we should have a "humble foreign policy" that didn't "tell other nations how to run their affairs", and who eschewed "Nation Building".

Give up?

It was GEORGE W. BUSH! Part of his 2000 campaign. The first quotes were from a speech he gave at the Citadel in 1999.

So, Bush worshippers, was he lying or badly misguided? Pick one!

2007-07-18 04:21:41 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

From time time we hear that the #2 guy has been captured...then the story falls out of the 'news'. Now we hear that the #1 has been captured. Does anyone actually believe this #$% will make a difference? The resistance in Iraq has dozens of factions..when one fails two more pop up to take its place. At this rate we'll be in Iraq until everything above ground there is blown into #$% and air and all of the people are dead, crippled or living in Miami!

2007-07-18 04:17:52 · 14 answers · asked by Noah H 7

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