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Politics - 18 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics


2007-07-18 02:13:29 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Wouldn't it be great if, like John Lennon said, war was unnecessary?

Wouldn't it be great if we left Iraq and the terrorists just left us alone, forever? Or if the war really WAS for oil profits, and we don't have to worry about a terrorist threat?

Wouldn't it be great if we could just reason with criminals, and then let them back on the street and not have to worry about repeat offenders?

Wouldn't it be great if illicit drugs really caused no social problems, and we could legalize them and enjoy them?

Wouldn't it be great if people would not get on welfare just because they were too lazy to get a job?

Wouldn't it be great if teaching our children about safe sex wouldn't encourage them to have more of it? Or even better, wouldn’t it be great if we could all have all the sex we wanted without worrying about STD’s or unwanted pregnancies?

Wouldn’t it be great if an abortion did not end a human life?

Wouldn't it be great if we could have government-sponsored health care without shoddy doctors like Cuba or 18 week waits like Canada?

Wouldn't it be great if we really could make handguns illegal without worrying about criminals getting them illegally?

Libs have some REALLY great ideas, don’t they? Wouldn’t it be great if the world really worked that way? And I AM being serious, I REALLY wish it were that easy!

2007-07-18 02:06:16 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so , then what is your candidates 'Comprehensive Plan' ?

If you don't believe a candidate should have a comprehensive plan, the please do enlighten the rest of us as to your magical logic .
Thank you .

2007-07-18 02:05:17 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think so. I know I will.

2007-07-18 02:04:57 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it just me or is being pro-active the way to go? Do you people who say that (and it's all over these forums) really want to wait until we are attacked before attacking someone? The best defense is a good offense.

2007-07-18 02:00:26 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

party that people make into "questions" for the sake of insulting someone? Seriously. Grow up people.

2007-07-18 01:59:26 · 2 answers · asked by Jennifer 3

1. George Bush
2. Dick Cheney
3. Condi Rice
4. The cowards will avoid combat like the plague.

2007-07-18 01:59:22 · 2 answers · asked by Darth Vader 6

about importing drugs with the recent recalls we've had in other products like pet food and toothpaste? Do you think imported drugs will be better? Also, people say that they are cheaper, but if we start importing them the supply will go down and the demand will go up so wouldn't the price increase then too?

2007-07-18 01:56:52 · 6 answers · asked by civil_av8r 7

Personally , I think the Terrorists own the most responsibility , but there's no doubt that Liberal Democrat Congressional members will also own some of that responsibility . They've done everything possible to complain about the Presidents plans and efforts , yet even though they control the House and the Senate , yet they have no comprehensive plan of their own . Al Queda is operating in 80 countries . Yet the Democrats think that passing non-binding resolutions is somehow a productive way of stopping Al Queda . Toss-in a filibuster that's going nowhere too .

Honestly folks. . . . . How could you vote for someone who has No Comprehensive Plan ? Really , I really want to know how Hatred for the President qualifies as a 'Plan' ?

2007-07-18 01:52:07 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

The first was Napoleon Bonaparte,the second was Sir Adolf Hitler....but the third....guess who?.......

2007-07-18 01:50:30 · 9 answers · asked by Boomer 1

Perhaps the Arab world would not be brainswashed into hating Israel. God Bless Our American Friends.



2007-07-18 01:45:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Since we Will never be able to Pay off the debt? It was to be paid off by a surcharge on Iraqi Oil, If we Leave ( lose) that Money will never be collected leaving Americans to Pay the Bill. Is this the Dem Plan to make sure we Lose and making Americans Slaves to the Debt and the Dems?

2007-07-18 01:42:00 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


can someone amuse me with negative comments.... c´mon libs.. give it your best shot.... but read the article first

2007-07-18 01:39:14 · 10 answers · asked by James R 3

Oh guess we're still in Iraq,so why don't the Dems do something useful instead of engaging in political stunts?

2007-07-18 01:33:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm so sorry , I must be missing it every time they announce it . Almost 6 years of war against Al Queda and still I neither see nor hear any comprehensive plan on how to stop them . 80 countries people .
So exactly what is the Democrats comprehensive plan ?? I'm listening with both ears open !!

Take your time and think before posting cause surely you don't want to make a complete fool of yourself. .. . . . or maybe you do .

2007-07-18 01:32:31 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why can't I find information about Duncan Hunter in Yahoo Answers through a search? I only get websites outside of YA.

2007-07-18 01:28:37 · 5 answers · asked by Naturescent 4

Many times when I look at the alleged presidential polls, I don't even see Duncan's name listed when doing comparisons. Every time I look up information about him, there are the other two faces staring back at me again.

2007-07-18 01:18:58 · 15 answers · asked by Naturescent 4

I have noticed and you should too . Lately , it seems to be the newest 'en vogue' way of lying from the Liberals . I guess their new found lie is catching on with other liars and just plain stupid people . Take a look around and you'll see people posting that Republicans , Conservatives , and President Bush claimed that 'we wouldn't get hit if we didn't leave Iraq' . What an outright lie that absolutely no one said .
Ya see , the liberals , so hellbent on Hatred and Lying , decided it's quite alright to lie some more and change the phrase 'If we leave Iraq , the terrorists will follow us here' . At no point did anyone say that we wouldn't be attacked if we stayed . Now I presume some of these liberals know that , but choose to lie anyway . And they also know that the best way for them to garner even more votes is to lie to the stupid people hoping that they'll believe this garbage .

I wonder , if the liberal agenda is so great , then why do they need to lie ?

2007-07-18 01:05:49 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

They keep claiming we should end the war...but why? You don't end a war until it's won unless you are planning on surrendering. The DEMS keep saying we haven't won yet- so why not continue on in the fight? Why would you give up and run away when the enemy is on the ropes???

2007-07-18 01:04:19 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a registered Libertarian - - I think the gays should be allowed to marry each other. I think the GOP is wrong on that issue.

But between a party that will let the gays do everything the do now but just tell them they can't marry each other, on the one hand, and on the other, a party that wants to take a much larger chunk of everyone's income, every year - - - that just doesn't seem close.

And that's even before considering the regulatory burdens on commerce - - - how much would fuel cost with the surcharges Gore would put in place? What would we have to shell out for those hybrids?

The Democrats seem to want to intrude more deeply into everyone's lives, while the GOP intrudes - wrongly but to a lesser degree - into the lives of a few.

If you're against "Big Brother" I don't see how you can end up voting Democrat.

2007-07-18 00:26:41 · 17 answers · asked by truthisback 3

I say let them do there job and have congress stay out of it we would have had progress if they just come up with good ideas instead of wanting to lose and make Bush loke bad.

2007-07-18 00:25:43 · 6 answers · asked by Jeremy P 2

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