The dictionary meaning of liberal is:"Generous in giving, bounteous, abundant, lavish a liberal reward, of or based on the liberal arts, a liberal education. Characterized by or favoring policies of reform and PROGRESS and generally opposing conservatism or reaction. NOT BIGOTED or PREJUDICED: BROAD MINDED. Not restricted to the liberal meaning: a liberal interpretation of a rule. One favoring a liberal policy or doctrines as in politics, religion, etc.
In my opinion a "Liberal" is an open minded person, and how can that be bad? To "hate" such a person would imply the person is a bigot and not in favor of reform? Too many people just go with what they have heard without bothering to look into, or open their minds to what being a liberal really means.
A conservative by meaning is opposed to change, and if this were the true American way we'd still be hanging witches and black people and women wouldn't vote. Perhaps some fear changes in society out of ignorance?
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