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I know we ****** them over bad, and ive been looking alot online but nothing seems to tell me what we did to them exactly? Im fully aware of the afgan and iraq war but i want to know what we done to them before that, because they have been hating us for years!

2007-07-10 10:08:18 · 13 answers · asked by sy2pie 1 in Politics & Government Politics

13 answers

For one thing we are free. Haven't you noticed that in life if someone has something that you want others will feign disdain or hatred because of jealousy?

Second we live in a great country where our lives are ours to do what we will. There is nothing to stop someone if they really have the drive they can literally become anything they want.

We have freedom of religion. We can worship how we choose.

Basically jealously.

The only people who don't want to live in freedom are the leaders who make the others live under their thumb. That is who doesn't want to live like th e western world. Most people would give up a lot to live in the US.

2007-07-10 10:13:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

you see the especially UK has such a LOOOONG history in that region, they've colonized the entire middle east for a long time. stole many wealth and enslaved the people following the collapse of the Ottoman empire in WWI. the Brits promised some very rich and powerful Jewish bankers that the Jewish people will be given a land in which they can create their own country, this piece of land is Palestine where Muslims, christians and Jew all lived together in peace and harmony until WWII came along and of coarse the death of the 6 million European Jews. in 1948 the state of Israel was established by the UN after the Jews have already set the stage for it by terrorizing, killing or driving the Palestinians out of their homes into the desert. so the Arab neighboring countries felt obliged to go aid their fellow Palestinians. the ill equipped Arabs attacked the new western all powerful ally (Israel) and lost the war. then in 1967 Israel preemptively struck Egypt, Syria, Jordan and the rest of the Palestinian territory taking control and occupying the Egyptian sinai peninsula, the Syrian Golan heights, the west bank and Gaza.

the US and UK have always supported Israel no matter what. that's why some extremists hate the US and UK policy in the middle east they don't trust us and view us as the force behind Israel. they believe that we are imperialists and would do anything to get what we want from that region (now OIL, back then was the Suez canal).

2007-07-10 10:33:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Our alliance with Isreal is the main reason. They see us a source of aid for Isreal. Then it goes down to religion, they hate anyone who doesnt follow there religion and would kill every non believer if given the choice. Isreal is in there holy land and until Isreal is gone they will not be satisfied. Find the documentry banned by pbs: muslims against jihad it will explain a lot for you. What we did to give them all cause (in there minds) to invoke a jihad was to put our troops in afganistan and iraq. That really them off. They hate westerners

2007-07-10 10:14:52 · answer #3 · answered by cndtroops1 3 · 2 0

Jealousy and envy. A cultural upbringing that makes use of a faith to inculcate Jealousy and Envy -- being the sufferer of life -- because of the fact the prevalent spiritualpersistent. the direction of "Submission" -- Islam! they don't hate us. particularly is they have been knowledgeable to hate their very own souls and the souls of all others. They challenge that loathsome self-hate right into a especially restrictive non secular prepare -- The Taleban, Sha'ria regulation, Wahhabism, the stern totally-overlaying Hajib for women, etc etc. and additionally into the guideline of Jihad against any refusing to stay with those soul-reducing regulations. that's no ask your self the main significant Jihadis like to cut back off heads -- it quite is a morph-mirrored image of ways they have cut back themselves off from their very own soul.

2016-09-29 11:29:19 · answer #4 · answered by piekarski 4 · 0 0

It is a lot of things - and most of them are political. Our way of life is VASTLY different - from the way our economies are run, to the way certain groups of people (women being the best example) are treated in society.

And we have been screwing them over for a long time - either by supporting their enemies, or trying to force our "world views" on them...

2007-07-10 10:18:44 · answer #5 · answered by kr_toronto 7 · 3 0

I belief in there view they hate us for:
The Israeli occupation of Muslim land (in their view)
The influence of western civilization on their culture
The American occupation of Saudi Arabia (in their view)
The British colonization of the middle east
The Crusades

2007-07-10 10:24:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

the main reason they hate the U.S. is because we have let Israel exist, we have given them weapons and support sense they acquired their land. while every other one of their neighbors want to wipe them off the face of the earth! so really I guess we should all get used to the Idea of being in the middle east for ever, because that is how long they will continue to hate us, or until we withdraw our support of Israel, and let them fight on their own. As they say S hit or get off the pot!

2007-07-10 10:17:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

They don't want to be conformed to Westernization and Economic Globalization!

That's really what it's all about!

So we go over there and show our muscle to persuade them.

The 'last straw' to Osama and his followers was when the U.S. built a military base in Saudi Arabia!
They feel it is Holy Ground and is being desecrated by a foreign presence!

Darlene: It has nothing to do with jealousy!!

They want us to stay out of their affairs!

EDIT:Our support of Israel is also part of it.

2007-07-10 10:13:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

well, as for Bin Ladin he actually is more pissed at Saudi Arabia.. his home nation.. because they let us "infidels" on their ground.. but he's trying to take it out on us... tis the price you pay to be the top dog... but it doesn't help that we keep trying to dig deeper.

2007-07-10 10:18:15 · answer #9 · answered by pip 7 · 2 0

we, as a culture, allow ourselves choices which the muslims don't see as being available to them. since they are living a life of 'submission', and we don't, they resent us, our freedoms, and our culture, which doesn't make those sort of demands upon us.

by not submitting to their religion, it's demands and it's authority, they can wonder if their religion is truly 'the true one'. that sort of uncertainty causes impotence, anger, and embarrassment, which can lead to rage.
just think, we DARE 'defy' them!!!! we don't kowtow to their 'allah'. as a culture, we aren't so insecure that we need to resort to treating women like dirt, so we can feel better.

2007-07-10 10:20:32 · answer #10 · answered by tuxey 4 · 1 2

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