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Politics - 6 July 2007

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Ever since Bush took office, his envoking of his religious beliefs has been scutinized. The Left has declared this a breach in the seperation of church and state. They have persecuted him and other conservatives for their views and demanded these have no place in politics.

Then what is written about today in the New York Times......

FRONT PAGE - "For Clinton (Hilary), Faith intertwined with political life"

Where is the outrage? The paper elludes to outrage from the same people that have been outraged with Bush' religious life; however, it have never been blasted across the media as Bush's was.

Liberals, as always, have again shown that they are spinless hipocrates.

My questions to the libs are: How do you defend this? How can she still be a viable candidate? OR Is she lying through her teeth about her true religious convictions?

2007-07-06 23:46:54 · 18 answers · asked by JonB 5

Well the dems must be having a fit now. A Federal judge has ruled Gw can use the warrentless wiretaps. It is part of the Security for this country. As far as I am concerned he can listen to my phone conversations all day & see all the garbage calls I get. I have nothing to hide. If it will make me & my family safer then be my guest.. If you have nothing to hide , WHY are YOU afraid??

2007-07-06 23:44:04 · 14 answers · asked by BUTCH 5

2007-07-06 23:40:47 · 13 answers · asked by Ringo G. 4

While the overused excuse of stifling free speech is used by conservatives to fight the thought of a renewed "Fairness Doctrine" what is to fear if it is uniformly applied?

We are a nation that demands level playing fields for it's sports and other activities complete with monitors (or officials) that insure it.

Fairness was taught to many as a moral quality. One sided unopposed views and commentary were considered incomplete and lacking true debate. An insult to our intelligence (if you will)

I hear the argument about left wing bias in mainstream media which should be balanced. When did two wrongs make a right?

What is the real fear of having "fairness" mandated in all forms of public media?

2007-07-06 23:37:44 · 10 answers · asked by H2OMASTER 2

Ever hear of the "Law of deminishing returns"?

The Law of deminishing returns states that as you get closer and closer to the top things get proportionally harder and harder.

As Republicans get closer to imposing their will on the public there will be more public resistance and they will have to resort to useing Blackwater to arrest and kill Americans who oppose their actions.

They will have to begin mass arrests and open American Concentration camps based on political beliefs.

They will in fact start Civil war #2 before they ever achieve their goal of republican dictatorship and there's more democrats than there are republicans.

PS. The Republican party is tearing itself apart already - just go ask Senator Lugar.


2007-07-06 23:37:43 · 5 answers · asked by easy_game_101 2

2007-07-06 23:18:11 · 16 answers · asked by Ringo G. 4

how third front emerged,what are reasons for it,how it has changed the indian political system,what are the resent issues,how can it change the political system.........

2007-07-06 23:17:10 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

You know this fat boy is a walking time bomb for bypass surgery and a man boob breast reduction so Liberal proponents of socialized/nationalized health care....where will fat Mike go for that surgery?

I will bet you your next welfare check its the USA.

2007-07-06 22:58:52 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I consider myself a Liberal - with socialist leanings

But I have had a thougt or two on the subject of "other" cultures that are not so nice

In all seriousness

Have we become to intelecualized too civil - too used to the rules of debate and so forth to grasp the barbarian

The ruthless violent men and women of absolute fanatics ?

2007-07-06 22:31:02 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Socialist medicine is the wrong prescription for US healthcare. And yet, here were have flaming socialist leftwingers trying to drag our system down into their collectivist gutter.

40 million uninsured? So big deal? There's also a guy at the blackjack table in Las Vegas who got dealt two face cards and didn't double down. Should we make a government agency follow him around make his choices for him?

2007-07-06 21:59:26 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you don't support Bush - please consider just watching the answers and not answering yourself

Your a Bush supporter -

You make up an estimated 20 % of the population

45 % want to impeach Bush according to a recent survey

He has been called a liar an idiot a facist etc

But you have stuck with him

I want to hear from you

Why is it you stick by George W Bush ?

2007-07-06 21:46:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is that a ton of people (most of which republicans) do not believe in global warming. Global warming is a real problem!!!! Have you seen the melting ice caps and the lakes and the oceans disappearing? How do you explain that? We did not pray enough to god???? God would not hurt living things. You have to notice that this is a real problem!!! I saw the Al Gore movie. What are we going to do when the earth starts to melt? And even if you believe in Global warming but think "That does not effect me because the earth will blow up in 30 years and I will be dead by then". What about your children and there children?????
Please tell me why you are being so closed minded that you can't admit global warming is happening???!!!! God gave us this earth and it is our job to take care of it!!!!
Thanks for you opinion!!

2007-07-06 21:40:41 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

But i noticed also that certain leftist groups actualy love guns,at least the more liberation groups of the left.Vermont is one state where one can be a liberal and libertarion at the same person.

2007-07-06 21:29:14 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Tell me why and or why not he would make a good president.

2007-07-06 21:28:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do we include Canada, Mexico, Central America, and South America?

2007-07-06 21:14:56 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

On the weapons they use in Iraq? I'm not trying to imply anything I am only curious if that's saying anything about what is going on.

2007-07-06 20:10:29 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

indian political set up heading towards imminent danger of too
many regional parties posing the threat to the concept "one india"
putting national integration at stake. a hard campaign by the celebraties to ignore regional parties and support national parties
is the need of the hour. how to do it.

2007-07-06 20:05:53 · 9 answers · asked by Ramki R 1

...lose the election???

2007-07-06 20:01:52 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Anyone have any suggestions?

2007-07-06 19:37:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


If 45% of all Americans want it, don't you think that means an overwhelming majority of Democrats and Independents want it?

So what is the Democratic Congress waiting for?

2007-07-06 19:15:37 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

We all know how aggressive , deadly and powerful the terrorists are since 9/11.Now after the attacks recently on UK certainly make us realise this time round they are back again to do more damage.Most of us are now living in fear as no one knows what and where will thier next moves and targets.My friends and I apparently are more careful when we travel to work.It has indeed affected our daily lives.
Sure, some will say fear not and just continue with our daily routine and never fear them.US President George Bush will know too they(terrorists) will be after him.What plans does the America have and what kind of assurance can US give the americans to make them feel more secure?

2007-07-06 19:13:35 · 13 answers · asked by chasen54 5

His reasons for not wanting to run are so thin and weak, and he breaks tradition by not choosing to run and does his party a great dis-service by dissapointing those who would love to see eight more years of the same thing.

Could he still change his mind and step up to the plate and run, and if so, would that send out the 2004 Republican voters in happy hoardes to the primaries?

Could he still change his mind and cut his planned retirement to Dubai a bit short "?

2007-07-06 19:08:44 · 14 answers · asked by Middy S 2

The hippies, yippies and flower children or whatever...they were the terrorists then just like Muslims are today. If you don't believe me check for yourself:


"Suggestions of placing LSD in a city's water supply or having a circle of Yippies levitate the Pentagon were typical"

2007-07-06 18:58:09 · 15 answers · asked by Frank 2

Won't tomorrow's "save the planet" celebrations serve as proof that Earth worship has filled the void secular humanism has created on the political left?

2007-07-06 18:39:13 · 22 answers · asked by Yak Rider 7

2007-07-06 17:33:58 · 12 answers · asked by bsharpbflatbnatural 5

Forget Al Sharpton and his superficial rhetoric. We now have a candidate in Obama with a clear vision (at least compared to the gang that occupy the White House anyway) and the intellect to lead the country.

So the question is are Americans ready for a black lawyer to be at the helm of power.

And what do you think the 'southern' mindset is about this issue?

2007-07-06 17:33:09 · 33 answers · asked by BiCUBIC 2


2007-07-06 17:27:17 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Pro abortion, pro gun control, pro gay marriage, pro illegal immigrants...yep, sure sounds like a real REPUBLICAN to me...NOT!!!

How many see a sad day dawn on our country if/when he becomes our next President?

2007-07-06 17:27:15 · 14 answers · asked by Starfire 3

My opinon is that he is a terrible president, and is living off his daddy's name! But what's yours?

2007-07-06 17:24:02 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

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