(Please - I know they qualify under the Constitution to run for President - So does Carrot Top)
Every President that I can remember have had at least ONE of these things on their resume; Most had a combination!!
Military Experiance, CEO of a company, CEO in government like a Mayor or a Governor. Foreign Diplomat Experiance.
Hillary & Obama have NONE of these.
Hillary & Osama are 2 of 100 United States Senators. They have never been in Charge of anything. They are 2 of 100 people serving in the Senate. On top of this, they have only been in the US senate a very short time. They are both JUNIOR senators. They have NEVER been in a leadership position of ANY kind (Mayor, Gov, CEO, Military Officer).
(Bush 2 times elected CEO/Governor of Texas, Ran a Business, Flew Jets in the guard, Harvard MBA)
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