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Politics - 6 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

I don't see the rationale there....

How do you excuse one bad deed by mentioning another bad deed committed by another person ?

By that logic, all the guilty are innocent by virtue of someone elses guilt ? So if everyone is guilty of something, then nobody is guilty of anything, and nobody should ever be held accountable ?

On the issue of commuting Libby's sentence..it seems the only defense being presented for Bush, is that "Clinton pardoned people !".....that just doesn't make any sense to me. If Bush lies about something, we get more of the same...."Clinton lied about Monica !"

Seems we have alot of die hard conservatives that need to grow up.

2007-07-06 03:58:39 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. The British are the most decent, well informed people on the planet.

2. The poll below, taken by the HIGHLY respected YouGov and in conjunction with SKY NEWS, shows 20% of the pop. would SERIOUSLY consider voting BNP and the majority want all immigration halted.

Ergo, the BNP should be given more respect (and all immigration should be halted)

2007-07-06 03:42:22 · 13 answers · asked by ProudBrit 1

I ask this because I am a clear thinking individual. My clear eyes see blind, unbending support for a President that is universally seen as the worst thing to have happened to America and the world......I know this, even though I don't live in America...you see, I hate Bush, I hate Israel, I hate Christians. These people are not clear thinking like me. Most clear thinking people should see through all their rhetoric and be true pessimists, like me.

Do these people know something we don't? How could they? We are clear thinkers, they don't think at all, at least the way we think...right?

2007-07-06 03:41:17 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-gun, small government, limited taxes, end the war on drugs, privatized welfare/education.

I have told that I am not Libertarian. I have ton a lot of research into what a Libertatian is, and I feel I indentify as one, but, there are those who state that I am not.

Am I more Independent?

I don't know where I fit.

2007-07-06 03:29:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

if that is the case ...how can we blame someone for thier point of view?..... because, if we negate them for thier point of view... does that not automatically negate our own point of view? why is our dead more precious then their dead? etc? etc? etc?

how would an outside observer with no invested interest judge the two sides of a conflict - like say a martian who knew nothing of our history and reason...what would this entitty think of our war? could a martian be compelled to take a side?

2007-07-06 03:22:14 · 19 answers · asked by duck 1

all comments are welcome...

2007-07-06 02:59:22 · 2 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6

Hans Blix, of the UN was escorted anywhere he wanted to go by saddam, however since bush was chomping at the bit to go to take America to war based on lies, he was the one that ordered the UN weopons inspectors out of Iraq.

2007-07-06 02:56:23 · 24 answers · asked by Brotherhood 7

Bush's birthday is today!!!! July 6th!

Do you have a message for "the president"??

2007-07-06 02:46:13 · 26 answers · asked by -- 5

"I am a new American, but I grew up and worked for many years in Canada. And I know the health care system of my native country much more intimately than does Moore. There's a good reason why my former countrymen with the money to do so either use the services of a booming industry of illegal private clinics, or come to America to take advantage of the health care that Moore denounces.

Government-run health care in Canada inevitably resolves into a dehumanizing system of triage, where the weak and the elderly are hastened to their fates by actuarial calculation. Having fought the Canadian health care bureaucracy on behalf of my ailing mother just two years ago - she was too old, and too sick, to merit the highest quality care in the government's eyes - I can honestly say that Moore's preferred health care system is something I wouldn't wish on him."


2007-07-06 02:40:54 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-06 02:34:22 · 13 answers · asked by 6th Finger 2

Yes or No..
Also, please leave a D or R for party affiliation.

2007-07-06 02:18:34 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Republicans had control before, and seemed to do little worthwhile.
Now the Democrats are in control and they don't seem to be doing any better.
Which one is worse ?

2007-07-06 02:00:23 · 19 answers · asked by ? 6

"The hard fact is that so long as Saddam remains in power, he threatens the well-being of his people, the peace of his region, the security of the world.

The best way to end that threat once and for all is with a new Iraqi government -- a government ready to live in peace with its neighbors, a government that respects the rights of its people."

2007-07-06 01:57:06 · 10 answers · asked by Abu#2 4


Everybody in this world knows tht Israel has nuclear reactors and nuclear bombs and they refused to sign the agreement of Nclear Weapons spread Prohibiting, and thats a clear bad intention of nuclear energy abuse and we keep supporting Israel and prevent any other middle eastern country of having peaceful nuclear energy.
I hate to say it but we shouldn't support any of the two sides (Israel or the Arabs) "cause this created terrorism as when we supported Israel Muslims became furious and decided to revenge as we threaten them
and if we supported the Arabs Israel willbecome furious and will decide to revenge as we will be threatening it.
And if we supported both we'll be playin' both sides and both will revenge as we will be traitors and we will be doublin' terrorism
I think we should stay away from the middle east and then both sides will respect us and then we can try convincin' them with co-existance in one country.
we should do like Japan and the east asians.

2007-07-06 01:56:33 · 8 answers · asked by Joshua S 1

If the USA is hit with more terrorist attacks, the Dems win and Repubs lose.
If the poor get poorer, the Dems win; if the poor get richer, the GOP wins.
If the USA wins in Iraq, the Republicans win, if we lose, the Dems win.
If the tide of illegal aliens is turned back, the GOP wins. If amnesty happens, the Democrats win.
If government regulation and spiraling lawsuit spending continue forcing health care costs upward, Democrats win. If medical costs come down, Republicans win.
If childrens' test scores improve, Republicans win; if they decline, Dems win.
So, again, why would any reasonable thinker vote Democrat?
(Feel free to provide additional examples)

2007-07-06 01:56:32 · 11 answers · asked by Tommy B 6

"As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I am keenly aware that the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons is an issue of grave importance to all nations. Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi
December 16, 1998

2007-07-06 01:52:30 · 8 answers · asked by Abu#2 4

France is one of the largest nuclear powers in the world. Isn't the war today REALLY ABOUT THE SHAPE OF THE WORLD 20-50 YEARS FROM NOW?

2007-07-06 01:38:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or did he talk about the event straight from his heart?

What does it say about a leader/party that would have to get together a group of people in order to figure out a response to such an event?

2007-07-06 01:37:03 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Congress didn't cut funding for the Iraq occupation.
Congress hasn't started impeachment proceedings.
It seems like Congress has done little with their power to discipline Bush.
Is this the reason their approval ratings are as low as the President's ?

2007-07-06 01:31:53 · 23 answers · asked by ? 6

I assume that wasn't what Bill was hoping for.

But, every single fact is part of a legacy. Right?

2007-07-06 01:31:33 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I keep seeing posts from liberals who who say conservative radio and television lie about their ratings. If so few people are listening to these shows why do you need the so called "Fairness Doctrine"? Why are you so afraid of these shows that hardly anyone watches or listens to?

2007-07-06 01:29:08 · 15 answers · asked by osborne_pkg 5

If so, why did Clinton say "Oh God?" Was he responding to the tragedy or something else?

2007-07-06 01:21:53 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Immediately attaches that idea to bestiality and pedophilia?

This is definitely one of those areas that conservatives are deeply wrong on,why is it often posed as this slippery slope where if you legalize same-sex marriage all of the sudden it's "what if some wants to marry their dog?" or "should we then legalize pedophilia?" or nonsense like that. In fact I would say that many supposed Conservatives are absolutely deranged on this issue. So what is the real problem with legalizing Same Sex Marriage,why are you so threatened?

2007-07-06 01:15:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I thought Dems said they were going to make us leave Iraq. Did they lie to us?

2007-07-06 01:10:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is called Racial profiling and it is what the left does best. Gestapo tactics. You on the left why are you not outraged and in the drive by media why are you not correcting your spin. We on the right know why!

2007-07-06 00:32:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

US let them pray, read Qur'an and etc but in their interrogations try to weaken their religious commitment, thereby attempting to bring them farther from what is claimed to be pushing them to commit terrorist acts... and yet they give them no other rights whatsoever.

2007-07-06 00:28:07 · 11 answers · asked by inquisitive thinker 1

Michael Moore should thank God for the First Amendment. Oh wait, but if he did that he would offend himself. However since Michael Moore hates the US so much, should we just give him to France?

2007-07-06 00:26:09 · 34 answers · asked by Richard Cranium 3

The Muslims feel offended whenever it is referred 'Islamic terrorists'.But is it not true that such people indulge in terrorism in the name of Islam.
While there are terrorists in other religions too they are not religious groups and they do it for reasons other than religion.
So will you take steps to expel those terrorists tarnishing the image of Islam?

2007-07-06 00:17:54 · 19 answers · asked by balaGraju 5

why do i keep getting banned from here about my strong right views about about this country i was once proud of...is there no freedom of speech no-more which my family died to preserve

2007-07-06 00:02:40 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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