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Politics - 6 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

I'm refering to the middel east terrorist Dr. in england, & 3 other Dr's caught since then. Is this our new face of terror?

2007-07-06 07:51:56 · 6 answers · asked by Polilical conundrum... 6

Many people say it's only a small % of Muslims who become terrorists. The fact remains that Islam can be interpreted in such a way to sway some followers to murder innocent people in God's name.
To dismiss the fact is like saying cancer only kills a small % of people so there's no reason to eradicate the disease.
Islam is producing cold-blooded murderers of innocent people. How much longer will the world tolerate this? How much longer before the world starts to hold Islam accountable and demand it change its beliefs or be eradicated like a disease?

2007-07-06 07:51:48 · 5 answers · asked by Overt Operative 6

I believe Rudy will win in 2008 because he has most of New York backing him and New York has a great deal of Electoral College votes. He gained a tremendous amount of respect on 9/11. I personally could imagine Mitt Romney being his vice-president.

2007-07-06 07:50:03 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Wouldn't you feel a bit safer if the person who committed a crime against you was apprehended? Like bin ladin for instance as he plotted 9/11. He is the real threat not some civil war in iraq that is costing us billions.

2007-07-06 07:47:08 · 10 answers · asked by bbbbriggs04 3

If you look at Bush's approval rating in NYC it is very low. But if you look in the south it's a lot higher. You would think it would be higher in NYC because of 911 where people were directly affected. How come people thousands of miles away have such a dissenting view of the people the attack really affected. No one from the South lost anyone in the attack. How can they be so Pro Bush and Pro war when they didn't loose anyone close to them. The South doesn't have to worry about terror only big cities do.

2007-07-06 07:44:13 · 19 answers · asked by BrownMorristown 2


2007-07-06 07:40:35 · 9 answers · asked by mbush40 6

Why are the LIMP WRISTED pansy UN loving LIBS so SOFT on our ENEMIES?

Liberals underestimate what can be accomplished by courage and resolve because these are not qualities they possess. Liberalism is a can't cant. Every task is too difficult. Every danger is too great. This is why liberals don't oppose dictators until after they've been deposed by the likes of Reagan and Bush. While tyrants are still in power, liberal lips stay firmly glued to their backsides.

Want to Marry your Dog, Live Free of the Government & have your working neighbor's wealth redistributed to you? Kick the can of global terrorism down the street for someone else to fix? The Democrats are your party!

Want to bring down Communism, The Baath Party & The Taliban. The Republicans are your Party

2007-07-06 07:38:08 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Will the number of squares of TP be in direct correlation to the amount of tickets sold? In other words will each person recieve one square of tissue with each ticket they purchase.

Also will they be using the long tubes, or the small swirly florescent bulbs to light Giants Stadium.

Will there be any doobies fired up with the sun and a magnifying glass, or will they all be naturally fueled lighters.

When the audience holds up there lighters, will that be replaced with solar powered LED's?

When Al Gore announces that he is running for president, will he invite his son on stage to hit a bong together?

2007-07-06 07:32:25 · 7 answers · asked by mbush40 6

2007-07-06 07:32:01 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would a Northeast Liberal male (ie. Kerry, Kennedy)marry a black female? Or would that upset your lineage? (Walk the walk) Background, I am an Iowa Conservative (grew up in small town with probably a few blacks (count on my fingers) I have been married to a beatiful black woman for 13 years. (Lets dispel the myth about Red Staters and their so called back woodness)

2007-07-06 07:26:07 · 12 answers · asked by tkremark 2

how is the child's head removed?

2007-07-06 07:24:16 · 24 answers · asked by austinblnd 4

I can never claim to be a fan of modern-day Isreal "being an Egyptian". But when I see pics / read about the Holocaust I just can't stop thinking ; How can a human being with an atom of compassion & mercy in his heart commit these atrocities ?

I mean , it's one thing to be in a war , and absolutely another thing to systematically murder innocent civilians .

2007-07-06 07:17:13 · 23 answers · asked by Wondering 3

2007-07-06 07:16:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

will the price of petraoluim and oil decrease without bush? (cheaper)

2007-07-06 07:14:58 · 12 answers · asked by john_tarachand 2

Home Depot being an Atlanta based Company I would have thought RedsStaters would have been outraged by the $8.5 B sell off. to Saudi investors.

Jusr another slice of the pie

2007-07-06 07:07:21 · 5 answers · asked by ? 2

Mr. President, Happy Birthday and thank you for;

Preventing another TERROR attack on USA soil since 9/11.

Bringing Honor & Dignity back to the White House after the Impeachment of the last President.

Creating this SMOKING HOT economy. Today, The Bureau Of Labor Statistics Released New Jobs Figures – 132,000 Jobs Created In June. Since August 2003, more than 8.2 million jobs have been created, with more than 2 million jobs created over the twelve months ending in June. Our economy has now added jobs for 46 straight months, and the unemployment rate remains VERY VERY low at 4.5 percent.

Liberating Iraq & Afganistan

Putting pro life strick constructionalists Roberts & Alito on the bench

With the DEMOCRAT controlled congress polling at 21%, Americans are looking to our two term president to make the right calls.

America wishes you a happy birthday!

2007-07-06 07:05:53 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please tell me your political affiliation and why you disagree with people of the opposing party. I'm trying to understand the true divisions in this country. I'm going to try to answer each of these. I want real political differences not, "They support ______." I don't care who you support. I want the real reasons you disagree. Maybe if we expose these minor differences to the light of day, we'll realize we are all working for the same goal.

2007-07-06 06:52:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just did, and here is a link to make it easier for you.....


2007-07-06 06:51:20 · 9 answers · asked by Cherie 6

A recent Appeals court decision dismissing the ACLU(the only true defenders of our rights) lawsuit brought against the bushcheney illegal surveillance program was dismissed by a republican appointed majority due to "a lack of standing" shown by the plaintiffs...they were not harmed and thus had no standing. We are all harmed by unconstitutional laws and when the judiciary validates those laws....see "seperate but equal" rulings for a nasty history lesson in supreme court reactionism and their role in enforcing government status quo.
We now have a republican supreme court that is trying to turn back the clock on the New Deal to the 1800's!! When robber barons roamed the land pillaging as they went like swarms of locust over this country and now the bushcheney want to unleash those forces?

2007-07-06 06:49:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

im not a racist but i am worried!

2007-07-06 06:41:58 · 29 answers · asked by steve t 1

I don't understand my country anymore. Our government lies to us, over and over, they’re slowly stripping us of our civil liberties, spying on us, but nobody really seems willing to take any action on the subject. Bush told a lie that's killed thousands, and wounded thousands more, and that's fine. Clinton lied about oral sex and impeachment charges were filed. A good majority of the republicans running for president don't believe in evolution, a scientific fact that's been proven over, and over again. How can we call ourselves the land of the free, and home of the brave when our rights our constantly stripped, and nobodies brave enough to stand up for them?

2007-07-06 06:34:54 · 30 answers · asked by SABADO GIGANTE 3

Once arch enemies now Russians have the President serving them Lobster and giving them Boat Rides.

Has Osama addopted the famous divide and conquer method Nikita Khruschev bragged about. You might recall his famous Iowa speech when he sat on a John Deere tractor and cried We will Bury you. Or Nikita's UN speech pounding his shoe on the lectern.

Now I am wondering how many RedsStater Jihadist will join forces with AlQaeda to post divisive anti Western questions..

2007-07-06 06:34:04 · 5 answers · asked by ? 2

Today is W's birthday.
How are you going to celebrate?
Let's have some respect even if you don't like him. The man has a tough job, and Dick Cheney is a hard man to work for.

2007-07-06 06:32:31 · 16 answers · asked by ? 6

For me, it is removing Saddam, and getting every Iraq citizen a vote. What is it to you? Have we won? Will we win? Can we win?

2007-07-06 06:31:56 · 23 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6

I really think they would have been SCREAMING foul from day 1.

2007-07-06 06:29:19 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

If 25% of the people in a nation consider the other 75% traitors, who is really the traitor?

2007-07-06 06:26:46 · 11 answers · asked by beren 7

Just so I know who we would 'surrender to' if we left...

2007-07-06 06:26:05 · 13 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6

Last night I sat and watched more than one political show in which the main discussion was the Clinton pardons vs. the Bush commutation and the Clinton's comments on Bush's action. Talk about being between a rock and hard place. Sen. Clinton, especially, was not going to be able to avoid answering questions about Libby. What was she supposed to say? "Hey I think it was a fine decision" or "It was wrong of Bush to commute Libby's sentence." Either way she's nailed to the wall. Did anyone really expect her to throw her husband under the bus? A "no comment" would have been just as deadly for her.

Don't get me wrong, Clinton made some highly questionable decisions about pardons, and he was roundly criticized for it at the time. Now it's Bush's turn.

How do you think Sen. Clinton should have handled it, realistically? What are your thoughts on this?

2007-07-06 06:24:34 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

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