Am I the only one that finds it "convenient" that the foremost expert of the new age Y2K fear mongering on climate change is a Politician? The way these Koolaid drinking useful idiots blindly defend the claims by alarmist of Death, and Destruction at the cause of Larry from New Mexico's Ford Expedition as "awareness", but portraying a failed terrorist attack as, "A non-event" by BushCo, to keep Americans in fear?
It would be nice to hear some people on the left see through the Cabal of Global warming for what it is.. and not blindly defend it just because Al Gore says so. Is there any Sane thinking liberal that sees this and the Live Earth charade as just another ccheme by the real "Corporate Pigs",, not "Big Oil' as is conveniently potrayed, to make huge profits for "The Good of the Polar Bears"?
10 answers
asked by
Aldo G
Politics & Government
➔ Politics
im the one "obsessed" with Al Gore..and havnt done my research.. yet your basically quoting Al Gore saying there is a "Consensus" that arthopogenic Global Warming" exist... which is not science, its not facts, its pure political dogma, so dont talk to me about personal resposibility..... i garuntee you barely know anything about Global Warming....
14:53:23 ·
update #1
Why are you so obsessed with Al Gore?
Forget about Al Gore. Research the science behind global warming. Look at the evidence which is so overwhelming that scientists have come to a consensus that humans are the primary cause of global warming. Then do something about it.
Try some personal responsibility. Or is that just another empty conservative talking point?
*edit* FYI I've read scientific papers, articles, and books about global warming. I'm also an Environmental Scientist. I'm very well informed about the topic, unlike yourself.
Grow up and do some research on the issue, and stop embarassing yourself with stupid questions like this.
2007-07-10 11:56:58
answer #1
answered by Dana1981 7
Sure, ok, well let's not take any responsibility for anything then. Al Gore did not invent global warming, he just made a film about it.
Yes the energy of our planets in our solar system are changing, yes the sun has more energy, which is why (due to pollution) we haven't baked ourselves to death. The pollution has BLOCKED more of the suns rays from reaching Earth. Yeaahh us! We have our heads up our a$$ and still managed to do something right!
2007-07-10 11:31:15
answer #2
answered by twowords 6
Actually, he's a liberal arts major, who graduated from Harvard and worked as a reporter before becoming a politician.
Since leaving political office, he's continued to work with media and environmental groups. But Gore doesn't himself claim to be any sort of expert on meteorology.
He just quotes the experts -- thousands of scientist from around the world. Gore is just doing the media and reporting aspects of bringing attention to the issue, which is what any spokesman does.
And the only religious connections I've seen are those who deny any possibility of global climate change, like the minister who was suspended from his church for acknowledging that the subject may be worth further discussion and evaluation.
Science is not a church. Global climate change is not a religion. It's the current best estimate of thousands of scientist from all around the world, based on decades of research.
2007-07-10 10:21:20
answer #3
answered by coragryph 7
It is now a religion.
Is The CO2 Global Warming Theory Now A Religion?;_ylt=AkE8m1g41sa8.NiN6ejb.0EjzKIX?qid=20070605152527AA3NdyX
The Global Warming Hoax can no longer be blamed on man. All of the planets in the solar system have global warming, including Pluto which is no longer a planet.
And the IPCC has said there will not be massive flooding like what Al Gore's movie says. They say the ocean will rise by 2 feet at most.
And new data from brand new solar satellites show that the temperature of the sun is constantly changing. Also, the strongest solar flares on record have been happening during the past decade.
NASA says the sun caused the earth to leave the great ice age in less than 20 years. 20 years is like a second. And there is nothing humans can do to change how the sun changes the temperature of the earth.
The man-made global warming theory has not been proven true. The IPCC only reached a "CONSENSUS" and that proves nothing. There is a lead IPCC author that disagrees with the theory. Video:
Because of a recently launced satellite, we now know the sun's temperature is changing constantly.
"The sun is heading into a new season of turbulent solar activity. Just like its seasonal hurricane predictions, on April 25, 2007, the National Oceanic and"
NASA: "Rapid changes between ice ages and warm periods (called interglacials) are recorded in the Greenland ice sheet. Occurring over ONE OR TWO DECADES, the warming of the Earth at the end of the last ice age happened much faster than the rate of change of the Earth’s orbit."
NASA link:
NASA data has proved that the "Little Ice Age" was caused by less light reaching the earth ("solar variability", which means changes in the sun). NASA's data about the little ice age: (This data can be copied and pasted it into Excel to chart it.)
Other facts:
1) 6,000 years ago, the earth was hotter than it is today. 6,000 years is less than a second when compared with the age of the earth.
2) Temperatures dropped in the 1950's and 1990's when CO2 levels were increasing.
3) 140,000 years ago the earth had record CO2 levels and there were no gasoline powered cars.
4) 20,000 years ago, Canada was one big ice cube and half of the U.S. was covered with Ice. The grand canyon was formed by melting ice ages over 20 million years.
5) The temperature of the Earth has only increased by 0.65 of a degree in the last 110 years. There were faster increases in temperatures around 10,000 years ago and there were no gasoline powered cars during that time.
6) Strong hurricanes are normal. Hundreds of years ago, they used to sink ships off of the coast of Florida.
2007-07-10 10:24:08
answer #4
answered by a bush family member 7
appropriate Ten regulations mandatory to be sure a international Apocalypse Following are the main pressing coverage prescriptions mandatory to maximise the prospect of a collapsed worldwide environment. they are indexed so as of value. To have any possibility of hastening the top we actually might desire to get at it. No. a million - inhabitants - Human inhabitants isn't appropriate to our modern-day situation. we are able to make as a lot of people as we want and there will be no effect. Human ingenuity can resolve any available problem. as quickly as we run out of room right here we are able to colonize the Moon, then Mars, then the full Universe! No. 2 - GREENHOUSE GASES – worldwide Warming is the basically right hoax ever perpetrated. The Environmentalist / Socialist / Secular Humanist Axis of Evil might desire to be destroyed in any respect value. No. 3 - preserve ECOSYSTEMS? –Nature will regenerate itself ad infinitum no count number what we do. a great form of the stuff we do is greater perfect than nature besides. No. 4 - intake – we've a God given financial appropriate to consume what we'd like. era. I labored problematical for my funds and that i’ll spend it as I please. No. 5 - AGRICULTURE - God gave us dominion over the earth. that's ours to apply as we see in wonderful condition. we are able to tinker with the genes of our foodstuff, and heck with each and every thing else for that count number. whilst all it quite is left is eco-friendly slime, see you later because it is nutritious and tastes sturdy, who cares! No. 6 - ECONOMIES - Markets are the purest sort of organic regulation. enable the cream upward thrust to the appropriate and enable the rest consume cake. No. 7 - technologies - technologies is the Holy Grail. by utilising God, what guy might ever decide for to stick his hand down into the grimy Earth, the stinky slimy Sea. the top state of humanity might desire to be to stay in a hermetically sealed bubble with all his needs and desires artificially provided. No. 8 - ECOLOGICAL restore? – We already supply up too plenty to the crazed hippy environmentalists. we've a God Given appropriate to take the final 2% of international that hasn't been spoiled and make some greater funds off it. whilst Antarctica unfreezes, i decide for first dibs there too. No. 9 - POVERTY- poor persons are lazy and deserve their lot. No. 10 – DEMILITARIZATION? - If i'm able to’t defraud you out of what you have, I’ll make rules that make cheating you out of it criminal. And whilst that fails I’ll basically kill you and take it.
2016-09-29 11:30:21
answer #5
answered by piekarski 4
The environmental movement is largely led by neo-Marxists who are more interested in fighting corporations, capitalism, and technological progress more than anything else, which is why they don't embrace alternative fuel sources unless they go hand-in-hand with limiting consumption. It's a philosophy, a religion, a worldview that's premised on the guise of science. In actuality, it's junk science.
2007-07-10 10:25:16
answer #6
answered by TheOrange Evil 7
The Democrats have become the Nazis reborn.
All Jews should be speaking out against them just as every true Muslim should condemn the radicalization of Islam.
2007-07-10 10:18:55
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
What is it with these Democrats and libs about (Global Warming)......Listen you half brain twits, "No Such Thing as Global Warming, Al Whore invented this with the internet!"....
2007-07-10 10:21:20
answer #8
answered by ? 1
Yeah, right arm.
2007-07-10 10:18:53
answer #9
answered by Ben 5
right-on, brother. you and I reading from the same 'bible'
2007-07-10 10:21:22
answer #10
answered by larry s 2