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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Ajax (first paragraph)

"Operation Ajax (1953) was a covert operation by the UK and US to remove the nationalist cabinet from power...in order to preserve the Western control of Iran's oil infrastructure.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright... made an apology to the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2000 for the United States' role in the overthrow"

2007-07-10 10:22:49 · 28 answers · asked by Y 2 in Politics & Government Politics

(Wording slightly changed since above quote)

2007-07-10 10:23:36 · update #1

28 answers


2007-07-10 10:26:06 · answer #1 · answered by i_m_the_1_u_luv 3 · 3 7

Well first, please begin by mentioning the whole statment, not just the part that you like. It goes on to say:

...and to prevent the rising influence of communists in the Iranian government.

Guess you would have needed to be there. I don't know that we can adequatly put ourselves in the mindset of the height of the cold war. But I am certain, the Western world had reason to worry.

But, to answer your question, in a word, no.

But to say this is to claim that Iran doesn't play a role in the ongoing diplomatic tensions between the two countries.

The fact is this country, Iran has been a disputed Arab state for many years. It has been under many rulers and they have internal problems related to radical Islamo-fascism. Even the different sects of Iran's people can't get along.

As far as Madeline Albright's comment about the US involvement in 2000 over something that happened nearly 50 years earlier is strange if you asked me. It sound like kissing up. Why mention it? Isn't water under the bridge? What
happend to the Ajax campaign? Did it work out? Who was the president then? Was he as dumb as Bush? Were there reasonable geo-political reasons to secure an oil supply on more accurately keep it from the Soviets?

I think the answer would be yes.

I would also add, that I don't think Iran hates us for this or any other action. They hate us because we are free. They hate us because the US is the mightiest power on this planet. They hate us because we protect Israel. They hate us as they hate all of the non-Musslim world because we are not Musslim.

They are not helping their cause.

The actions that their current leader is taking is going to lead to trouble down the road.

The fact is that that part of the world has had major stability problems for 1000s of years; way before the US and 1953.

We can only hope that one day, the cloud of their thinking is lifted and reason transpires. As soon as they accept Democratic rule, get religion out of the legislative process and stop killing each other for religous fanatical ideals, the better, for everyone.

2007-07-10 10:36:45 · answer #2 · answered by SolarFanatic 4 · 1 1

Not all Iranians hate the US or any other country, in fact I think Iranians are more pro-US or pro-Israel than any other nation in middle east.

All this anti american or anti israel sentiments is fueled by the regime and some ignorant people follow that "death to america" chanting, but they're very few. The regime's propaganda makes it seem much bigger.

However that's true US or UK foreign policies have been appalling at some points and that is well understood by many iranians and it makes it hard to trust them and every iranian distastes some of the actions done by these countries.

That's why when they announced wanting to bring peace and democracy to Iraq most middle-easterners knew that was not the case.
But I think US is more trustworthy than UK. And yes many americans don't know much about history, even of their own country let alone middle east history . And average Iranian knows more about US than average american knows about Iran.

But all in all I'd like to assure you while there might be some misunderstandings some ignorances or conflicts; the majority of Iranians are in favor of rebuilding ties with USA and Israel and that they love many things about USA.

2007-07-11 19:38:26 · answer #3 · answered by Arya 5 · 0 0

That is not the only reason. Islam teaches that idol worship is one of the worst things a person can do. Capitalism is based on the principal that every person is both selfish and rational, and will try to acquire more stuff if given the opportunity. Materialism is systematic idol worship, and is widely acceptable in the West. The people of Iran know this, and according to their religious convictions hate this form of idol worship. That is the number one reason for conflict between the entire Middle East and the United States; a clash of values. jmo

Also, the US has historically been very supportive of the Jewish state of Isreal.

2007-07-10 10:33:30 · answer #4 · answered by hutched 2 · 4 0

I've never seen so many ignorant statements in all my life.

-We know all about our support of Iraq during the Iran/Iraq War.

-We know all about our attempts at overthrowing the Shaw. Iran would have been far better off had we succeeded.

Oh yeah - Most Iranians don't hate America and in fact many are very pro-American. Most I would say. It is the ruling regime in Iran that America wants to destroy and YES...many Iranians would support it. And if the Mullahs don't stop their atom bomb program - they are going to be removed, one way or the other.

As for 90% of your respondents - I would have to assume that they are all about 12 or 15 years old. Come back and talk to me when you have a college degree! Morons.

2007-07-10 12:33:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I think some people don't know the history.

I think some don't care.

I think some know but feel it is past and should not determine the future as it was 50 years ago!

I think some don't believe it.

This is the group that I fall into....I think some know but really feel that even given that information what can we do about it? The government pretty much is unaccountable to the citizens and even if you replace them the new people either already are corrupt or become corrupt anyway!!
It seems our nation and it's private citizens have had our powers stripped of us by Corporations! The largest Corporation of course being the Oil companies!

2007-07-10 10:36:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Yes, in general, they are. The news is too difficult to follow, so most people ignore it.

The U.S. government isn't exactly transparent either. Most Americans have no clue as to what sort of military deployments have happened over the past century. Also, the public generally isn't informed when American weapons are given or sold to various people around the world.

Politicians don't complain about people like Paris Hilton or the other garbage that passes as entertainment, because it keeps the public quiet and dull.

2007-07-10 10:34:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

No Americans are not ignorant at all about Iran
Since when are you a specialist about American thinking??? Have you ever been to USA?? You seem pretty ignorant yourself and anyone that agrees with you!

2007-07-10 19:18:34 · answer #8 · answered by screwtape 2 · 0 0

You use an Arab financed wickedpedia to get your point across?


That's like using the Satanic Bible to make a point about Muslims...oh wait, you can do that. Bad example. OK then a Koran to show the greatness of the Jewish people.

2007-07-10 11:48:45 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

history bah, go with the rhetoric. They hate freedom. Anyone that buys into the Iran is dangerous thing is just as nuts as they were when the same assertion was made about Iraq. We have done a great thing with that one. We will leave it as a destabilized mess. With Turkey considering a nice genocide/ possible land grab.

2007-07-10 10:34:36 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

That's why I buy Shell Gas in Northern California... Non of the oil comes from the middle east. As far as Americans being Ignorant,,, We are smart enough not to turn some places in the world into large glass sheets even though we have the power. Your all just pissed that we have the power and you don't... Neener neener neener.... LOL

2007-07-10 10:29:35 · answer #11 · answered by Jon X 2 · 4 4

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