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Politics - 20 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics


^^ Look at that garbage I got in my responses.

It's funny that I'm being accused of racism because I'm anti abortion. Check out this link: http://abortionismurder.org/HTML/I-F-1-minority.html

Abortion kills more african americans in a few days then lynchings in the 1800's and early 1900's.

2007-06-20 04:09:06 · 23 answers · asked by New Jersey Steve 5

2007-06-20 04:08:10 · 20 answers · asked by Grace 1

I think they've overdosed on Rush Limbaugh.

They have a totally inaccurate, strawman notion of Liberals that they proceed to knock over. Since it's not connected to reality, they end up accomplishing nothing.

To them, a Liberal is someone:

-- Who hates America and wants to destroy it.
-- Who identifies with Islamic radicals and wants to surrender to them.
-- Who is lazy and doesn't want to work-- just collect highly-lucrative welfare.
-- Who is "dirty"-- there's a Kindergarten insult!
-- Who is a secret Commie.
-- Who takes a lot of illegal drugs (Like Rush Limbaugh?)

Liberals-- does the preceding describe you or anyone you know? Of course not.

It's sad that some people have chosen not to deal with reality, but instead create a fantasy that makes them upset. I think they're only happy when they're miserable.

Well, right-wing crybabies, I won't make it easy for you. I'm not who you think I am. But I do oppose all of your twisted notions.

You are not fit to be American.

2007-06-20 04:06:07 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Before Bush was born, America existed. When Bush dies, America will still be here.

Why do you insist on bashing the country when your real hatred should be directed towards Bush and Bush alone.

2007-06-20 04:02:17 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hear the same olds all blacks are democrats, all NDn people are democrats and liberals, etc. it simply isn't true so why do some insist it is on this forum? Race has nothing to do with political affiliation unless the Klan is a polticial party

2007-06-20 04:00:21 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-20 03:57:42 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-06-20 03:54:51 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

...do we have any world leader today who can actually match the persona of the likes of abrahim lincoln or winston churchill or mahatma gandhi...??

2007-06-20 03:53:58 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

As an American, I live in a country in which the death penalty is used in many of its states. However, I have reservations about the death penalty, mainly because innocent people have been wrongly executed and imprisoned, and I don't think that we should run the risk of executing innocent people. That being said, though, I also think that there are some people out there who are absolutely worthless and should be done away with. In Britain, Rose West, Dennis Nilsen, and Ian Brady are some good examples. When you consider that tiny, evil element of British society, do you ever wish that you had the death penalty back?

2007-06-20 03:49:20 · 33 answers · asked by tangerine 7


2007-06-20 03:47:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

now iraq is a mess and over 3000 lives would have been saved.

2007-06-20 03:46:22 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

If yes, does it not scare you???

It scares me.

2007-06-20 03:43:54 · 29 answers · asked by Page 4

I'm usually a very liberal democrat on this site (you can see my Q's & A's) But I've been becoming more conservative every day lately, and I have to be honest, I cannot see myself voting for Obama and Hillary because I'm kind of scared of having a democrat in charge of the country. I also have a problem with my tax dollars going to welfare programs that I've seen first hand not work very well. The issue of abortion also bothers me as I've been becoming religious, life's painful and meaningless as an atheist. I've been considering changing parties and joining the republican party. Should I do so right now?

2007-06-20 03:41:38 · 44 answers · asked by New Jersey Steve 5

Most talk about Iraq centers around the Bush administration, which, has performed dismally as commander in chief. But, just as true, is that Congress gave Bush the power to strike Iraq, a congress that is using the Iraq debacle for political gain.

Back in 2002, prior to the vote in the Senate giving the authority to the Bush administration to invade Iraq, a CIA report was made available on Iraq'a wmd capabilities, and, ties to terror organizations that had complicity in 9/11. The report was top secret, so, as a safeguard, only the Senators themselves could read the 100 page report, no staff could review the document. ONLY SIX SENATORS BOTHERED TO READ THE REORT. The report had serious reservations about clearly assigning Iraq wmd capabilities, and, seriously questioned any ties to Al Qaeda, which, have borne out to be true.

Fact is, our representatives dismally failed America in an hour of troubling need!

2007-06-20 03:40:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think so. So, why is it that some people don't want us to be on the offense when it comes to terrorists?

2007-06-20 03:35:25 · 11 answers · asked by Frank 2

Bad news: A Dutch think tank says that, due to a flurry of construction of coal-fired power plants, China has passed the US by and is now the world's #1 polluter.

We can't take this lying down, Patriotic Americans! What can WE do to increase the amount we pollute?

Off the top of my head, I'd say we could subsidize the Oil Industry. Oops! Already do that! Or maybe we could give tax breaks to purchasers of big gas-guzzling SUV's. Oops! Already do that. Oh well, excuse me while I go burn plastic in my backyard burn barrel...

2007-06-20 03:33:34 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Wal Mart is relentless in it's persuit of efficiency. It causes other companies (affiliates and competitors alike) to improve their efficiency, or perish.

The tremendous pressure Wal Mart brings to bear on the distribution chain has resulted in revolutionary changes in the way business is done, resulting is a huge reduction of waste and redundancy.

Imagine if the US government was run in the same manner...we could save trillions of dollars! Civil Service employees could be stripped of collective bargaining rights, and unions abolished. It would be great. The saving would be phenomenal.

2007-06-20 03:33:15 · 12 answers · asked by Frank 2

Does Fox want to Spread FEAR....???? and scare Americans??

2007-06-20 03:26:26 · 20 answers · asked by Page 4

So why do we have the medical industry do it . Imagine going to the police department and filling out page after page of of your crime history and providing you insurance information when your home is robbed or your car stolen before the police will try to arrest the guilty party .
Imagine your fire department showing up but first needing you to show proof of insurance before going to work .
So why do we do this with health care . Why must we have Insurance companies who take billions and billions in profits from your premiums and distribute them among investors and the 30 million Insurance workers in America .
Because they have a lobby and have thousands of laws on the books now entrenching them in the american business sector .
Why ! Why have them at all .
Automatic tax returns filed and checks issued .
Automatic health care billing and checks sent to doctors .
Dump the 100 billion $$$$ middle man raising the cost of health care and complicating doctors office billings .

2007-06-20 03:22:53 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

He says he won't be running for President, but if he did, what kind of chance would he have of winning it?

2007-06-20 03:21:11 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-20 03:19:46 · 7 answers · asked by Jack 5

in office?

And if you have a question about Democrats and their excuses, use your own five points for it. I'm serious. How long before Republicans stop obsessing about Bill Clinton, who hasn't been President for well over six years?

2007-06-20 03:18:16 · 28 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6

Our military is understaffed and their tours of duty are getting longer. The President and the GOP presidential candidates support a troop surge. Clearly, the US military needs more soldiers on the ground. Those who don't want to join the infantry can serve as mechanics, medical staff, cooks, truck drivers, etc.

If the Iraq war supporters are so passionate about it, why don't they go down to their local recruiting office and enlist to serve their country?

2007-06-20 03:13:33 · 17 answers · asked by feline11105 2

sorry...I'm Canadian....and the rest of us industrialized/developed countries don't get why universal healthcare is such a big issue.
If you're so patriotic, why would you let another citizen die because he can't afford to go to the hospital?

2007-06-20 03:02:52 · 28 answers · asked by Happier in China 2

You can't have it both ways republicans, either the people of Iraq are terrorists and we are there to kill them (one justification for the Iraq war) or they are poor oppressed people yearning to be free (another convinient excuse). Which is it?

In reality, Bush has waged war in Iraq for control of their oil, nothing more, nothing less. If you want to LIE to yourselves about it go right ahead. The rest of us will be living here in reality.

2007-06-20 03:01:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

George Bush doesn't.
He added 3 more months onto a tour of duty.
He wanted to reduce soldiers pay and aide to their families.
His idea of supporting the troups is to grapple for more money to keep them over there instead of getting them out of there.
He puts more value on a barrel of oil than a human life.
He listens more to his military than the American people and congress.

2007-06-20 02:59:48 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-06-20 02:59:18 · 5 answers · asked by Steve C 7

As an American participant on Yahoo Answers, I am constantly amazed at the small number of Brits who participate in this Politics group, ask question after question about really stupid things, and then get their account deleted.

Do Brits know how to use the internet?

2007-06-20 02:51:39 · 14 answers · asked by Toby Keith 2

fedest.com, questions and answers