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Politics - 20 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

And is this the reason liberal radio failed?
(You know, aside from not having anything interesting to say, no audience to listen, and no sponsors to fund it?)

2007-06-20 02:45:43 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

as am englishman whos reccenttly bin bak from Americur, i feel i must ask this.Them Americons dont ever seem to learn much proper and nbevr goes to skools like wot we does in this cuntry.I nerver once sore one ot them reading a books.

2007-06-20 02:40:36 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Apparently there are radical Islamic groups all over the world some are taking control while others are still wishing to take control. Will you be OK with it when you are told to convert or die?

2007-06-20 02:35:25 · 10 answers · asked by Enigma 6

2007-06-20 02:21:06 · 32 answers · asked by TRUE PATRIOT 6

In 1776, Americans fought a war of independence. It was a struggle to be free of the bonds of government. They wanted to make their own rules and not have rules forced upon them by an oppressive government. They formed a government of their own. A government designed not to interfere with their personal liberty nor their freedom of choice.
Is this independent spirit waning in America? Are Americans becoming too dependent on their government?
A national healthcare system will be one more way for the government to control your life. Are you willing to give up more independence?

2007-06-20 02:21:05 · 8 answers · asked by .... . .-.. .-.. --- 4

One being not so evil, ten being worse than Stalin.

Personally I rate them at a 7, which is below Saddam and Hitler, but not by much.

2007-06-20 02:17:57 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Conspiracy theory run amuck. Wouldn't a simpler explanation be that those who wish to dismiss ideas that challange and inform the public tell their followers books and newspapers and magazines are a liberal plot against America. That way, you have someone tell you it is ok, even patriotic and righteous, to be uninformed. Should Limbaugh and Hannity combine forces and have book burning meetings across the country! Limbaugh, Hannity, UNITE!!!

2007-06-20 02:17:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Tomorrow, with a single stroke of his cruel veto pen, President Bush will dash the hopes of millions of Americans seeking cures through the miracle of stem cell research.

By vetoing a bill that expands stem cell research, the President will say "No" to the more than 70 percent of Americans who support it, "No" to our Democratic Congress' fight for progress, and "No" to saving lives and to potential cures for diseases such as diabetes and Parkinson's. He will say "No" to hope.

Unfortunately, this is an all-too-familiar pattern in Washington these days. Once again, Democrats are offering the American people hope and progress, while a stubborn President responds with roadblocks.

2007-06-20 02:15:04 · 3 answers · asked by courage 6

He was talking about funding stem cell research.

But isn't he spending $200 million/yr of our tax dollars to destroy human life in Iraq? Doesn't that count?

2007-06-20 02:08:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know wolves but it would not fit...........

2007-06-20 01:55:12 · 18 answers · asked by ThorGirl 4

...give up the Liberal things such as.....clean air and water standards, worker safety protections, the 40 hour work week, the social security program, the civil rights movement, the equal rights movement, the free speech movement, discrimination protections, the school lunch program, birth control, rural electrification, organized labor, child labor laws, minimum wage, employee health care benefits, public assistance, Americans with Disabilities Act, fair housing legislation, the Freedom of Information Act, the Voting Rights Act, food and drug safety regulations, federally subsidized student loans, collective barganing....and everything else we have done to put power back in the hands of the individual and out of the hands of the ruling and corporate elite?

Would you be willing to? All or nothing, get rid of the Liberals and you have to give up what the Liberals worked for that benefit you also. Would you be willing?

2007-06-20 01:54:39 · 17 answers · asked by citizenjanecitizenjane2 4

I found a few hundred nukes and a program built by spies working against America.

I hope America is credible about removing WMDs from the Middle East and confronting spies working against the United States.

Map of where the WMDs / Nukes can be found:


2007-06-20 01:51:25 · 2 answers · asked by Deport all illegals NOW!!! 1

So why does Alpo Bet Soup think Beer is republican?

2007-06-20 01:50:16 · 4 answers · asked by ThorGirl 4

I only ask this question because for some reason I have this masochistic tendency to be abused and I am sure this question will bring all the ignorance out of the walls of the 50 states.

2007-06-20 01:41:50 · 6 answers · asked by bruce b 3


Guys you want to go golfing soon?

2007-06-20 01:16:04 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

This tool has as much chance of getting elected as Denis Kucinich does...zero, zip, nada, no way


2007-06-20 01:06:52 · 14 answers · asked by dr_methanegasman 3

I hate George Bush as president, I think he is incompetant and a moron. I can't wait until he leaves office. I've always considered myself a loyal American, do you think it's OK to say you hate the President of the United States.

2007-06-20 01:02:17 · 18 answers · asked by paul g 2

is this a Hamas Hiemlick Manuever

2007-06-20 00:53:02 · 5 answers · asked by ThorGirl 4

I do. It's a sensible way for a death to benefit the living. Just like stem cell research. The dead (frozen embryos NOT to be implanted for various reasons) can be used to the benefit of the living. Just makes good sense doesn't it?

2007-06-20 00:49:43 · 11 answers · asked by Dastardly 6

No, I bet it was they had no idea what New Corp was.


2007-06-20 00:35:06 · 6 answers · asked by Dina W 6

Did they forget 9/11 already? Do they think our troops losses have been too catestrophic?

What are these people going to do when we get hit with terrorist attack again? Change their tune and demand military action, only to get bored by it a few months later?

Too many morons with short attention spans are ruining this proud nation. The WW2 generation fought a much broader war for many wears with hundreds of thousands of US losses, and didn't complain one bit.

The current electorate is about as spineless as a bunch of jellyfish. Keep watching reality t.v., American Idol and listening to the hate-Bush propaganda. But he's the only Western leader killing terrorists on a daily basis. And the NEXT time we get hit, it might be next month or 5 years from now...you will be wishing we had Bush back.

2007-06-20 00:31:22 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Not anything related to opinion, but a verifiable fact - or rather, a falsehood advanced as fact.

I have several candidates. I'm wondering what others' experiences are.


2007-06-20 00:30:45 · 27 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7

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