The only people who are entitled to be "war weary" our the troops serving in harms way and their families...for the rest of the American fatazzes sitting on their couches..they need to keep their mouthes shut and let the troops finish the job so they can come home.
PS: To our liberal YA posters...when the troops do come home please refrain from trying to spit on them like you did to their fathers when they returned from Nam.
2007-06-20 00:59:54
answer #1
answered by dr_methanegasman 3
I put the blame squarely on two sources: the media and the Liberal instant gratification mentality.
Back in WWII, the media was much more responsible than today. They would never have even considered printing a story that undermined the war effort. Now you have entities like the NYC times, who have been repeatedly asked not to reveal information (such as our tracking of suspicious international banking transactions) that undermines our efforts to combat terrorism.
Besides relying on Michael Moore movies, brainwashing blogs like, or MTV sound bites, Liberals in particular (though there's a lot of blame to spread around here, Conservatives and Independents!) are letting the media do their thinking for them.
We can all be grateful the current crown wasn't around during our other military conflicts. I do not mean to trivialize any death in war, but consider the cold, hard facts: In the American Civil War, there were 557,000 deaths, a staggering number considering how small the population was back then.
407,000 were killed in WWII.
33,000 in Korea.
58,000 in Vietnam
........ and hundreds of thousands wounded in these conflicts
Did you know that 6,821 Americans were killed just at Iwo Jima, and more than 20,000 were injured? In the Iraq conflict, we have a very low number of injuries as well as deaths compared to any other conflict.
If modern day Liberals had been around in WWII, they'd be screaming every day, because in that bloody conflict the deaths were in the tens of thousands many months!
Today one Yahoo! questioner bemoaned the death of 14 casualties in Iraq, as if it were proof we aren't winning. Once again, I'm not making light of the loss of life, but the only point these people are making is how FEW casualties we are sustaining in this conflict compared to any other.
These brave people who have given their lives have helped to plant the seeds of democracy in a region that has always been volatile. Perhaps democracy is the civilizing force these people need in order to learn to live in peace with one another. To date, no two democracies have ever gone to war against one another. Think about it.
2007-06-21 09:40:00
answer #2
answered by 7
Ruth has admitted to being Shrink and most of us know by now that RLP is also Aunt Acid and who knows how many other accounts they have. Ruth likes to say "Libs can't take a joke" yet when images and words from there 360 are put up for all to appreciate in good fun, then it's not so funny - I guess conservatives can't take a joke either. I have news for you all: calling liberals traitors for voicing opposition to a war is shameful and personal and you deserve whatever you get from us in response.
"If we DO NOT JUDGE - we lose the ability to decide what is good and what is evil..." is a direct word-for-word quote from RLP's blog. Ruth told Sister Aimee she didn't agree with that view but I bet she never told RLP that.
One of Sister Aimee's questions was "Do liberals just need a GOOD OLD FASHIONED SPANKING?" Yahoo called it a violation but said nothing when RLP asked the EXACT SAME QUESTION 4 months ago and no one complained. All you cons are PROVEN HYPOCRITES! ROTFLMAO!!
2007-06-21 09:33:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Rant, Rant bloody rant,
Why arnt you over there then douchebage if it is that important to you?
Perhaps Americans are sick of there tax payers dollars being spent on war after war when there neihbours enjoy free medical services, free education for their kids and a fair and equitable welfare service?
What do Americans get for thier tax dollars? How do Americans benefit from the way thier taxes are spent?
War after War after War..and for what purpose Freedom, Justice ....the American way? terrorist could touch you 7 ways to Sunday and you will still go WTF!
The morons are those wanting to carry on the folly of an unwinnable and expensive war .
If Bush is your saviour consider this, His Saudi mates, Rumsfeld and his Daddy's businesses are all profeteering from this war, at the expense of those fighting it.
Rumsfeld , Bush SNR and Chaney all hold posts on the board of Chevron, the utility that supplies the US military with oil.
Bush is friends with the Saudi Royal Family who still hold close personal and business ties with the Bush family.
The Bushes got the FBI to cover up the flight of the Bin Laden family from the US after 9/11.
The Saudis perpetuate the war at US expense and profit greatly.
As long as Bush is willing to pay the Saudis will take.
Think about it...... The Americans have the best technology in the world, they have offered a billion dollar reward for Bin Laden...and he still cannot be found????
Bush is the Sauds butt boy .. their little chocolate starfish....and you wonder why they are tired!
Bullllshit can only be swallowed so much before someone says ..hey this tastes like shiit.
Perhaps your trailer park needs to switch off Jerry for a while and tune into World News, not the sanctioned, disinfected, wishy washy news American Journos turn out. Real world news!!
2007-06-20 00:57:23
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
People forget all too quickly my friend. The American people take their freedoms for granted. The vast majority have never served in the military and don't know the first thing about serving in the military. As far as the politicians go, they are spineless cowards because that is what is popular with the people now. If the people screamed for war, we would be balls to the wall right now. I am currently serving in the Army, and I am the first to feal the loss of a comrade, but I also recognize that our losses have been extremely small for the type of war we are fighting and how long we have been fighting it. History repeats itself. Prior to world war two, the American people had a huge isolationist attitude and didn't want to get involved in the war, hated any war. But when we were attacked, they realised you can't just sit back and watch the world around you crumble. You have to defend freedom, because someone will always hate you for having it. Soon enough, people will see the error in their thinking.
2007-06-20 00:40:56
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The war had nothing to do with 9-11, other than 9-11 providing the pretext for the oil grab.
Democracies become war weary when they realize that their children are dying in a war for no reason other than the enrichment of the Daddies Warbucks and their running dogs.
Comparing the Second World War to this clusterglump is simply and patently ridiculous.
The weirdest part is that by defenestrating the Iraqi government, the USA created the environment that al Qaeda wished for but could not create on its own: the ultimate training ground for terrorists.
The next time we get hit, we'll understand, I hope, who's really responsible: the Republican Party which stopped Clinton from crushing al Qaeda when we could have done so (the accusation was that Somalia was a Wag the Dog evolution) and which rushed into Iraq on the pretext of "regime change" without the slightest understanding of what was going on.
Though I do agree that the nation has been ruined by a moron with his hands on the wheel.
2007-06-20 00:41:27
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I am glad I am on dead Marxist's contact list as I have thought of this question or scenario!! we have got short memories..some of us anyway!! especially liberals when it comes to world politics and the way thinking people view the world situation!!! Liberals in politics and their followers are very short sighted with short memories and their quest for power overrides clear thinking!! If they can push their social agenda through, we will die as a bastion of freedom for the world !! In the days of the second world war we were a cohesive nation with one goal and that was to form a "more perfect union",to quote a quite famous phrase..a lot of us have strayed away from this philosophy with illogical thinking,with the help of a biased,socialistic,agenda driven with the dimwitted idea that a secular progressive society is a force way more important than our founding fathers ideals, for a free and thriving society Let's never forget what we stand for and that is not a weak kneed policy of "oh well,it is really not that bad"!!
2007-06-20 03:43:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Personally I think we are about to get hit again,and unfortunately if we are it will play right into the hands of Liberals. They have after all been harping on for years about Bush making us less safe,and it's working in many American minds very well. The reality is that it's almost impossible to actually stop a determined terrorist,unless you stop it at the source,no funding,no weapons availability,no terrorist. Stop the governments that fund and supply terrorists and you can stop most terrorism,anything short of that is just a band-aid that gives you a short term reprieve.
2007-06-20 00:47:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
As a New Yorker, I am acutely aware that the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. It’s understandable that we’ve become “war weary” about a major diversion from the effort to combat terrorism. The Iraq invasion has aided terrorist recruitment and has worsened our security situation. Iraq now serves as a training ground for terrorists.
Resources and effort have been diverted to Iraq, a country that posed no threat to us, and the reasons for the invasion are, and always have been, highly suspicious. I’m not just war weary; I’m angry.
2007-06-20 00:46:38
answer #9
answered by quest for truth gal 6
THANK YOU! i have been dying to ask a question like this but couldnt say it any better than u just have. i agree with you 1000% people are retarded, someone comes up with a stupid idea and/or opinion advertises that and only that and their goes all the drones jumping on the bandwagon since they cant think for themselves they need someone to tell them how. its sad very sad, were doomed, by the country who follows media rather than their commander and cheif, who cares more about putting paris in jail rather than terrorist. and the funny thing is if you ask any of these people why they hate bush and such they cant give u a solid answer, ive hear many times "the war" these people have no idea what their talking about no facts just media swayed opinions. very sad...... one nation controlled by the media :(
2007-06-20 00:52:39
answer #10
answered by Diana D 3