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Other - Politics & Government - July 2007

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Hong Kong is a backwater no place. It has no natural resources to speak of. It than has essentially unfettered capitalism hoisted upon it, after which in an astonshingly short period of time it goes on to become a beacon of international trade and success.

Zimbabwe is a shining star of Africa. It is known as the breadbasket of Africa, as highly skilled white farmers ply their trade on private farms. Robert Mugabe confiscates their farmland, kicks them off, and gives the land to "peasants" who have no clue on how to farm the land. In an astonshingly short period of time Zimbabwe goes from being an exporter of food to being an importer of food just to keep its starving people alive. Mugabe's centrally planned, top down economy is a mess and the forecast is for nothing but more suffering under his brutal, socialist rule.

OK. Are you STILL going to say socialism is nifty but the wrong people are always in charge?

2007-07-12 09:10:25 · 13 answers · asked by RP McMurphy 4

I say no, how about you?

2007-07-12 08:56:27 · 12 answers · asked by RP McMurphy 4

I'm worried that work with the DNC will hurt my chances with the heavily republican-populated business world. Would the internship be a plus for my resume or a negative?

2007-07-12 08:47:59 · 7 answers · asked by Alex S 1

2007-07-12 08:43:02 · 3 answers · asked by audreyduh 1

The ones that did probably latched on to the discredited Keynesian model as the most wonderful thing.

2007-07-12 08:38:52 · 4 answers · asked by RP McMurphy 4

2007-07-12 07:51:45 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

-Bush handing the White House & most of Congress to the Dems on a silver platter because of his Iraq war. OR

-Pulling US troops out of Iraq ASAP?

2007-07-12 07:35:49 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need proof of all incoming calls from one particular phone number. I was told to subpoena my phone records but how do I do this? I am in Florida. Thanks!

2007-07-12 07:27:43 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

And I mean every detail.

2007-07-12 07:24:24 · 9 answers · asked by john 2


surely even the wealthiest 10% must concede that it's a much fairer means of taxation?

2007-07-12 06:55:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean, if we just take the original political definitions of the words, "conservative" and "liberal", we find that:

"conservatives" tended to favor individual rights, states rights, and limited federal power.

"Liberals" initially meant a person who favored large federal government, and reduced individual rights.

It seems now that "conservative" means "a person who blindly supports the policies of the current republican leadership/administration, no matter how far they stray from what you KNOW to be your core beliefs. "

"Liberal" seems to mean, "anyone who disagrees with the current republican administration/leadership on any issue, no matter how benign or important"

I myself am a former member of the Republican Party, and I resigned due to the policies of this Administration reguarding expansions in social welfare programs, unnecessary military expansions, unnecessary wars, and interference in what I had always considered states rights.

Please, spew your ignorance at me.

2007-07-12 06:52:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do these conspiracy theories hold any water?

2007-07-12 06:14:39 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I live in PA, just received the federal census in the mail with a note on the envelope that says it's mandatory to complete and return. It's 28 pages long and asks lots of personal questions.

Has anyone else received one? I don't want to complete it, but don't want to get in trouble either.

2007-07-12 06:13:44 · 3 answers · asked by cls352 3

Like wire tapping and secret prisons for the enemy and so called torture tactics?

2007-07-12 05:29:19 · 14 answers · asked by john 2

I have read in the paper that Israelis like Michael Chertoff are already threatening that another terrorist attack is coming soon. My gut feeling tells me that if another terrorist attack happens in the USA, you can be rest assurred Ashkenazi Jews like Bush, Cheney, and Chertoff are behind it.

2007-07-12 05:25:50 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

It is really obvious to me 9/11 was a set up

The money created is a trick and produced mass slavery

The gas prices are largely influenced by government taxes -

There is a mass and sustained under class that is kept to make some rich at their exspense

That our government is going to go ahead with a union between the US Mexico and us (Canada)

That the nature of war is going to become perpetual - sustained war - to make some very wealthy while expanding the under class and destroying completely the middle of our social structure

That the reality today is not all that different than fuedalist society - I'l be it - are cleaner and they have stopped publicilly disinboweling people who disagree and of course now I get to choose my regional King/employer

Nonetheless it will not stop it will proceed - it will be sold in such a manner as to have the people actually demand these things and more
OK then - can't beat "them" how do I join them ?

2007-07-12 05:22:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

The more i think about it the more i don't think there is.

2007-07-12 05:13:12 · 8 answers · asked by Casey D 2

Ok, I'm a liberal. But it's obvious that pres Bush is commited to his goal, (I just watched the Presidential news conference), and if he succeeds in putting a major dent in crazy terrorism, then at least our efforts will have not gone in vain. As much as I disagree with war, I disagree even more with crazy people blowing themselves up in the middle of a shopping center, etc. What if we, as Americans, gave President Bush 100% support for the remainder of his term, and together, blew terrorism off the map? The election is next September, we can do what we want at that time.

2007-07-12 05:07:19 · 22 answers · asked by emcgman 2

Is a Loss for Bush more Important than a Win for AL-Qaeda to the U.S. Senate?

2007-07-12 05:00:50 · 8 answers · asked by john 2

Nero fiddled while Rome burned, but we know what Clinton did (it involved a Cigar and a barely legal young girl).

Now, for the 8 years of his "presidency", the Taliban and Al Qaida were allowed to flourish in Afghanistan. He actually refused to take bin Laden because Reno questioned the legality of taking bin Laden from a country (The Sudan) with which we had no extradition treaty.

Should Clinton be immediately arrested and tried for accessory to the murders of the 9/11 victims, the USS Cole, the victims of the bombings of our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and countless other deaths attributed to "Bloody Bill Clinton"?

2007-07-12 04:43:07 · 18 answers · asked by nom de paix 4

It's hard to go off statistics without hearing what the problems are, if any. Do you have children in school K-12? What is your experience with the education system? Please list the state you live and what you think they could do to improve, or why you think it's just fine.

2007-07-12 04:38:59 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

And where it discusses the circumstances that the President can use to invoke it?

2007-07-12 04:20:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

It will depress the value of houses that people have worked and paid for all of their lives-and...........................
If, inevitably, most of them are built on the cheapest available land(i.e. Flood plains)-then surely they will have to be built on stilts or the insurance premiums will make it a futile exercise-designed to catch votes for one eyed Jack at the next election-cos like his mate Blair he aint got any other ideas!!

2007-07-12 03:35:35 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-12 03:18:10 · 22 answers · asked by Dirk von Pelvis 1

a san diego elementary school is allowing muslims to do their silly praying during class time, separating boys and girls and accomodating other islamic dogma for the 100 somali muslims in the school. what do you suppose the ACLU would do if this school was accomodating christian or jewish students who demanded these privileges?

what the hell is going on here?...
this country, and lots of others, seem hell-bent on allowing muslims and islam to slowly erode our values and replace them with our enemies. why do you suppose this is being allowed to happen?

2007-07-12 02:47:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

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